HomeMy WebLinkAboutCOMM - Meeting Minutes - 968 - 4-3-2014 - COMMISSIONER59 MINUTE BO0K BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLANIA [MR LIMITED E00718327LD Minute No. 968 Washington County Commissioners Washington, Pennsylvania April 3, 2014 The Washington County Commissioners met in regular session in the Public Meeting Room, Courthouse Square, Washington, Pennsylvania, with the following members being present: Commissioners Diana Vaughan and Harlan G. Shober, Jr. Also being present: American Legion Post 656 representative Tony Pasquerilla; Director of Veterans Affairs Barry Grimm; Solicitor Mary Lyn Drewitz; Chief Clerk Mary Helicke; Administrative Assistant Joyce Thornburg; Commissioner Administrative Assistants Joy Orndoff, Sue Orrick and Marie Trossman; Human Resources Director Chuck Nicholls; Controller Mike Namie; District Director at Penn State University Cooperative Extension Joseph Conklin; Assistant District Attorney Joe Zupancic; Administrator of Crime Victims Witness Program Betsy Dane; Crime Victims Witness Program Office Manager Lisa Wood; Children & Youth Services Program Specialist Jane Zupancic; Children & Youth Services staff members; SPHS Care Center STTARS Program Supervisor Joanna Dragan; Care Center STTARS Program staff members Jennifer Kita, Robin Barton, Matthew Tutay, Rachel Hega and Kellie McKevitt; Planning Department representative Melanie Thomas -Finney; WJPA representative Jim Jefferson; Observer Reporter Publishing Co. representative Scott Beveridge; and concerned citizens Frank Byrd and Daniel Kleinmann. Commissioner Maggi was absent from the meeting. written. Vice Chairman Vaughan called the meeting to order at approximately 10 a.m. Vice Chairman Vaughan led the meeting with a prayer. Mr. Pasquerilla led the Pledge of Allegiance. Vice Chairman Vaughan entertained a motion to approve Minute No. 967 dated March 20, 2013, as Moved by Mr. Shober, seconded by Mrs. Vaughan, approving Minute No. 967 as written. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Shober - Yes; Mrs. Vaughan - Yes. Motion carried unanimously. SPECIAL ORDER OF BUSINESS Mrs. Vaughan read a proclamation declaring April as Child Abuse Prevention Month. Moved by Mr. Shober, seconded by Mrs. Vaughan, approving the proclamation, Child Abuse Prevention Month. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Shober - Yes; Mrs. Vaughan — Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Accepting the proclamation is Children & Youth Services Program Specialist Jane Zupancic. Mrs. Zupancic thanked the Commissioners for recognizing the importance children and this proclamation. She stated that 2014 marks the40`h anniversary of the passage of the Child Abuse Prevention Act. She also stated AL .w MINUTE BOOK BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS IMR LIMITED E00718327LD WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLANIA that the state legislature has passed sweeping legislation to reinforce identification and treatment of child abuse. Mrs. Zupancic acknowledged and thanked the Children & Youth Services remarkable staff. Mrs. Vaughan read a proclamation declaring April as Sexual Assault Awareness Month. Moved by Mr. Shober, seconded by Mrs. Vaughan, approving the proclamation, Sexual Assault Awareness Month. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Shober - Yes; Mrs. Vaughan — Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Accepting the proclamation is SPHS Care Center STTARS program supervisor Joanna Dragan. Ms. Dragan explained that STTARS stands for Sexual Trauma Treatment and Recovery Services in Washington and Greene counties. She thanked the Commissioners for continually supporting the mission. Awareness and action is very important. Some staff members present, the unsung heroes, have served over 500 sexual assault clients through legal and medical advocacy. The staff members handed out literature about The Hero Campaign that encourages everyone to take a stand against this violence and if witnessed, report it. She stated everyone should take this stand to ensure that our community is safe. Mr. Shober read a proclamation declaring April 20 - 26, 2014, as National Crime Victims' Week Moved by Mr. Shober, seconded by Mrs. Vaughan, approving the proclamation, National Crime Victims' Week.. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Shober - Yes; Mrs. Vaughan — Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Accepting the proclamation is Administrator of Crime Victims Witness Program Betsy Dane, Ms. Dane thanked the Commissioners for their ongoing support. She stated this is an important year for social services. This is the 30t" year since the inception of Victims of Crime Act. She defined victimless crimes as crimes involving drugs. There is a connection with crimes that occur, such as sexual abuse, sexual assault and domestic violence. She stated that for some under influence, it is not unusual for them to act out by committing crimes such as robberies and homicides. Mrs. Dane states reasons for other drug -related crimes and victimization is the economic factor because they need money to support their drug habits and so begins the theft from family members and others including cash and jewelry. She stated this is time for all to be aware and work together to try and prevent this from occurring. Mr. Shober read a proclamation declaring April 4 - 20, 2014, as Childhood Cancer Awareness Week. 61 MINUTE BOOK BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYL.ANIA IMR LIMITED E00718327LD Moved by Mr. Shober, seconded by Mrs. Vaughan, approving the proclamation, Childhood Cancer Awareness Week. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Shober - Yes; Mrs. Vaughan — Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Mrs. Vaughan introduced Angela Esposito and Autumn Harringer, two Peters Township High School student interns. (RECESS FOR PHOTOS) PUBLIC COMMENTS None OLD BUSINESS BID AWARDS Solicitor Drewitz recommended the Board award the bid, on behalf of the Planning Department, for the Cross Creek boat launch project to General Mechanical Contractors, Inc. doing business as General Industries of Charleroi, Pa., who is the lowest most responsive and responsible bidder meeting specifications. The total cost of this project is $1,509,000.01 base bid and $167,460.95 bid alternate for a total of $1,176,460.96 and will be funded through DCNR and oil and gas lease funds. Moved by Mr. Shober, seconded by Mrs. Vaughan, approving the bid award for Cross Creek boat launch project to General Mechanical Contractors, Inc. doing business as General Industries of Charleroi, Pa.. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Shober - Yes; Mrs. Vaughan — Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Solicitor Drewitz recommended the Board award the bid for the joint municipal purchasing program for Washington County to the following vendors based on their per -unit cost as submitted in their bid proposals: Advanced Drainage Systems, Ludlow, Mass.; Authorized distributor: Interstate Pipe, Washington, Pa. Del Sir Supply, Inc., Meadow Lands, Pa. Hanson Aggregates BMC Inc., Connellsville, Pa. Judson Wiley & Sons, Inc., Washington, Pa. Chemung Supply Corp., Elmira, N.Y. Laurel Aggregates of Delaware, LLC, Morgantown, W.Va. All items have been awarded to the lowest most responsive and responsible bidders meeting specifications. The contract is effective from April 3, 2014 through March 31, 2015, at a total yearly cost of approximately $10,000.00. Moved by Mr. Shober, seconded by Mrs. Vaughan, approving the bid award for the joint municipal purchasing program. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Shober - Yes; Mrs. Vaughan - Yes. Motion carried unanimously. ArA MINUTE BOOK BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS IMR LIMITED E00718327LD WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSY'LANIA Solicitor Drewitz recommended the Board award the contract, on behalf of the Planning Department, to Widmer Engineering, Washington, Pa. This contract is for surveying services on farms applying for agricultural conservation easement purchases. Widmer will develop a schedule and budget for each project and they will bill the County at $45.00/acre for their services for each project as submitted in their proposal. Better pricing on higher acreage farms will be negotiated. After reviewing the proposals, the hourly rates supplied by Widmer were the lowest of all proposals received. This contract will be effective April 3, 2014 through March 31, 2016, with the option to extend for three additional one-year periods. Moved by Mr. Shober, seconded by Mrs. Vaughan, approving the award of the contract Widmer Engineering, Washington, Pa., for surveying services on farms applying for agricultural conservation easement purchases. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Shober - Yes; Mrs. Vaughan - Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Solicitor Drewitz recommended the Board approve the installation of new conduit for the Courthouse roof top HVAC to Schultheis Electric, Latrobe, Pa., and the total project cost is $20,561.34. The work would be done under the electrical services time/materials contract in place with Schultheis Electric, and therefore does not require bidding. The funding for the project has been approved under the bond issue. Moved by Mr. Shober, seconded by Mrs. Vaughan, approving the installation of new conduit for the Courthouse roof top HVAC to Schultheis Electric, Latrobe, Pa. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Shober - Yes; Mrs. Vaughan - Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Solicitor Drewitz recommended the Board approve and ratify, on behalf of the Planning Department, the emergency Midway Tunnel work, to Gregori Construction, Inc., Sarver, Pa., to repair the arch tunnel where stone is falling, at a cost of $58,374.00, to be paid from oil and gas lease funds. Moved by Mr. Shober, seconded by Mrs. Vaughan, approving Gregori Construction Inc., Sarver, Pa., to do emergency repair to the Midway Tunnel. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Shober - Yes; Mrs. Vaughan - Yes. Motion carried unanimously. NEW BUSINESS Chief Clerk recommended to the Board for their consideration and approval, on behalf of Probation Services, of the costs associated with the Annual Peer Jury Recognition luncheon held at the Washington Park on May 6, 2014, with costs estimated to be $2,062.50 and will be charged to Juvenile Probation budget. 63 MINUTE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS [MR LIMITED E00718327LD BOOK WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLANIA Moved by Mr. Shober, seconded by Mrs. Vaughan, approving costs associated with the Annual Peer Jury Recognition luncheon. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Shober - Yes; Mrs. Vaughan — Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Chief Clerk recommended to the Board for their consideration and approval, on behalf of Parks and Recreation, of the following two leases for harvesting hay in Cross Creek County Park at a payment of $20.00 per acre for the term of April 17, 2014 to April 16, 2015: Peter W. Monticello III —15 acres and Curtis Hamilton, 88 acres. Moved by Mr. Shober, seconded by Mrs. Vaughan, approving two leases for havesting hay in Cross Creek County Park. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Shober - Yes; Mrs. Vaughan — Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Chief Clerk recommended to the Board for their consideration and approval, on behalf of the Planning Department, of a Memorandum of Understanding with Keep Pennsylvania Beautiful for the 2014 tire collection event. The County will reimburse KPB $55.00/hour for up to eight hours to administer the grant and issue contractor payments for the event in accordance with the overall program guidelines established statewide for tire collections. Moved by Mr. Shober, seconded by Mrs. Vaughan, approving the Memorandum of Understanding with Keep Pennsylvania Beautiful for the 2014 tire collection event. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Shober - Yes; Mrs. Vaughan — Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Chief Clerk recommended to the Board for their consideration and approval, on behalf the Finance Department, of the agreement with the accounting firm Maher Duessel to perform agreed -upon procedures necessary to close out the contract between the County and the National Road Heritage Corridor at the fee of $1,000. Moved by Mr. Shober, seconded by Mrs. Vaughan, approving the agreement with Maher Duessel. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Shober - Yes; Mrs. Vaughan — Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Chief Clerk recommended to the Board for their consideration and approval, on behalf of the Finance Department, of the renewal of the Victims of Juvenile Offenders grant with the Pennsylvania Commission on r LMA Al I N U T E i • • BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS IMR LIMITED E00718327LD WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLANIA Crime and Delinquency. This grant, in the amount of $29,524 is for the period of July 1, 2014 through June 30, 2015. The County is responsible for the health insurance at a cost of $5,517. Moved by Mr. Shober, seconded by Mrs. Vaughan, approving the renewal of the Victims of Juvenile Offenders grant with the Pennsylvania Commission on Crime and Delinquency. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Shober - Yes; Mrs. Vaughan — Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Chief Clerk recommended to the Board for their consideration and approval, on behalf of the Human Resources Department, the contract between the County of Washington and Consulate Healthcare of North Strabane. The purpose of this contract is to provide care for Joann Haney in the amount of $312.00/day. Moved by Mr. Shober, seconded by Mrs. Vaughan, approving the contract between the County and Consulate Healthcare of North Strabane to provide care for Joann Haney. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Shober - Yes; Mrs. Vaughan — Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Chief Clerk recommended to the Board for their consideration and approval, on behalf of the Human Resources Department, of the "Take Your Child to Work Day" program this year designated for April 24, 2014. Moved by Mr. Shober, seconded by Mrs. Vaughan, approving "Take Your Child to Work Day". Roll call vote taken: Mr. Shober - Yes; Mrs. Vaughan — Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Chief Clerk recommended to the Board for their consideration and approval, on behalf of the Human Resources Department, of the acceptance of the Interest Arbitration Award between the County of Washington and American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees (AFSCME). This award is effective from January 1, 2013 through December 31, 2015. Moved by Mr. Shober, seconded by Mrs. Vaughan, approving the acceptance of the Interest Arbitration Award between the County and AFSCME. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Shober - Yes; Mrs. Vaughan — Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Chief Clerk recommended to the Board for their consideration and approval, on behalf of the Human Resources Department, of the Flexible Spending Account Plan (TASC) and the Summary Plan Description to 65 MINUTE BOOK BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLANIA IMR LIMITED F..09718327LD provide for the carryover of $500 per year. The amended plan is effective January 1, 2014 and will remain in effect for any future plan years unless amended by the County. Moved by Mr. Shober, seconded by Mrs. Vaughan, approving the Flexible Spending Account Plan (TASC) and Summary Plan Description for the carryover of $500 per year. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Shober - Yes; Mrs. Vaughan — Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Chief Clerk recommended to the Board for their consideration and approval, on behalf of Child Care Information Services', of the 2013-2014 provider service agreement with Ashley Taylor, Canonsburg, Pa. The contract will automatically renew until either party notifies the other party, in writing, not to renew the current terms. Moved by Mr. Shober, seconded by Mrs. Vaughan, approving the 2013-2014 provider service for Ashley Taylor. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Shober - Yes, Mrs. Vaughan — Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Chief Clerk recommended to the Board for their consideration and approval, on behalf of Children & Youth Services, of a purchase of service agreement addendum with Three Rivers Adoption Council for the provision of foster care for the period of July 1, 2013 through June 30, 2014. The contract authorization amount will increase from $25,000 to $55,000 and no additional county funds are required. Moved by Mr. Shober, seconded by Mrs. Vaughan, approving the purchase of service agreement addendum with Three Rivers Adoption Council for provision of foster care. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Shober - Yes; Mrs. Vaughan — Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Chief Clerk recommended to the Board for their consideration and approval, on behalf of Children & Youth Services, of a purchase of service agreement with Language Line Services, Inc. for the provision of telephone interpreter services for the period of July 1, 2013 through June 30, 2014. The contract authorization will not exceed $1,000 and no additional county funds are required. Moved by Mr. Shober, seconded by Mrs. Vaughan, approving the purchase of service agreement with Language Line Services, Inc. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Shober - Yes; Mrs. Vaughan — Yes. Motion carried unanimously. e MINUTE BOOK BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS IMR LIMITED E00718327LD WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLANIA Chief Clerk recommended to the Board for their consideration and approval, on behalf of Human Services, to ratify a month -to -month software license and maintenance agreement with Optimus EMR, Inca of Irvine, Calif., covering the renewal of the Optimus EMR licensing that provides access to the Washington County Health Center Business Office billing functions. This service is needed for approximately six months until they are up and running live with their new ACID software. Without this license extension, they cannot bill. There is no cost for this service. Moved by Mr. Shober, seconded by Mrs. Vaughan, approving the ratification of a month -to -month software license and maintenance agreement with Optimus EMR, Inc. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Shober - Yes; Mrs. Vaughan — Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Chief Clerk recommended to the Board for their consideration and approval, on behalf of the Human Resources Department, of an addendum to our existing agreement with NovaCare Outpatient Rehabilitation East, Inc., covering the post -offer employment testing for the Washington County Correctional Facility, for the following rates: • job analysis/job description/essential function test development/validation: $150.00/hour. • post offer employment testing/return to work test/fit for duty: $125.00/test This agreement is effective April 3, 2014 through March 19, 2015, and shall be automatically renewed on a year-to-year basis for successive one-year terms unless otherwise terminated upon 90 days prior written notice. The Correctional facility portion is contingent upon Prison Board approval. Moved by Mr. Shober, seconded by Mrs. Vaughan, approving the addendum to our existing agreement with NovaCare Outpatient Rehabilitation East, Inc. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Shober - Yes; Mrs. Vaughan — Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Chief Clerk recommended to the Board for their consideration and approval, on behalf of the Parks Department, of architectural and engineering services to HMT Engineering, Canonsburg, Pa., for final design, engineering and bid specification preparation for the proposed Cross Creek and Mingo Park maintenance facility additions. All costs are in accordance with the hourly rates listed in the contract. Estimated costs are projected to be approximately $24,900.00 and to be funded from gas and oil monies. Moved by Mr. Shober, seconded by Mrs. Vaughan, approving the architectural and engineering services to HMT Engineering for Cross Creek and Mingo Park maintenance facility additions. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Shober - Yes; Mrs. Vaughan — Yes. Motion carried unanimously. MINUTE a BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS IMR LIMITED E0Q71R$271 n, WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLANIA Chief Clerk recommended to the Board for their consideration and approval of an addendum to our existing agreement with Industrial Appraisal for Asset Appraisal Services/Software for Washington County and the Washington County Health Center to include the following additions at a cost of $900.00, • East Wheeling Street parking garage • nine docks and six shelters at Ten Mile Park • restroom building at Cross Creek Park • eight radio tower locations Moved by Mr. Shober, seconded by Mrs. Vaughan, approving the addendum to the existing agreement with Industrial Appraisal for Asset Appraisal Services/Software. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Shober - Yes; Mrs. Vaughan — Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Chief Clerk recommended to the Board for their consideration and approval of a preventative maintenance agreement to cover the McQuay Chiller (Courthouse) in the amount of $3,708.00/year. This will include two preventative maintenance visits, including reports each year. The total charges would be paid via the building maintenance operating budget. Moved by Mr. Shober, seconded by Mrs. Vaughan, approving the preventative maintenance agreement to cover the McQuay Chiller for the Courthouse. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Shober - Yes; Mrs. Vaughan — Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Chief Clerk recommended to the Board for their consideration and approval, on behalf of Human Services, to authorize the purchase of seven scanners and OnBase licensing to be used throughout the Washington County Health Center with the EMR system at a total cost of $23,808.93 through CDW-G, of Vernon Hills, Ill. and IMR Limited, Camp Hill, Pa. The purchase would be placed via Costars 3 and Costars 6, and therefore does not require bidding. Moved by Mr. Shober, seconded by Mrs. Vaughan, approving the authorization to purchase seven scanners and OnBase licensing to be used throughout Washington County Health Center. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Shober - Yes; Mrs. Vaughan — Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Chief Clerk recommended to the Board for their consideration, approval and ratification, on behalf of Human Services, of the purchase of three nurse's stations, at a per unit cost of $20,450.86. The proposed total cost for the units is $61,352.58, and includes installation and will be purchased from Media MINUTE BOOK BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS IMR LIMITED E00718327LD WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLANIA Technologies, c/o PEMCO of Bethel Park, Pa. This purchase is via Costars 35 and therefore does not require bidding and the funding source has been confirmed as Act 13 Impact Funds. Moved by Mr. Shober, seconded by Mrs. Vaughan, approving the authorization to purchase three nurse's stations, at a per unit cost of $20,450.86, with a total cost for the units of $61,352.58 which includes installation. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Shober - Yes; Mrs. Vaughan — Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Chief Clerk recommended to the Board for their consideration and approval, on behalf of the Redevelopment Authority, to adopt a resolution approving the plan amendments and revisions to the Community Development Block Grant and Home Improvement Partnership Programs which are part of the County's Consolidated Action Plan. Moved by Mr. Shober, seconded by Mrs. Vaughan, approving the authorization to adopt a resolution approving the plan amendments and revisions to the Community Development Block Grant and Home Improvement Partnership Programs. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Shober - Yes; Mrs. Vaughan — Yes. Motion carried unanimously. SOLICITOR None. ANNOUNCEMENTS An executive session was held Wednesday, April 2, 2014, immediately following the Agenda Meeting, as an information session regarding personnel and real estate. The Salary Board meeting will follow today's meeting. There being no further business, Vice Chairman Vaughan declared the meeting adjourned at approximately 10:43 a.m. THE FOREGOING MINUTES SUB TTED FOR APPROVAL: 2014 ATTEST: r CIEF CLERK