HomeMy WebLinkAboutCOMM - Meeting Minutes - - 1-19-1912 - COMMISSIONER Jan. 19 , 1912. Moved ty Mr , Derry, seconded by M.r . "ill t'r,at sheep claims be paid up to x the amount of funds in Treasurers hand . Mot ion carried. J an, 19 , 1912 . On motion of �:r HiLl, seconded by ?dr . Barn7_m th t the f cllowing resolutions be passed; RESOLVED by the County Commissioners of Washington Countyl Penn , . that they deem it expedient to improve under the provisions of the Act Of Assembly of said Commonwealth, approved 'day 11, 1911, the folio wing described section of the main roads or highways within said county to-wit ; X section of the road known as the Bulger-Cherry ValleyRoad , said section be; inning at Neal ' s Bridge on t ,e dividing line between Robinson and Smith Townships , and extending along the State Road to Bulgerlthence along the same road to a point on the Hickcr y and Cherry Valley Road opposite the house of Thomas McFarland Estate, thence along the Hickory-Cherry Valley Road to the village of Cherry Valley for a distance of twenty-four thousand three hundred nineteen ( 242319 ) feet,more or lass, all of said road being in Smith Township . That an application for the approval of such improvement be presented to the Court of Quarter Sessions of said county, and that upon the approval of such applications by the Grand Jury and Court , . the County Commissioners shall improve t : .e said described section of road in accordance wit the surveys and plans therefor which have been prepared by C- _aney & Arnstrong, County Road Engineers , and in accordance wit ,-_ the provisions of the Act of Assembly afore- said and its supplements2 RESOLVED by the C omunt Commissioners of Washington County, Penn. , that they deem it expedient to improve , under the provisions of the Act of said Comnonweath, approved May 11, 1911, the following described section of one of the main public roads or highways within said county to wit ; That portion of the public highway known as the Pittsbirg & Morgantown Road, commencing at a point where said road intersects Main Street in the borough of Bentleyville and extending through said Borou_h, and the Township of So1:,erset , Fallowfield andCarroll, by wAv oe t-e Farqu8_Y&r school xouse , tha Greer.lee , Grable and Irwin Farm$ twenty-nine thousand seven huamdred thirty-Your ( 29,734 ) feet ,more or less That an for the ap-proval of such iaproveynen be presented to the Court - of Q03srtsr Sessfone of said County, and that upon the a -:proval o_ such a'-placation by the Gr ni Jury and Couart , the Co y Cow= ssi=r_a_ s s^a^ _ =- r =:e the ssi d aescri e3 section of road in accordance with tihe surveys sr: = g_s t.ere' ore have been prepared by Chaney & Armstrong, CotmtJ- Read �-=-eer= , �.; In acccz- s-.es ,r t t'_^_e �rovi ions of t'_e Act of Assembles afores914 &r-a its RESOLVED by the County Commissioner -s o' Y&z'-_J :_'ton Co=ty, Pennsylvania, that they deem it expedient to im�r _ _ , _ _ .er the provisions of th,e Act of Assembly of said Comrr.onwealth, approte _ lis 11119.L.l, the fol' owing described - section of one of the main roads or ,rit*'in said co=ty, to—wit ; A section of the �Mowr as t:�-e Pine;- 11:e-lest Elizabeth_ Road be =zirring at the easterly _ : _e o' proposed St .-.e high-may Route No 247 in the Borough of =inlet,:=11e , and ex-tending thence in =.r easterly and south-easterly oirectior_ t_sou=-h Gastonville and the --:err ,lLe _= _er, Stilley, Dennison ar_d of er fsr:s , to a point or. the _ividin�_Z line DetT2en Washington and Allegheny Counties for a distance of nineteen_ t hOUserlt fo-Ir hundred thirty-nine and six tenths ( 19, 439 .6 ) feet , rvore or less , beir : in the Borough of Finleyville an-. '.nion Towns iT36 That an application for the araroval of such be pre- , sented to the Court of Gurgrrver Sessionz of said c 7_=_ty, anc ----at upon the approval o-f such app-icatioz by t-he Grand Jury and Co'u't , th'e County Com- missioners s=all improve t1ae said described section o' road in accordance with the Surveys and '01ans there' or, w_^_ich have been prepared by C_aney & _ Armstrong, County Road E1nEineersj &r_d in accordance with the provisions of the Act of Assembly and its a� � _e_�- • RESOLVED by the County Co=i.ssioners of Washington Co =ty, Pennsylvania, that they deem it expedient to improve under the provisions of t:^e nct of Assembly of said Commonwealth, approved May 11, 1911, thle following described section of one of the main roads or highways within said county, to-wit ; n section of the highway lmowri as the iRcl:iurray Road, said section begin-nim- at the Van Finan Bridge over Little Chartiers Creek, on t _e divid- ing line between North Strabane and Peters township, and extending through Peters Towns-,_ip by way of McMurray to t:,,e Allegheny County line near the residence of L. Z. Houston, a distance of twenty-five thousand six hundred fifty -six and six tenths ( 25, 656. 6 ) feet , more or less ) all in Peters Twp . That an application for the approval of such improvemnt be presentd d to the Court of Qu%rter Sessions of said County, an.d that upon the pproval of such application by t=r=e Grand Jury and Court , the County Com- -- i th the surveys and plans therefor which have been prepared by Chaney & Armstrongtftlmty Road Engineers , and in accordance with the act of Assembly aforesaid and its supplements , RESOLVED by t1le County Commissioner of Washington County, Penna . . that they deem it expedient to improve, under the provisions of the Act of Assembly of said COmmonwealth, apnroved May 1121911, the following described section of one of t_"_e ruin roads or highways wit in said county) to..wit ; A section Of t .e highway known as the Pleasant Grove Road, said section beginning at the Pink Road opposite the house of the F-tiram McClain Farm, and extending throw h South Franklin Township for a --A stance of fourteen thousand four hundred twenty— eight and seven—tenths ( 147429* 7 ) feet , more or less , to a point on the valley road opposite the farm house of J M Clark. That an application_ for the approval of such improvement be presentee to the Court o- Quarter Sessions of said county, and that upon the approval of such application by the Grind Jury and Court, the County Comaissioners s:: all, improve the described section of road in accordance with the surveys arc: Plans therefor which :ave been prepared by Chaney & Armstrong, County Road Fff gineers , and in accordance with the provisions of the Act of ; Assembly aforesaid and its supplement : . ' RESOLVED by the County Commissioners o- Washinton County, Penna. , that they deem it expedient to improve, under the provisions of the Act of ssembl4y of said Commonweath, approved May 11, 1911,, the following; described section_ of one of the Main roads or hi;�hwayc0. wit=r.in said countyl to—wit ; _� section of the nighwav known_ as the Little Daniels Run Roa4 said section begiru in at a point on the :'rush Run Ro.�,a an the D. L. Frazee farmlt )-ence by way to the Lutr-ern Church. , A. J. i Sunneydeckers and Isaiah Grables to a point on the Little Daniels Run Road at the Cross Roads near the residence of John Wherry, a distance of twenty—two thousand five hundred ninety—three an-i six thenths ( 22, 597 . 6 ) feot , more or less , all in West Bethlehem Township . That an application for the approval of such improvement be presented to the Court of Quarter Sessions of said County, and that + nrov �l of such application by the Grand Jury and Court., I upon the ape 41 tr_e county co=issioners sliall improve the said described section; I o. road in accordance with the surveys and plans therefor,which iiRve baari prepared by C71 -ney & Armotrorngs COI TitY Road Engincia�aa �