HomeMy WebLinkAboutCOMM - Meeting Minutes - - 6-17-1912 - COMMISSIONER June 7th, 1919 , Nation by Hr Berry seconded � y Mr Barnum that printi ng of 60 bonds be awarded to Security Bank Note Co. , of Philadelphia at $ 130 . 00 . CARRIF.D. Motion by Parn" m seconded by rill that Monongah - la, assessors be instructed to make a supplemental return of occupation taxes . —000-- Contracts for repairing Dunkle , Barr, McCleary and Donahue brides awerded to T. A. Baker as Der prices on file , on r:otion of Mr . Eerry seconded by P.4r. Barnum. Motion carried . June 13 , 1919 . In session Messrs . Hill, Berry and Barnum. On r;otion of ,4r . Berry, seconded by Mr. Barnum, the Treasurer S. M. Downer w=_s authorized to transfer from the General ?=id to the Bonded Debt fund tine sum of Fifty— thousand ( 8501000) Dollars fer the - 131-arpose of paying interest and principal. on bonds . - Carried unanimously. --oO c-- June 17th, 1912. In session Messrs . Bill, Berry and Barnum. The following resolutions presented : Resolution of the Bc rd of County Commissioners of t'r_e coup*,,y of Washington, Pennsylvania, relative to the issue by the said County of sixty ( 60 ) Belle Vernon Bridge Funding and improvement Bonds of the denomination of one thousand dollars ( $1, 000 . ) each. At a meeting of the Commissioners of Washington County in the State of Pennsylvania, regularlty held at the office of the said Board of Commissioners at the Court 1-rouse on the 17th day o£ Juneg1912 .pa11 the mam— fier Q, of the said Board. , t o-^nit , J ohn A.Berry, Thomas Hill and p. P. Barnum, be- ing present , the following resclutior w-.s on r.,otion duly rade and seconded, unanimously adopted by the said Board , to wit ; W" -:ERF,AS, pursuant to the authority of an Act of Assembly, entitled, " An Act to authorize the acquisition by the several counties of this Cor:,.rr,onwealth for the use of the County, of brid'g,es over rivers , creeks, and rivulets , and for the abolition_ of tolls t'_-) ereon" , approved May 8th, 187 , and the Acts amendatory t:nereof &nd supplemental thereto , the Counties of Washington and Fayette in said Commonwealth have heretofore acquired title t and possession of a certain bridge known as the Belle Vernr)n Bride-;e crossing the Monongahela, River at Speers Borough, Washington C01Mty7 fromerly 7the HMMA.S, 7 e said Counties of Washington and Payette are legally.,, id Belle Vernon Bridge Company in the sum of Eighty-three Thous- t Hundred Forty-two Dollars and Fifer. Cents ( $93, £942 . 50 ) , being t of the judgment for damages for the taking of the said Belle Vernon Bridgei duly entered in the Court of Coi;;mon Pleas of Butler County, Pennsylvania on the 30th day of April, 19127 in favor of the Belle Vernon Bridge Comnar�y and against the Counties Of Washington and Fayette , to{;eth- er with interest on said judgment from, the date thereof , w_-icii will emoun.t on the first day of July, 1912 to Eight Hundred Thirty Dollars ( 3o • ) , - and also together with the costs of said suit taxed to the same in said Court , making the amount legally due and owing from the said Counties of Washington and Fayette to the Belle Vernon Bridge Company, with interest and sorts of suit as aforesaid, the sum of Eighty-three thousand ei -ht hundred forty-two i�ollars and fifty cents ( $53) 84? . 50 ) of which aggregate sum, the County of Washington is required and directed to pay the one-hall portion thereof w�:ich said one-half ar::ounts to the sum of Forty-one Thousand, Nine Hun(1red Twenty-one Dollars and Twenty-five Cents ( d41, 921. 25 ) , and WHERFAS, the proceedings for the taking of the said bridge were in all respects regular and legal) and the aforesaid judgment and proceed- ings leading up to the entering thereof were in due �Orm) and the amount off/ the judgment is . they fair value of the property taken, and the County 4tli,PLirrT ' has o meritorious gro4de to anpeal� from said judp-pent has or will be taken by either of the defendants , or the Belle Vernon Bridge Company, plaintiff , and WHRREAS, The aggregate amount of said judggrent including debt , interest and costs to the first day of July, 1912 , to be paid by the said County of Washington2 is Forty-one Thousand Nine Hundred Twenty-one Dollars and Twenty-five Cents ( P,41, 921. 25 ) , as aforesaid , of which sum the County has available to the payment thereof but One Thousand Nine Hundred Twenty one Dollax-s end Twenty—five Cents ( " 1, 921. 25) , there being no funds in the County Treasury applicable to the payment of the Guru of Sixty Thousand Dollars , or any pert thereof , and, ,,, P SFAS, It is necessary that the said bridge be repaired , and the,j Commissioners of t,,:e said Counties Of Washington and Payette in joint session have resolved to i "mediately repair the said bridge, according to ari estir-ata -'urr-fished bu the hgineers of said Courty, amounting to the sUL Of = 0rtY hOUBand Dollars .40 000 010f Which sur the share of Wash- , - - - - - - - - - - - - - - u - - - - - - TI?EREFORE , BE IT TFSOT;YFD , That it order to provide the money necessary to pay for the share of Washington County for the cost of acquiring the said Belle Vernon Bridge 7 and interest as of oresaid , less the slim Of One Thousand Nins uundren Twenty—ore Dollars and immed iatelY available as afora :'aid, al-r ra snd Dollars , as ting to Forty Thcus of orasaid7 as well as to raise the coney r_scessary t0 pay Wa ` ~:ington Collntyl share of the cost of said re?airs , as of Ora Said, the debt of the said Count of Washinv-ton be and t?�e same if hereby increased, ann t_-e amozz+t o? said �ud,gment so regaining unpaid funded in the stun of Sixty T'no:isand Dollars , the total debt of said county not teirg therety increased to an amount in the aggregate exceeding two ner cent (2;�) unon the assessed valuation of the taxable rro�rty therein, as fixed and determined by the - _ =t preeedinv_ assessed valuation thereof , and be it FURT.,=F.R RE-CINEa, Thas for the purpose of raising the money required as sporesaid , coupon bums of the County amounting in the aggre --ate to Sixty Thousand Dollars ($602000 ) , be issued and sold at not less than par, said bends to '-e of the denomination of One 7nousand Dollars ( �'-519000 ) each, numbered from o-,e to sixvy ( 1 to 60 ) , both inclusive , to be dated June 1st7 1912 , to be paya} le as foe_cros ; ROTM *TO.� _ R7- aATF a"07yjT " 0 A ...rHT' 'Y 1 to 5 ?51 000 June 1, 1913 . 6 to l0 51000 JILLne 11 1914 11 to is 51000 June 17 1915. 16 to 20 5, 000 J Une 11 1916 , 21 to 25 5000 June '_, 1917 26 to 3 0 5000 June 11 19153; 31 to 35 5000 June 11 1919 36 to 40 5000 June 11 1920 41 to 45 5000 June 11 1921 46 to 50 5000 June 1) 1922 51 to 55 5000 June 1, 1923 56 to FO 5000, June 1, 1924 Said bonds to ear interest at the rate of four and one—half per centwn (4 1f2% ) per arnum, to be paid semi—annually on the first days of June and December in aach year . tt , u vi-zj 6ae a "vvc 4j 'PYia pr-Ivclpcsl of Bald bonds shall be payable to bearerA Of the Coupons on presentation and surrender thereof as they severally become due ; provided that this bond nhY be registered , in which event , all unmatured coupons of i said registered bonds shall be cut off, and canceled by the Clerk of the -Comrissiorers of said countyl and t`,e name of the registered owner of said bonds be placed in the registration clause on the back t"'.erea1, to5ether with the signature of the said clerk, and thereafter both Principal and interest on said bonds so registered shall be payable to the said registered owner or to is legal representatives or assigns and said bonds shall thereafter be transferable from tir:.e to time only by the registered owner in person or by attorney, upon the books to be ket)t Yor thFst pux'nose in the Office Of the County Commissioners by said clerk. Both principal and interest of said bonds shall be the office of th the at e Cour_ty Treasurer of said count of til shin the Borou-h Of Washi y a gt°n, in ngt on Washint on County, Pa. '?'he said bonds shall be substantia,�ly in the following form; UNITED STATES Oil' AMERICA) STATE OF PE",gY +VANIA, COIP'ITY 0n WASHINGTON. BE,LE VERNONBRIDGE FUNDIN(T AND MPROVFlipTT BUID. No 1 2000 KNOB' ALL _Acr.r7T BY 7:HESE PRESENTS, That the County of Washington in the State of Pennsylvania, for value received, acknowledges itself to be indebted, and promises to pay to the baa.rer, or if registered, to the registered holder hereof, the sum of One Thousand Dollars ( 11000 ) 2 in lawful money of the United States of America on the first day of J-LVvP , , with interest thereon at the rate of four and one—half per centum ( 4 V2 %) per annum, payable semi—annually on the first days of December and June in each year, the principal thereof being payable at the office of tha County Treasurer in the Borou- ,ri o ' Washington, Washington County, Pennsylvania, and the interest at the same plaee , upon presentation and surrender of the annexed coupons as they severally be— come due ; provided that this bona may be re� istered, in which event , all unmatured coupons of this bond shall be cut off , ard cancelled by the Clerk of the Commissioners of said County, and the name of the re— gistered owner of this bond to be placed in the registration clause on the back of this bond , together with the si€mature of the said Clerk, and therea_ter both princi -)al and interest of this bond shall ' 'e pay— able to said registered owner or, his legal representatives or assigns , and this bond shall thereafter be tranaf erable from time to time only ly the registered owner in person or by attorney, upon the books to be kept for that purpose in t'.:e office of the County Commissioners , by said clerk. This bond is one o=- a series of sixty ( 60 ) of like date ) tenor Agri G1:eCL j eZCeat as t0 the dates Of maturity, w..:ouyt ing in the .J issued for the purpose of raising funds to Fr ovide for said eounty' s share of the cost of the acquisition of the Belle Vernon Bridge ' erossing the Monon gahela River at Speers Boro-a = In was:in--ton r.o-_mty� Penr,sylvania, by anti between the Counties o' W;. ,- ^C-ton and -ayettel in: said Coa=o:wealth, and a -so the cost of saki bride in pursuance of9and in full conformity with an Act off the 3ene:a! As.=e:..L4 o:' ;_`_s Go-_or.naath 0f Pennsylvania, entitle • An act to re_ i c_te t_e = =er Of ir_creasiny the indebtedness of mark cis __e= ,1 to _)rovi :e for t _e redemption of the same , and to impose penalties .or the 411eg&I increz = e thereof' ) approved April 20th, 1874, and the Acts as�story t hereof and ��i?�?�. &I t ereto, and by virtue of a ResolutiM _ _ � _ _ : of the County �af Commissiongrs - of the - Count EY_ -T &do= e� T ni�=�t an' a �. - .ye �—' day of June 1912 . It is hereby cer.ia3 and recite_ mat all acts , conditions . aIld �i211ngs r_e ce � sar_- to t-=6 �6�-�'==y O� it Zor_�� szl �ts � �aca N-aposnad acid have been dore ; that every require=i o= law affecttW the VaUdity thereof has beeri fuily complied �ri`v^� t. �t th33 bo 1s wjtj -= every ' abt and other limit prescribe , by the Constittitio-- ana - &w-- ^f thjs stemma , ead that prior to the issuance thereof , an a.-z--Ual tax has been ivied in a sum sufficient to Day the pri*- c=psa an.- interest o� series of bands . The faith, credit an.:: property of the said County o= Wazhin-: or_ are hereby ir- revocabltiy pledged to the pumctu&l P%Y=ent O' L=a "Drinc4za1 sr=- =merest or this bond in accordance wi;,h its terms . IN WM��,,S - � J'� T_e Owinty Co=r-issicT_ers Of the Cotm'�y Of Washington have duly caused this bond to- be issued az--z' executed by them in the nfLma or s®ia coa .,;,T, ar3 tie corporate seal of t=-e said county to be hereunto affixedl attested by the Commissioners ' Clerk2 and _e couaOr_s hereto annexed to be executed by. the =acsirile si:7nature of said COUnty Co=__.issione s as of the -- of v� 1010 � ATTEST ; COMVIS31 =13rsw clerk , o•ar. ,,y oars ssioners: FOEM OF COU_ ON " No . 22650 The Cour_ty of Washington will pay to bearer Twenty-two Dollars and Fifty cents ( 122 . 50) on the first day of 19 9 1t the office of the County TreasurerjWasgh.int,ton� Pa. , being six months ' interest that day due on its Funding and Improvement Bond No . . dated JvnP1 _ I419 _ County Commissioners . FORM 0- RE•TIS7 ,.- Date of e o' ; Cler'c of Registration ; Re -istered owner County Corrlr;issioners . AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVEDIThat the moneys received from the sale of said bonds be forthwith applied to the payment of the amount due on the aforesaid 3udgment , costs -.nd interest thereon and the repairing Rnd improvement of said bridge . That for the purpose of providing for the payment of the principi said bonds , together with the interest and taxes due the Commonwealth thereon, and in compliance witl- the apores . _id Act of ;,he Gener�i.l Assemcly, . e,pprove'_ April 20th) lS74, and the Acts A:-.endptory thereof and supplement— al thereto , a,n annual tax beginning wit: : the year 1912 be and the same is hereby levied and assessed upon the proper surjeets of taxation within said county, to be applied solely to the payment of the principal Of said bonds , as the same shall become p yable , to be collected as follows ; In the ye . r 1913 9937 . 50 In the yaer 1914 736o" . 5o In the year 1915 7137 . 50 In the ye r 1916 6912 . 50 In the year 1917 6697. 50 In the ye r 1915 6462 . 50 In the year 1919 6237, 50 In the ye r 1920 6019650 In the year 1921 5757. 50 In the year 1922 5562 . 50 In the year 1923 5337, 50 In the year 1924 5112 . 50 AN _, RE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That beAm a any of said bonds shall be issuedl a statement shall be prepared , executed and filed in the Office of Clerk of Quarter Sessions of Washin ton County, as require . by the second Section of the aforesaid Act of Asse: bly, approved April 20th719747and the Acts aLendatory thereof and supplementary thereto . T at the said SIXTY THOUSAND DOLLARS ( I� 50, 000 ) of bonds whet. dully prepared signed and sealed in the form above set forth shall be Cc purcYiaaers thereof .) 0`Cl