HomeMy WebLinkAboutCOMM - Meeting Minutes - 812 - 4-5-2007 - COMMISSIONER337 MINUTE BOOK BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA Minute No. 812 Washington County Commissioners Washington, PA, April 5, 2007 The Washington County Board of Commissioners met in a regular session in the Public Meeting Room, Courthouse Square, Washington, Pennsylvania, with the following members being present: Commissioners Larry Maggi, Bracken Burns and Diana L. Irey. Also being present: Scott Fergus, Director of Administration; Mary Helicke, Chief Clerk; Lynn DeHaven, Solicitor; Linda Belcher, Administrative Assistant; Joy Sprowls and JoAnn Metz, Commissioners' Office; Tim Kimmel, Director of Human Services; Melanie Finney, Planning Commission; Harry Wilson, Veterans Director; Tim McCullough, Director of Human Resources; Jeff Felton, Director of Children and Youth Services and staff members; Pastor David Mansfield, Fairhill Manor Christian Church; Richard Siebert, American Legion; Judge Kathy Emery; Larry Spahr, Elections Office; Kellie McKevitt, Marsha Williams and Jennifer Linton, SPHS Care Center; Birdie Roof, United Way Agency; a number of county employees for perfect attendance; John Adams, Carl Maggi, Harry Sabatasse, Steve Fischer; Tom Russell, Joe Raposky, Bob Loar, Martha Dorsey and Torn Russell, interested citizens; Barbara Miller, Observer -Reporter; and Jim Jefferson, WJPA. Co -Chairman Burns called the meeting to order at approximately 10:00 a.m. Pastor Mansfield led the meeting with a prayer. At this time, Co -Chairman Burns mentioned the recent passing of Robert Harms, Director of the Mental Health/Mental Retardation Office. He noted that Mr. Harms was highly respected for his dedication to public service and requested a moment of silence in his remembrance. Mr. Siebert led the Pledge of Allegiance. Co -Chairman Burns entertained a motion to approve Minute No. 811 dated March 15, 2007 as written. Moved by Mrs. Irey, seconded by Mr. Maggi, approving Minute No. 811 as written. Roll call vote taken: Mrs. Irey — Yes; Mr. Maggi — Yes; Mr. Burns — Yes. Motion carried unanimously. SPECIAL ORDER OF BUSINESS The Commissioners read a Resolution requesting and urging Congress to amend necessary federal regulation to allow federal financial participation for medical benefits to incarcerated individuals until convicted and sentenced to secure detention. Moved by Mrs. Irey, seconded by Mr. Maggi, adopting the foregoing Resolution. Roll call vote taken: Mrs. Irey - Yes; Mr. Maggi - Yes; Mr. Burns - Yes. Motion carried unanimously. The Commissioners read a Proclamation declaring April as Sexual Violence Awareness Month. Moved by Mrs. Irey, seconded by Mr. Maggi, adopting the foregoing Proclamation. Roll call vote taken: Mrs. Irey - Yes; Mr. Maggi - Yes; Mr. Burns - Yes. Motion carried unanimously. 338 MINUTE BOOK BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA Ms. McKevitt, of SPHS Care Center, thanked the Board for their support and briefly commented on the many services that the SPHS Care Center provides to victims of sexual violence. The Commissioners read a Proclamation declaring April as "Scouting for Food" month. Moved by Mrs. Irey, seconded by Mr. Burns, adopting the foregoing Proclamation. Roll call vote taken: Mrs. Irey - Yes; Mr. Maggi - Yes; Mr. Burns - Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Ms. Roof, of the United Way, accepted the Proclamation and noted the agency's appreciation for the Board's involvement with this worthwhile cause in assisting families with food for their pantries. The Commissioners read a Proclamation declaring as April Child Abuse Prevention Month, Moved by Mrs. Irey, seconded by Mr. Maggi, adopting the foregoing Proclamation. Roll call vote taken: Mrs. Irey - Yes; Mr. Maggi — Yes; Mr. Burns- Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Jeff Felton, Children and Youth Director, thanked the Board and his dedicated staff for all their support and hard work in working with various organizations in addressing the prevention of child abuse. Commissioner Irey stated caseworkers who have the job of taking children away from their families do not get the thanks that they deserve and noted this would be an appropriate time to do so. The Commissioners presented certificates of recognition to county employees who had perfect attendance during 2006. (RECESS FOR PHOTOS) PUBLIC COMMENTS Joe Raposky, of Union Township, addressed the Board regarding the matter of the County's implementation of the state Clean and Green Act. He briefed the Board on his situation as to how his property has been assessed and stated this is an illegal system. Mr. Raposky stated he feels this is not a fair way to assess homes and is considering a class action suit against the county over this matter, Co -Chairman Burns informed Mr. Raposky his recourse to this matter would be to appeal his property taxes if he felt it was not correct. John Adams, of Avella, commented on the up -coming election and the problems facing government and spending tax dollars. Tom Russell, a business owner in Houston and a resident of Coal Center, addressed the Board on the matter of flooding in the Chartiers Creek area. He pointed out the flooding happens nearly every time it rains and again requested the help of the Board to assist in alleviating this problem. Harry Sabatasse of Burgettstown, commented on his goal to help the citizens of Washington County who are not able to help themselves. He told the Board that it is their job to work on eliminating property taxes. 3Z.;t9 Ll MINUTE BOOK BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA OLD BUSINESS Solicitor DeHaven recommended the Board award the bid for the furnishing and delivering of office supplies to Office Max, Pittsburgh, PA at the catalog discount of 48%, cartridges at 34% discount and our core items are discounted over 60%. This contract would be effective May 1, 2007 through April 30, 2010 with the option to extend for two additional one year periods. Moved by Mrs. Irey, seconded by Mr. Maggi, awarding the bid for office supplies as per above. Roll call vote taken: Mrs. Irey - Yes; Mr. Maggi - Yes; Mr. Burns - Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Solicitor DeHaven recommended the Board award the bid for the repairs of kitchen and laundry equipment as follows: Kitchen Equipment - Action Commercial Kitchen Repair. Hickory PA $54/hr (normal business hours) & $81/hr (after normal business hours) plus $40 service charge; parts at list price Laundry Equipment - Standard Textile Eotripment Co.. Pittsburgh, PA $69/hr (normal business hours) & $103.50 (after normal business hours) no service charge; parts at list price. All work is done on a time and material basis as needed. This contract is effective April 5, 2007 through February 28, 2008 with the option to renew on a year-to-year basis through February 28, 2010 by mutual agreement of all parties. Moved by Mrs. Irey, seconded by Mr. Maggi, awarding the bid for repairs of kitchen and laundry equipment as per above. Roll call vote taken: Mrs. Irey - Yes; Mr. Maggi - Yes; Mr. Burns - Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Solicitor DeHaven recommended the Board award the bid for the yearly preventative maintenance and repairs to the following vendors: Building Control Systems, Carnegie, PA Quality Mechanical Services, Inc., Verona, PA This bid has been awarded to the lowest most responsive and responsible bidders. The total yearly cost for the preventative maintenance is approximately $17,000 for all county owned buildings. The repairs are "as needed" based on time and materials. This contract is effective April 15, 2007 through April 14, 2008 with option to extend for two additional one year -periods. Moved by Mrs. Irey, seconded by Mr. Maggi, awarding the foregoing bid for yearly preventative maintenance and repairs. Roll call vote taken: Mrs. Irey - Yes; Mr. Maggi - Yes; Mr. Burns - Yes. Motion carried unanimously. m. l MINUTE C ■ � BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA Solicitor DeHaven recommended the Board award the bid for the taser guns and supplies to Witmer Associates, Inc., Chalk Hill, PA being the lowest most responsive and responsible bid received. This contract will be effective April 5, 2007 through April 4, 2008 with the option to extend for one additional year. Total yearly cost is estimated at approximately $10,000. Moved by Mrs. Irey, seconded by Mr. Maggi, awarding the bid for taser guns and supplies to Witmer Associates, Inc. as per above. Roll call vote taken: Mrs. Irey - Yes; Mr. Maggi - Yes; Mr. Burns - Yes. Motion carried unanimously. NEW BUSINESS Chief Clerk presented to the Board for their consideration and approval to ratify an agreement with Jamie Belfiore to serve as a Court Reporter to the Court of Common Pleas at the rate of $150 per day in an amount not to exceed $3,000 annually. The contract is effective March 19, 2007 and will remain in effect until either party notifies the other party in writing within thirty days of their intent to terminate the contract. Moved by Mrs. Irey, seconded by Mr. Maggi, approving the foregoing agreement with Jamie Belfiore. Roll call vote taken: Mrs. Irey - Yes; Mr. Maggi - Yes; Mr. Burns - Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Chief Clerk presented to the Board for their consideration and approval an agreement for Andrew Egut to provide Geographical Information Mapping Services for the Public Safety Department in accordance with ACT 56 Wireless Funding guidelines. The contract rate is $13.00 per hour, not to exceed $25,350.00 a year and will be effective April 5, 2007. No County funds are required. Moved by Mrs. Irey, seconded by Mr. Maggi, approving the agreement with Andrew Egut as per above. Roll call vote taken: Mrs. Irey - Yes; Mr. Maggi - Yes; Mr. Burns - Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Chief Clerk presented to the Board for their consideration and approval fees that are associated with the Peer Jury Annual Recognition to be held on May 16, 2007 at Washington Park. The total of the luncheon is $1,595.00. above. Moved by Mrs. Irey, seconded by Mr. Maggi, approving the expenses for the Juvenile Probation Office as per Roll call vote taken: Mrs. Irey - Yes; Mr. Maggi - Yes; Mr. Burns - Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Chief Clerk presented to the Board for their consideration and approval the appointment of Charles Crouse to the Washington County Planning Commission effective through December 31, 2008. Moved by Mrs. Irey, seconded by Mr. Maggi, approving the foregoing appointment of Charles Crouse. Roll call vote taken: VINUTE BOOK C n BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Mrs. Irey - Yes; Mr. Maggi - Yes; Mr. Burns - Yes. Motion carried unanimously. WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA Chief Clerk presented to the Board for their consideration and approval a change order with Chapman Corporation for a total deduction of $12,692.23. Chapman will complete additional drainage and REIL unit repairs at a total cost of $4,784 which will be offset by deductions in final quantities used in the installation of the High Intensity Runway Lights. The final contract amount is $378,704.77 to be paid 100% FAA funds. above. Moved by Mrs. Irey, seconded by Mr. Maggi, approving the change order with Chapman Corporation as per Roll call vote taken: Mrs. Irey - Yes; Mr. Maggi - Yes; Mr. Burns - Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Chief Clerk presented to the Board for their consideration and approval the following list of providers for Child Care Information Services. The agreements will automatically renew until either party notifies the other party in writing of their intent not to renew under the current terms. Marilyn Zofchak, Canonsburg Jennifer Seaton, North Charleroi Margaret Erwin, Washington Beth Cannon, McDonald Tamara L. Dunn, Bentleyville Kathy J. Burns, Avella Amy L. Taneyhill, Washington Barbara J. Hughes, Avella Jayne C. Wylie, Washington Moved by Mr. Maggi, seconded by Mrs. Irey, approving the list of providers for the Child Care Information Services as per above. Roll call vote taken: Mrs. Irey - Yes; Mr. Maggi - Yes; Mr. Burns - Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Chief Clerk presented to the Board for their consideration and approval to ratify the submission of the 2007-08 Grant Application to the Department of Public Welfare in the amount of $6,330,023. This grant application provides subsidized child care services to eligible working families in the County. No County funds are required. Moved by Mrs. Irey, seconded by Mr. Maggi, approving the ratification of the submission of the 2007-08 Grant Application to the Department of Public Welfare for Child Care Information Services as per above. Roll call vote taken: Mrs. Irey - Yes; Mr. Maggi - Yes; Mr. Burns - Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Chief Clerk presented to the Board for their consideration and approval a petty cash account in the amount of $100.00 for the Child Care Information Services Office. This will be used to cover miscellaneous expenses such as postage, food items for trainings/meetings and office supplies. No County funds are required. Moved by Mrs. Irey, seconded by Mr. Maggi, approving the petty cash account for Child Care Information Services as per above. Roll call vote taken: Mrs. Irey - Yes; Mr. Maggi - Yes; Mr. Burns - Yes. RIK MINUTE BOOK BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA Motion carried unanimously. Chief Clerk presented to the Board for their consideration and approval addenda to the following purchase of service contracts for the period July 1, 2006 through June 30, 2007.' No additional County funds are required. Community Specialist Corp., d/b/a The Academy — Contract authorization amount increases from $45,000 to $95,000. Gannondale — Contract authorization amount increases from $110,000 to $130,000. Outside in School of Experiential Education — Contract authorization amount increases from $100,000 to $155,000. George Junior Republic — Contract authorization amount increases from $120,000 to $175,000. Summit Academy — Contract authorization amount increases from $360,000 to $610,000. Moved by Mrs. Irey, seconded by Mr. Maggi, approving the foregoing addenda for the Children and Youth Services Office. Roll call vote taken: Mrs. Irey - Yes; Mr. Maggi - Yes; Mr. Burns - Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Chief Clerk presented to the Board for their consideration and approval to ratify the submission of the annual renewal application for the Civil Rights Certificate of Compliance. No County funds are required. Moved by Mrs. Irey, seconded by Mr. Maggi, approving the ratification of the submission of the annual renewal application as per above. Roll call vote taken: Mrs. Irey - Yes; Mr. Maggi - Yes; Mr. Burns - Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Chief Clerk presented to the Board for their consideration and approval the continuation of the STOP Grant with the Pennsylvania Commission on Crime and Delinquency (PCCD). This federal grant in the amount of $93,744 is for the period of July 1, 2007 through June 30, 2008. A cash match of $35,092 is requested for the Washington Women's Shelter, Inc. and will be receiving the funds directly from PCCD with the County now being a contractor. Moved by Mrs. Irey, seconded by Mr. Maggi, approving the continuation of the STOP Grant as per above. Roll call vote taken: Mrs. Irey - Yes; Mr. Maggi - Yes; Mr. Burns - Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Chief Clerk presented to the Board for their consideration and approval a new grant with the Pennsylvania Commission on Crime and Delinquency. The grant is titled Criminal Justice Advisory Board Establishment Project (CJAB). This is a federal grant in the amount of $20,125 with a County cash match of $6,708. The grant period is July 1, 2007 through June 30, 2008 with the funds being used to purchase equipment needed for video arraignment. Moved by Mrs. Irey, seconded by Mr. Maggi, approving the new grant with the Pennsylvania Commission on Crime and Delinquency as per above. Roll call vote taken: Mrs. Irey - Yes; Mr. Maggi - Yes; Mr. Burns - Yes. MINUTE BOOK BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA Motion carried unanimously. Chief Clerk presented to the Board for their consideration and approval of budget modification for the Offender Day Partial Treatment Grant with PCCD. This State grant will be reduced from $365,919 to $345,919 with the reductions occurring in personnel, travel and other operating expenses. The consultant's category and the time period of the grant will remain the same. Moved by Mrs. Irey, seconded by Mr. Maggi, approving the budget modification for the Offender Day Partial Treatment Grant as per above. Roll call vote taken: Mrs, Irey - Yes; Mr. Maggi - Yes; Mr. Burns - Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Chief Clerk presented to the Board for their consideration and approval authorization to bid window washing for the Courthouse, Courthouse Square, Family Court Center and Health Center. This is a twice yearly cleaning estimated at $12,000 per year. Moved by Mrs. Irey, seconded by Mr. Maggi, approving authorization to advertise for bids for window washing as per above. Roll call vote taken: Mrs. Irey - Yes; Mr. Maggi - Yes; Mr. Burns - Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Chief Clerk presented to the Board for their consideration and approval the purchase of eighty-four IP phones for Children and Youth Services. It is to be noted this purchase is being made through the PA COSTARS program, and therefore, does not require bidding. The total cost is estimated at approximately $27,898 with the breakdown as follows: Federal funds, approximately $9,800; State funds, approximately $14,560; and County funds approximately $2,764. Moved by Mrs. Irey, seconded by Mr. Maggi, approving the foregoing purchase of eighty-four IP phones for Children and Youth Services. Roll call vote taken: Mrs. Irey - Yes; Mr. Maggi - Yes; Mr. Burns - Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Chief Clerk presented to the Board for their consideration and approval the purchase of the UPS for the 9-1-1 Center. The existing UPS has reached its end of life and will not support the new equipment. The estimated cost of the new UPS with installation is approximately $96,000. The total cost of this project is covered under the ACT 56 Wireless Grant Money. No County funds are required. above. Moved by Mrs. Irey, seconded by Mr. Maggi, approving the purchase of the UPS for the 9-1-1 Center as per Roll call vote taken: Mrs. Irey - Yes; Mr. Maggi - Yes; Mr. Burns - Yes. Motion carried unanimously. MINUTE BOOK BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA Chief Clerk presented to the Board for their consideration and approval the purchase of a new Juvenile Probation database server. This purchase has been approved by the capital expenditure committee. The total cost of the server is approximately $20,303 and $7,000 will be reimbursed to the county by the Juvenile Court Justice Committee and the remaining $13,303 will be paid by capital funds. This purchase is being made from HP on the PA COSTARS 3 contract and therefore does not require bidding. Moved by Mrs. Irey, seconded by Mr. Maggi, approving the foregoing purchase of a new Juvenile Probation database server. Roll call vote taken: Mrs. Irey - Yes; Mr. Maggi - Yes; Mr. Burns - Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Chief Clerk presented to the Board for their consideration and approval the purchase of two additional cell phones for Court Automation. These phones will be for two employees that currently do not have cell phones and have been approved by President Judge Debbie O'Dell -Seneca. The current rate for the Nextel phone is $32.79/month with 400 shared minutes and unlimited direct connect. Moved by Mrs. Irey, seconded by Mr. Maggi, approving the purchase of two additional cell phones for Court Automation as per above. Roll call vote taken: Mrs. Irey - Yes; Mr. Maggi - Yes; Mr. Burns - Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Chief Clerk presented to the Board for their consideration and approval the change of cellular service for two employees of Information Technology (Don Cortese and Dan Briner) to the tethered plan which will enable the Blackberry device to act as a wireless computer connection for laptops in the field. This adds a total additional cost of $79/month. Moved by Mrs. Irey, seconded by Mr. Maggi, approving the change of cellular service for employees in the Information Technology Department as per above. Roll call vote taken: Mrs. Irey - Yes; Mr. Maggi - Yes; Mr. Burns - Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Chief Clerk presented to the Board for consideration and approval the lease/purchase of a 2008 Ford F-250 Super Cab for the West Nile Virus Program. The West Nile Virus grant allows reimbursement of $8,000 for a vehicle. This will be a lease/purchase over a forty-eight month period with payments of $8,266.19 annually in advance. The lease includes a "Non -Appropriation of Funds" clause which would allow the County to terminate the lease purchase agreement if the program is not funded. This request is based upon the Solicitor's review and approval of the lease/purchase agreement. Moved by Mrs. Irey, seconded by Mr. Maggi, approving the foregoing purchase of a 2008 Ford F-250 Super Cab for the West Nile Virus Program. Roll call vote taken: Mrs. Irey - Yes; Mr. Maggi - Yes; Mr. Burns - Yes. MINUTE BOOK BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA Motion carried unanimously. Chief Clerk presented to the Board for their consideration and approval an agreement with RBA for providing web access for the Tax Revenue Office. This is a professional service which includes the installation, module configuration and training. This web access will provide the ability for the public to search property records for a fee beginning approximately May 1, 2007. The fee structure has not been determined. The total cost of this service is $12,325 with an annual maintenance of $1,620. This is being charged fifty percent to Recorder of Deeds budget and fifty percent to Information Technology budget. Moved by Mrs. Irey, seconded by Mr. Maggi, approving the agreement with RBA for providing web access for Tax Revenue Office as per above. Roll call vote taken: Mrs. Irey - Yes; Mr. Maggi - Yes; Mr. Burns - Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Chief Clerk presented to the Board for their consideration and approval the payment of the license renewal for the Washington County Recorder of Deeds LANDEX system. This renewal is for 23 licenses at a total cost of $14,495 to IMR Limited, Harrisburg, PA. Moved by Mrs. Irey, seconded by Mr. Maggi, approving the payment of the license renewal with IMR Limited as per above. Roll call vote taken: Mrs. Irey - Yes; Mr. Maggi - Yes; Mr. Burns - Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Chief Clerk presented to the Board for their consideration and approval a letter agreement with the Washington County Redevelopment Authority amending the FIF Cooperation Agreement — City of Washington Tax Increment Financing Project to effectuate the intent of the parties by amending the Cooperation Agreement by deleting the County's 2003 millage rate of 0.0175 as set forth in Section 2 of the Cooperation Agreement and inserting the 2004 millage rate of 0.0214 in its place. Moved by Mrs. Irey, seconded by Mr. Maggi, approving the letter agreement with the Washington County Redevelopment Authority as per above. Roll call vote taken: Mrs. Irey - No; Mr. Maggi - Yes; Mr. Burns - Yes. Motion carried. Chief Clerk presented to the Board for their consideration and approval to adopt a resolution authorizing and approving all actions, documents, instruments and related matters necessary and required of the County of Washington by the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania for the purpose of making a grant to the Middle Monongahela Industrial Development Association (MIDA) under the Redevelopment Assistance Capital Grant Program for the development of the real property and improvements located in Alta Vista Industrial Park, Fallowfiield Township, Washington County, provided that MIDA enters into an agreement to indemnify the County for any claims against the County in regard thereto. MINUTE BOOK BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA Moved by Mrs. Irey, seconded by Mr. Maggi, adopting the foregoing resolution. Roll call vote taken: Mrs. Irey - Yes; Mr. Maggi - Yes; Mr. Burns - Yes. Motion carried unanimously. ANNOUNCEMENT'S An Executive Session was held on April 4, 2007, immediately following the Agenda Meeting as an information session related to labor relations. The Salary Board will meet today immediately following the Commissioners' Meeting. SOLICITOR Solicitor DeHaven presented to the Board for their consideration and approval the following tax refunds. Moved by Mrs. Irey, seconded by Mr. Maggi, authorizing the Tax Assessment Office to prepare the tax refunds due to either duplication or overpayment of real estate or personnel property tax. 1. Taylor, Bean & Whitaker Mortgage Attn: Jennifer McKenzie 1417 North Magnolia Avenue Ocala, FL 34475 District: Centerville Borough Parcel: 152-028-00-00-0018-00 Total: $109.94 2. Martin A. & Darla K. Edgar 136 Washington Street Post Office Box 205 Cokeburg, PA 15324 District: Cokeburg Borough Parcel: 200-007-00-02-0007-00 Total: $42.08 3. John D. & Patricia L. Post 182 Post Road Avella, PA 15312 District: Blaine Township Parcel: 050-007-00-00-0012-02 Total: $2.83 4. Eric E. Bailey 220 Post Road Avella, PA 15312 District: Blaine Township Parcel: 050-007-00-00-0012-05 Total: $2.80 5. David & Janice Duran 555 Campbell Road Bulger, PA 15019 District: Robinson Township Parcel: 550-006-00-00-0006-02 Total: $40.26 6. Kathleen M. Cox 100 McCarrell Avenue Washington, PA 15301 District: 81h Ward City Parcel: 780-010-00-03-0001-00 Total: $161.00 7. Daniel w. Dodd, Jr. 115 Boyle Avenue Canonsburg, PA 15317 District: Canonsburg Borough Ward 3 Parcel: 110-020-00-00-0021-00 Total: $10.63 2007 County Tax 2007 County Tax 2007 County Tax 2007 County Tax 2007 County Tax 2007 County Tax 2007 County Tax 1 L MINUTE B❑❑K BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA 8. Valeria A. Hutchinson & Michael L. Reynolds 246 Banetown Road Amity, PA 15311 District: Amwell Township Parcel: 020-017-00-00-0004-00 Total: $190.27 9. William B. McCracken 125 Main Street Post Office Box 378 Hickory, PA 15340 District: Mount Pleasant Township Parcel: 460-008-03-01-0017-00 Total: $12.59 10. John C. & Irmgard J. Hofrichter 2576 Millers Run Road Cecil, PA 15321 District: Cecil Township Parcel: 140-006-00-00-0078-00 Total: $18.52 11. Elva Jean & James J. Anthony 392 Turkeyfoot Road Venetia, PA 15367 District: Peters Township Parcel: 540-001-00-00-0063-01 Total: $26.82 12. St. Thomas R.D. Church 30 Main Street Clarksville, PA 15322 District: East Bethlehem Township Parcel: 260-004-00-00-0040-01 Total: $7.27 13. Dennis C. Sluciak 47 Grudevich Road Canonsburg, PA 15317 District: Mt. Pleasant Township Parcel: 460-009-00-00-0017-00 Total: $15.75 14. David & Gina Galardini 303 Hickory Nut Drive Eighty Four, PA 15330 District: Nottingham Township Parcel: 530-002-05-00-0025-00 Total: $77.80 15. Lawrence & Sylvia Satifka 312 Windsor Circle Washington, PA 15301 District: Chartiers Township Parcel: 170-015-04-00-0002-03 Total: $37.76 16. James W. & Roberta Lilley Claysville, PA 15323 District: Claysville Borough Parcel: 180-001-00-00-0004-00 Total: $30.31 17. Anthony P., III & Lisa M. Spin 104 Irwin Avenue Houston, PA 15342 District: Chartiers Township Parcel: 170-016-11-00-0004-00 Total: $263.00 2007 County Tax 2007 County Tax 2007 County Tax 2007 County Tax 2007 County Tax 2007 County Tax 2007 County Tax 2007 County Tax 2007 County Tax 2007 County Tax BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA 18. Eric E. Bailey 220 Post Road Avella, PA 15312 District: Blaine Township Parcel: 050-007-00-00-0012-05 Total: $2.80 19. Joyce & Melvin Phenicie 275 Southview Road McDonald, PA 15057 District: Cecil Township Parcel: 140-007-01-03-0005-00 Total: $61.20 20. William E. Stollar 1079 McGuffey Road West Alexander, PA 15376 District: West Finley Township Parcel. 680-012-00-00-0008-01 Total: $55.58 21. Chad & Robert Wagner 102 Donegal Avenue Claysville, PA 15323 District: Donegal Township Parcel: 230-005-00-00-0016-00 Total: $167.25 22. William & Elvira Graziani 1204 Lucia Drive Canonsburg, PA 15317 District: Canonsburg Borough Parcel: 095-001-00-00-0003-04 Total: $66.27 23. Elise Fogle 557 West Pike Street Canonsburg, PA 15317 District: Canonsburg Borough Parcel: 100-006-00-02-0010-00 Total: $220.19 24. Ruth & Robert Meyer 576 Homes Avenue, NW Palm Bay, FL 32907 District: Robinson Township Parcel: 550-017-00-00-0022-00 Total: $9.57 25. Clyde E. & Leona M. Mull 25 Dry Ridge Road Post Office Box 34 West Alexander, PA 15376 District: Donegal Township Parcel: 230-008-00-00-0008-02 Total: $1.75 26. Edward J. & Barbara L. Checque 6105 Roy Street Finleyville, PA 15332 District: Union Township Parcel: 640-003-02-03-0013-00 Total: $5.25 27. Theodore & Mae Ankrom 30 Lakeview Drive Bentleyville, PA 15314 District: Somerset Township Parcel: 580-003-00-00-0020-00 Total: $28.07 ...... ................ 2007 County Tax 2007 County Tax 2007 County Tax 2007 County Tax 2007 County Tax 2007 County Tax 2007 County Tax 2007 County Tax 2007 County Tax 2007 County Tax 1 LJ MINUTE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS B❑❑K WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA 28. Rose Link 20 Link Lane Burgettstown, PA 15021 District: Jefferson Township Parcel: 380-010-09-99-0001-00 Total: $57.54 29. Blair G. & Betty Horne 12 Jefferson Avenue Marianna, PA 15345 District: West Bethlehem Township Parcel: 660-010-00-00-0017-00 Total: $.51 30. Chad & Robert Wagner 102 Donegal Avenue Clayville, PA 15323 District: Donegal Township Parcel: 230-005-00-00-0016-01 Total: $167.88 31. Wiiliam E. Rossi 16 Moninger Avenue Houston, PA 15342 District: Chartiers Township Parcel: 170-016-01-03-0033-00 Total: $24.69 32. George A. Samarin, Jr. 16 Bridge Avenue Clarksville, PA 15322 District: East Bethlehem Township Parcel: 260-004-02-06-0001-00 Total: $191.97 33. Michael J. Fagella 121 Crestview Drive McMurray, PA 15317 District: Peters Township Parcel: 540-011-05-03-0001-00 Total: $221.86 34. William E. Stollar 1079 McGuffey Road West Alexander, PA 15376 District: West Finley Township Parcel: 680-013-00-00-0005-03 Total: $22.81 35. Billie Jane Morris 75 Braden Avenue Washington, PA 15301 District: 61h Ward, City of Washington Parcel: 760-019-00-01-0007-00 Total: $19.32 36. Sara D. & William Yohe 300 West Twelfth Street Donora, PA 15033 District: Donors Borough Parcel: 240-045-01-02-0015-01 Total: $1.57 37. William D. & Sara D. Yohe 300 West Twelfth Street Donora, PA 15033 District: Donora Borough Parcel: 240-045-01-02-0002-00 Total: $6.30 1 2007 County Tax 2007 County Tax 2007 County Tax 2007 County Tax 2007 County Tax 2007 County Tax 2007 County Tax 2007 County Tax 2007 County Tax 2007 County Tax MINUTE BOOK BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS 38. William & Sara D. Yohe 300 West Twelfth Street Donora, PA 15033 District: Donora Borough Parcel: 240-045-01-02-0013-00 Total: $1.57 39, Turning Point Inv. 414 Blue Jay Drive Post Office Box 531016 Hendersonville, PA 15339 District: Cecil Township Parcel: 140-011-01-03-0012-00 Total: $110.27 40. Ronald G. Defelice, Jr. 3134 Millers Run Road Cecil, PA 15321 District: Cecil Township Parcel: 140-007-06-03-0014-00 Total: $20.45 41. Edward & Karen Haberle 1491 SW Ashley Drive Tigard, OR 97224 District: Cecil Township Parcel: 140-003-00-00-0003-05 Total: $8.64 42. Jacquelyn D. Huston 23 Main Street Taylorstown, PA 15365 District: Blaine Township Parcel: 050-005-01-01-0009-00 Total: $100.02 43. Hailen & Bingxue Wang 120 John Drive Canonsburg, PA 15317 District: Canonsburg Borough, Ward 1 Annex Parcel: 095-001-14-00-0017-00 Total: $36.74 44. Elizabeth A. & Steven J. Preite 163 West College Street Canonsburg, PA 15317 District: Canonsburg Borough, Ward 2 Parcel: 100-006-00-01-0003-00 Total: $190.70 45. John M. Darby 202 Richland Avenue Canonsburg, PA 15317 District: Canonsburg Borough, Ward 3 Parcel: 110-022-00-02-0011-00 Total: $143.12 46. Mark N. & Michaelene Brezarich 325 McClay Road Washington, PA 15301 District: Canton Township Parcel: 120-006-02-04-0016-00 Total: $247.87 47, Anthony D. Massari, et al 12781/Z Country Club Road Monongahela, PA 15063 District: Carroll Township Parcel: 130-011-02-02-0009-00 Total: $219.77 WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA 2007 County Tax 2007 County Tax 2007 County Tax 2007 County Tax 2007 County Tax 2007 County Tax 2007 County Tax 2007 County Tax 2007 County Tax 2007 County Tax F, Fj MINUTE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS ❑ ❑ K WASHINGTO'N COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA 48. Keith L. & Lynn M. Thurner 98 Susquehanna Road Monongahela, PA 15063 District: Carroll Township Parcel: 130-002-00-00-0009-01 Total: $17.12 49. James P. & Andrea L. Welsh 614 Fourth Street Monongahela, PA 15063 District: Carroll Township Parcel: 130-006-12-00-0015-01 Total: $79.76 50. Clad Metals, Inc. 424 Morganza Road Canonsburg, PA 15317 District: Cecil Township Parcel: 140-014-00-00-0015-00 Total: $43.23 51. Randy Chambers Washington, PA 15301 District: 6`" Ward, City of Washington Parcel: 760-016-00-04-0017-00 Total: $42.34 52. Harold & Louvima Roth 167 McGovern Road Houston, PA 15342 District: Chartiers Township Parcel: 170-016-07-02-0026-00 Total: $31.10 53. Ray G., Sr. & Virginia Noble 10 Euclid Avenue Washington, PA 15301 District: Canton Township Parcel: 120-011-04-04-0012-00 Total: $12.19 54. Fraidy Cat — Romah 2006 Hycroft Drive Pittsburgh, PA 15241 District: Somerset Township Parcel: 580-017-01-00-0001-00 Total: $19.57 55, Jefferson Township Historical Society Post Office Box 383 Burgettstown, PA 15021 District: Jefferson Township Parcel: 380-007-01-03-0012-00 Total: $11.02 56. Jefferson Township Historical Society Post Office Box 383 Burgettstown, PA 15021 District: Jefferson Township Parcel: 380-007-01-03-0008-00 Total: $5.25 57. Charles & Sandra J. Stankus 61 Kelley Lane Hickory, PA 15340 District: Mt, Pleasant Township Parcel: 460-008-04-00-0014-00 Total: $150.24 2007 County Tax 2007 County Tax 2007 County Tax 2007 County Tax 2007 County Tax 2007 County Tax 2007 County Tax 2007 County Tax 2007 County Tax 2007 County Tax MINUTE BOOK BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA 58. Gerald Davis 1481 Yorktowne Drive Lawrence, PA 15055 District: Cecil Township Parcel: 140-012-17-00-0012-OOE Total: $412.96 59. Sandra J. Donas 419 Laurel Drive McMurray, PA 15317 District: Peters Township Parcel: 540-007-10-03-0013-01 Total, $408.87 60. County of Washington 100 West Beau Street, Suite 702 Washington, PA 15301 District: South Franklin Township Parcel: 590-012-00-00-0025-00 Total: $220.82 Roll call vote taken: Mrs. Irey - Yes; Mr. Maggi - Yes; Mr. Burns - Yes. Motion carried unanimously. 2005 County Tax 2006 County Tax 2007 County Tax There being no further business, Co -Chairman Burns declared the meeting adjourned at approximately 11:15 a.m. THE FOREGOING MINUTES SUBjMIITTED FOR APPROVAL .2007 ATTEST, CHIEF CLERK n 1