HomeMy WebLinkAboutCOMM - Meeting Minutes - - 6-28-1911 - COMMISSIONER OIL
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June 28th , 1911
Copy of Resolution.
Resolution of the Hoard of County Coivnisaioners of the :ounty , c
Wnshur4n ,ton,Pennsylvania ) relf:tive to the issue bysaid county of
five hundred roar improvement bonds of the denominatiob of One
Thousand Dollars ( "1 ) 000 . ) each .
At a meetir4l of thr Boaro of
Coun; ty Conua-i ssioners of tLe County of Wasliin�-tort, in the State of
Pennsylvania , eg-:lady geld ftt the office of snit' t_'Ioard o'' County
Conuaissioners at t:ieCourt house of the sail cuurity , in the F3orouf l
_ of WasTtii ;tonjti'/asrjinrton Pounty ;Yenl-.sylvania ) on the 2�th ray oi' Jun .
e,ll the members of Bair Board ) to wit ,Jo2.n A. 1;ferry ,`"lioness i ill .,
- --fo Z10 11-1,w
and w. is Smith ,be i.ng7 Ares exit , the, res olut�ion was'on motion duly matte
n�cozu3et� ,uz�mious1y adopted by the .3ai(, Boa.r(i to wit ;
lIse-f In t.11e C:uux-ti UP A,uc.rtf.32` seslAlori4 of
July, 1911.
County Colmnissioners.
conrmigsicriers ' Clerk.
:ue County of Washington will pay
• to bearer ^%7en4%6&;—t.Yo and 50/100
lollars on the first day of
39 ,a: :-a office op Vie County
='reas•.rre r ,WashingL an,P e nnsyl—
vania ,being six months ' interest
that daf &ae on its Road Improve—
• vent Bow No. , dated July 1 , 1911.
Co•—nty Commissioners .
Date of ; Name of Clerk of
Registration Registered Owner County Co=uasioner. .
AIM BF: IT I?LTRTFI_►,R RESOT."/F-7) that the money roneived from the
ale of said bones be appliee solely to the payment of the cost of the imprave-
ant of saic? roads .
"hat for the purpose of provi(jing for the paymE 11 of t' e
t ereo �
rincipal of :said bon0o )togetrer with the interest and lr1 compliance with the
foresail Act of the General Asselubly , approve(( April ?Oth. 11374,P .L . 65 )
iWi the Acts amendatory therof a V gupplenentaty thereto , an annual tax bekirr-
rAr ,�.7 with the year 19--2 be n-mi the SfL ne is hQreby- levied ArICA fissessed upon
Pay ent or =e princ1pa-1 Qn,cL interest of s 2 d �re7tds a s
same sr_call become payable ,to be collected as follows , to_w1t ; _
In the year 1912
58 v 197. SO
In the y ear 1913 45 ,8-12.50
n the year 1914
44,6s7. 50
43,562. 50
N the year 1916
42,437. 50
Vie yei,,r 1n17
41 ,312. ,o
n the ;,Tees 191p
40 ,11.67050
n the year 1M
393 062.,o
n the yer,r 1920
37 ,937. 50
n the ye"". lg21 36,912. 50
n the yeer 1922 35,&17. 50
n the year 1923 34, 562,50
n the ye,.r 1924 33,437. ;0
In the year 19?.5 32,312. 50
n the year 1926
31319 j. .,0
n the year 1927 30 ,062. 50
n V e year 1925 2 ,937. 50
n the year 1929 27 ,512. 50
the year 1930 26,667e50
n the year 1931
AND I3F IT FVRT1I. RESOLVED)that before any of said bonds s)iall
jl e, -t a s c e d a, .s t Q f e -+, e -•+-t S (�. t C
n e prepared executed and filed in the office of the Clerk of the Court
P Quarter Sessions of WaghintTton Countyl .s required by the second sect
4on of the aforesaid Act of Assembly, approved April. 20th) 1874yand.
Acts amerviatory therof anti supplementary thereto.
Mat the saiO.. Five Mndred, Dollars of bonds jwl� en duly prepared ,
ignec4 and sealed in the form above set fortll shall be delivered
o J _ :�_ W_ S _ KuhzijoSnc0rporate<i3 the purclia,gers thereof, on pay�nent
f the purchase price thereof and the receipt of the Treasurer of s..:dcl
ounty shall be to the purchasers a fuL1 acgi: tttance for the said
urcliase pricejand the said purchasers shall not be bound to see to the
pplication of the proceeds thereof,
vex? by Mr Hill , seconded by Zdr :jzrnith that above resolution be
oP�e� as :eed, Carried unanimously.
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