HomeMy WebLinkAboutCOMM - Meeting Minutes - - 11-4-1912 - COMMISSIONER COp'_' OF RESOLUTJOY OF COTfrTY COru,IUSIONF,RS� ADOPm
Resolved by the Coua ty Co=issioners of Wasrin,rton County, Penna. . tha.t
they deem it expedient to inrove, under the provisions of the Act of
eaemhly n? Amid Vomro2'w atth auurcvad may ±1w-� 1�31, t=-e YoLo:vino ciescribea
ection of one of the mm�.i^ reads or hlghways within said county, to-wit ;
.at portion of the road in Carroll Toym.s-,aiD be ginning at ti13
lorou h line of Donora w"nerL :[cKean avenue intersects sai__ boraugh kine, an,
xtending through West Coltx.bia Hollow to Sampson ' s School House , an:� trend:
Xtendina by way of Eldora arm .iacob -Fis1.er 's resident of 'Lor_ori;ahel.a P.idre
by said Rideo Road to a -no"* in the State Road
oad, and t ".ence extez ii^r
eadir_.�- _fro;:_ 3tonon a-ela City to C:-_&.rleroi _.t or rear tinder ' s School
ou e , for a distance of Seventeen 7.-_, ousa^:d Eight _,- idred and Party-four
17,544) feet ,more or Less .
THat an application for the approval of suc iYprovemert to be pre-
ented to the Court of i;:�mrter Sessi --ns of sai^ Co'_a:jy, and ;hat upon the
approval of such application by tale 1rand J j y and COurtjt-e County Co -
.issioners shall improve tahe said improve the said described section_ of road
n accordance with t_e surveys and plans t-,erefor,whic' rave .been prepared by
haney & Armstronf?, County Road Rn inears , and in accordance with the provision,.,
i the Act of Assembly aforsaid, and its supple-res-ts .
Unanimously Carried. Oct 21thel912 .
October ?5th, 1912,
oved by -Mir 'Till seconded .- yr lr Barnum that Controll r be requested to
dvertise '- or bids for ta'lots for ''ove**ber electior_, to be opened at 1 O ' -)ler.'
` Ot1'=ay. lfo�ion_ carrier-? .
*Tovembar 1st . 192 .
n session Messrs =:i11,Berry and BarnumoMoved by Mr Hill seconded by 11r
erry tl-; at Chas �-eller be c.a ojnted assessor 'or Yo^one eelf, let Ward. Carr;ed
''ov;,mber 4. 1912.
At a 60int meetiror of t�+e County CoMMissioners and the County Controller, th
ollowin:, resolution was rassed;tbat the Controller be requested and author-
ized to adver ,,ise for bids to be opened November 20, 192, for the si. le of
100 , 000 . 00 Road Improvement Bonds , dated Dec. , 15, 1912, be - ring interest at 4 /2
subject to tax, riaturing $ 2000 . 00 each year , 1913 to 1917 both Inclusive ,
5000 . 00 eac _1 year7191F and 1919 and $ 19, 000 . CO eac:n. year tliereaf'ter .
Carried Unanimously.
November 10th) 1912 .
In sessi,-)n Ifessrs Tlill, Berry and Barniu4oved by Mr Barnum seconded by '.Mr Hill
that Michael Dooley be elected Assessor for Allen township to succeed W. M.
Downer , removed from the townsiiip • Carried.
11oved by Mr Tull seconded by Mr Barnum that Geo A. Zeh be elected assessor of s-
ard3MononRahela to suceeed Crags P K�11� � � •�
�.e mac. ci e=. z