HomeMy WebLinkAboutCOMM - Meeting Minutes - - 10-21-1912 - COMMISSIONEReptember 3,192.
�rBsarit _e=Lwre ali l,P-�-rry and Barnum. Bids opened and tabulated for
Hillsboro and Clarksville bridges. Bids are as follolvs;—
Killsboro bridge2uarra' Bonnell
�6 cents
)A H Evans 75 cents and furnish
paint;man-k 5`'Irart 1.00;Clyde Bennett 20 cents(41
''arnish materiah or 50.00,d ' S0) ;V�lm Green 70, 00 'and
ComMissioners furnish material.
,larkQville bridge, Harry Donnell 34 cents;rra,nk Swart =
Sennett 30 cents or w 11�•;Clyde
V' (�• 00 j ;WX Green $ 70.00 and furnish material
50. )O and t _e COMmissioners ,,
�urr_is_. material. Motion by Mr Berry
econded by Mr Barnum that Millsboro bride
,e be ewarded to Mr Deenett
t 20 cents per foot lineal and Clarksville bridge be given to M
reat $ 50. 00 .I;joti on ca,rriecir
September 16th,1912.
Lotion by Mr Berry2seconded b Mr
�' T'ill that Mr McBride be allowed -�,t 50.00
'or vrork in the Celia ,i'ubka, Murder case. Carried.
September 30th,1912.
:n session _iessrs Hi112Berry and Barnum and County Controller, i_ofiitt.
aids for Monongahela -Pigeon Creek road opened as follows;—
.11am, Construction Co., 6,333.50
somas Arrigo
M. Driver 51161, 00
ids for brick for said road were opened and tabulated by the Engineers ,
the following firms bidding,—
ames MoPorter
ar ;
riea.n Sewer Pipe Co
P. Mayer
iced Piro Brick Co
Penna Clay Co
17*95 Der M 42 Der sq yd.
16.50 per _1. 36 per sq yd.
1^.00 per M. 42 to the sq yd
16.55 per M. 42 to the sq yd
l6e90 per M. 42 to the sq yd.
17.25 per 14. 42 to the sq ydo
moved by 1-fir Berry seconded by Mr Barnum that defer kettin - o^ contracts
until 11,ednesday mornint- Oct 2nd. :: otion carried.
October 21st.1912.
In s1�. as.ion .essrs Ti11,Berry and rarnum.Ori motion_ of 11\:4r Derry
seconded by Mr Hill `he followin?. names were ordered added to the
registration list of Monongahela City,in accordance with petitions proper
ly preser_ted;cseorge Bantz,T1'rank Grell,Jesee Field.s,john Illiott,II.TT. CLL;na
Claayson, :I Clayson Jr,VVm,B.Robbin,John S.Kelley, and Edward Martin.
Resolved by the 00-arty Co=issioners of Washington County, Penna.,that
hey deem it expedient to inrove,under the provisions of the pet of
e aemh l y n? Amid eom7t'�o,w a th auurcvad Mai ±1w-,1�31, t1.e foLo 'v .LD cie scribed
ection of one of the mm�.i^ reads or highways within said county,to-wit;
.at portion of the road in Carroll be ginning at ti13
orou h line of Donora w-IerL :IcKean avenue int-ersects sai__ borough kine.an.'
xter_ding through West Colo=bia Hollow to Sampson's School House,a_n:� trend:
by Way of Eldora arm
.iacob Fisher's
resident or Monori;ahel.a Ridge
odd, and
t ".ence extez ii^r by
said Rideo ??Oad
to a -noI' ; in the tate Road
-eadir_-- _fro;:_ Monon-=_a-ela City
to C:-_&.rleroi _.t
or r-ear AleXanderrIts School
ou e, for a distance of Seventeen 7.-_,ousa^:d Eight =.nidred and Party -four
17,544) feet,more or less.
THat an application for the approval of suc 1 provemert to be pre-
ented to the Court of i;:�mrter Sessi--ns of sal^ Co'.r:jy,anci ;hat upon the
proval of such application uy the Srand Jury and eoUrttt-e County co -
issioners shall imT)rove tahe said improve the said described section o-f road
n accordance with t_e surveys and plans t-,erefor,whic} rave .been prepared by
haney & Armstrong,C012nty Road Rn inears,and in accordance with the provision.
i the Act of Assembly a'orsaid,and its suppleWe--_ts.
Unanimously Carried.Oct 21thel912.
October 15th,1912.
oved by -Mir 'Till seconded - yr lr Barnum that Controll r be requested to
dvertise --',"or bids for ta' lots for ''ove**ber electior_,to be opened at 1 o' �1er.'
on-, ay,
iio---ion cerrier?.
*Tovembar lst.192.
n session Messrs=:ili,Berry and Barnum.ltoved by Mr Hill seconded by 11r
erry tl-;at �-eiler be c.a ojnted assessor for let Ward.Carr;ed
17ow3r-ber 4.1912.
At a joint meetiror of the County Corx�issioners and the County Controller,
ollowim-, resolutionwas rassed;tbat the Controller be requested and author -
zed to adver,,ise for bids to be opened November 20,192,for the si.le of
100,000,00 Road Improvement Bonds,dated Dec., 15,1912,be-ring interest at 4
ub jeet to tax,riaturing $ 2000.00 each year, 1913 to 1917 both inclusive,
5000,00 each, year7191B and 1919 and $ 19, 000. CO eac:n. year tiiereafter.
Carried Unanimously.
November 10th)1912.
In sessi,-)n 1.4essrs fiill,Berry and Barniu4oved by Mr Barnum seconded by '.Mr Hil
that Michael Dooley be elected Assessor for Allen township to succeed W.M.
owner, removed from the townsri-ip. Carried.
oved by Mr Tlill seconded by 'b2r Barnum that Geo A.Zeh be elected assessor of S.
ard,MononRahela to succeed Crags P K�11� �� •� �, �