HomeMy WebLinkAboutCOMM - Meeting Minutes - - 8-23-1923 - COMMISSIONER MINUTE O .OK BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA J ELMER JOHNSTON, JAMES W WALKER, W H ECKER, COMMISSIONERS A. M. joint meeting of County Commissioners and County Controller to open bids - for printing and delivering approximately 80000 official and 16000 specimen ballots for use at Fall Primary to be held on September 18, 1923 ; present for County Commissioners, Messrs. Walker and Johnston; for County Controller, Deputy, Controller, M. M. Decker; but one bid had been received, that of the Observer Job Rooms, which said bid was opened in presence of the County Commissioners and found to be -an follows: - Printing and delivering approximately 80000 official and 16000 specimen ballots for Fall Primary of September 18, 19239 at following price; $3750.00; this bid being accompanied by certified check as required. Motion by Mr. Johnston, seconded by Mr. Johnston, that contract for, printing and delivering ballots as aforesaid be awarded to the Observer Job Rooms -at. bid submitted, i .e. $3750.00; question called for; voting "Aye" Messrs. Johnston and Walker; motion carried. Motion by -mr.I.4dhaston, ,_seeonded,-by. Mr.,:Walker,M^thdtf--Couhty"C=troller:R° be, directed to -advertise 'for bids for the construction of the following sections of public highways with the County of Washington, the funds for the building thereof being now in hands of the County Treasurer, by reason of the sale and delivery this day, of 165 Road Bonds, par value $165,000, Series of 1923 , the proceeds thereof to be used exclusively for the construction of the roads indicated, viz: - Avella Manchester Road, a distance of approximately 6600_ feet; Charleroi-Lover Road, a distance of approximately one and one-half miles; Canonsburg-Venice Road, a distance of approximately 3400 feet; Moffitt's Mill Road, a distance of approximately 1200 feet; Denbo Road, in Centretille_Borough, a distance of approximately 6500 feet question called for; Voting "Aye" Messrs. Johnston .and Walker. Motion carried. There ,being no further business, the Board adjourned, SIGNED A; UC OU TY COMMISSIONERS. Office of County Commissioners, Washington, Pa, , August 23 , 1923. Commissioners in regular session, members present being Messrs. Walker, Johnston and Ecker. Motion by Mr. Walker, seconded by Mr. Ecker, that County Controller be directed to advertise for bids for the delivery of primary election ballots and supplies to the proper officers of the various election districts of the County of Washington, for use at primary election to be hik�fl on Sept. 18, 19239 delivery to be made not later than Monday, Sept. 17 , 1923. 286 MINUTE BOOK BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHiNGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLV NIA J ELMER JOHNSTON, JAMES W WALKER, W H ECKER, COMMISSIONERS Irlotion unanimously carried. A True Copy from the Minutes; Attest; Clerk County Commissioners, All Motion by Mr. Baker, seconded by Mr. Johnston, that the County of Washington offer a reward of $250, in conjunction with Insurance Companies interested, for the apprehension and conviction of the person, or persons guilty of setting fire to and destroying certain barns and farm property in the Township of Peters and vicinity. Motion unanimously carried. There being no further business, the Board ad rned. SIGNED 414X/COMMIS'SIONHRS* Office of County Commissioners , Washington, Pa. , Sept l9g 1923-01 Commissioners in regular session, members present being Messrs. , Walker and Ecker; Mr. Johnston having notice of meeting, but absent. Joint meeting, at 11 A. M. , of Commissioners and County Con- troller to receive and open bids for the delivery of ballots and supplies for Primary Election of Sept. 18, 1923; present for County Commissioners, Messrs. Walkerp and Ecker, for County Controller, Mr. Underwood; bids from following persons opened and read in presence of County Commissioners; J. C. Crowe, Jr. , $450,00 A. Birdell Clemens, 445.00 Burell Frazee, 430-00 C. E. Thompson and Wm. Galley 350,00 - Harry Riser, 3715'-'00 above bids being accompanied by certified checks,, as requiredrmdtion' by mr. Baker, seconded by Mr. Walker, that cont;act be awarded to C. E. Thompson and Wm. Galley, at their bid of $350.00, and that County Controller return ,certified checks to the unsuccessful bidders; question called for; voting,,,"Aye" Messrs. Baker and Walker. Motion carried. There being no further business before the joint meeting, it was adjourned. rd There being no further business, the Boa adjourned, SIGNED C COUNTOMMISSIONERS.