HomeMy WebLinkAboutCOMM - Meeting Minutes - PB 2-18-15 - 2-15-2015 - PRISON BOARD51 MINUTE BOOK PRISON BOARD WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLANIA IMR LIMITED E13166491„1) Minute No. PB 2-18-15 Washington County Prison Board Washington, Pennsylvania, February 18, 2015 The meeting of the Washington County Prison Board was held in the 7th floor conference room, Courthouse Square, Washington, Pennsylvania, with the following members being present: Commissioners Larry Maggi, Diana Irey Vaughan and Harlan G. Shober, Jr.; Controller Michael Namie; Sheriff Samuel Romano; District Attorney Eugene Vittone and Judge John DiSalle. Also present: Warden John Temas; Deputy Warden of Operations Donald Waugh; Deputy Warden Ed Strawn; Solicitor Lynn DeHaven; Director of Administration Scott Fergus; Chief Clerk Mary Helicke; Human Resources Director Kathleen Bali; Secretary Paula Jansante; Observer -Reporter representative Barbara Miller; and WJPA representative Jim Jefferson. Chairman Maggi called the meeting to order at approximately 11:30 a.m. Chairman Maggi acknowledged Judge DiSalle as a new member of the Prison Board and he and the rest of the Board extended their welcome. Chairman Maggi asked if there were any corrections, additions or omissions to Minute No. PB 1-21-15, each member having received a copy. It was moved by Mrs. Vaughan and seconded by Mr. Shober that Minute No. PB 1-21-15 be approved. The motion was carried with the majority of the Board signifying their approval by stating "Aye"; Judge DiSalle abstained. PUBLIC COMMENTS None. WARDEN'S REPORT Warden Temas presented the following information to the Board: Income from other units for the maintenance of prisoners for Ianuary 2015 Administrative Fee $2,473.19 Social Security $2,000.00 Tylenol -0- Monthly sub -total $4.473.19 Year-to-date grand total $4,473.19 Program Fees and Room and Board Income for Ianuary 2015 Billed Collected Work release $14,823.00 $16,663,00 Weekenders $1,212.00 $1,212.00 Turned over to Clerk of Courts (minus) -0- Adjustments made to billings (minus) -0- Monthly sub -total $16,035.00 $17,875.00 Year-to-date grand total $16,035.00 $17,875.00 Status of prisoners confined at the end of Ianuary 2015 Full time Males Females 90 10 Total 100 Work release 38 2 40 Weekend prisoners 8 1 9 Unsentenced prisoners awaiting sentencing and/or trial 170 54 224 Total prisoners 306 56 373 Males Females Total Examinations performed by the physician 45 22 67 New commitments 8 Repeat patients 59 Medical transports performed by the Sheriff 43 52 MINUTE BOOK PRISON BOARD WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLANIA IMR LIMITED E1316649LD Warden Temas recommended to the Board to award the bid for linen supplies for the Correctional Facility to the following vendors: ATD-American Co. of Wyncote, PA and Standard Textile Co. of Cincinnati, OH for the "per unit" costs submitted in their bid. This bid will be effective DOA through December 31, 2015 with the option to extend through December 31, 2016 at a total yearly cost of approximately $50,000. This bid was awarded to the lowest most responsive and responsible bidders, meeting the specifications. This bid award was previously approved at the Board of Commissioners meeting held February 5, 2015, Minute No. 986. Warden Temas recommended to the Board to hire the following individuals as part-time correction officers: Adam Nozum Natasha Mikush Charles Lintz Cody Stonesifer Samantha Glawinski Mariah Taylor Kevin McCrory Tyler Pape Myrle Perry III Cody Muntan Chairman Maggi asked if new Board member Judge DiSalle had any questions regarding the Warden's Report. Judge DiSalle stated that he had asked Warden Temas a few questions prior to the meeting and congratulated the Correctional Facility on their efforts to collect fees from inmates Warden Temas thanked Judge DiSalle and stated that the Correctional Facility does its best to collect fees in advance and that seldom does anything have to be turned over to the Clerk of Courts for collection following the release of an inmate. Sheriff Romano asked if the population at the Correctional Facility is the most that they have had. Warden Temas stated that the population over the last week is one of the highest that they have ever had. Commissioner Shober stated that the population has been over 400 a few times over the past year. Warden Temas asked Deputy Warden Strawn and Deputy Warden of Operations Donald Waugh is they were aware of a specific population number. Deputy Warden Strawn stated that last week's number was at 437. It was moved by Mrs. Vaughan and seconded by Mr. Romano to approve the Warden's Report. The motion was carried unanimously with the Board signifying their approval by stating "Aye". BILLS Mr. Namie presented to the Board for their consideration and approval the bills dated February 18, 2015, in the amount of $82,236.39. It was moved by Mr. Namie and seconded by Mrs. Vaughan to approve the bills dated February 18, 2015. The motion was carried unanimously with the Board signifying their approval by stating "Aye". (See list of bills attached hereto and made a part hereof.) OLD BUSINESS None. NEW BUSINESS Chairman Maggi extended to Judge DiSalle an opportunity to address the Board as well as discuss the new program started at the Correctional Facility. Judge DiSalle stated that he is looking forward to being a part of the Board. He continued that the new program was started because of the large back -log of prisoners awaiting a hearing for revocation and parole. Judge DiSalle stated that it creates a problem for the Sheriff's Office to cycle inmates to the courthouse in a secure C I 11 53 M I N U T E BOOK PRISON BOARD WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLANIA IMR LIMITED El316F49t.D manner and the timing of the court rooms so they came up with the idea of conducting the hearings at the jail, inside the chapel. He went on to say that they saw 14 inmates on the first day, with no delay, with representatives present from the District Attorney's Office and the Public Defender's Office; everything went very well. Warden Temas asked Judge DiSalle to confirm that cycling 14 inmates through would have taken more than just a morning session and that it was done at the jail in just two hours. Judge DiSalle confirmed this and stated that he heard nine revocations, four bench warrants and one Clerk of Court's warrant. Warden Temas stated that he believed that it was a much more efficient use of staff and did improve safety because no one had to be transported to and from the jail. Sheriff Romano stated that the new process helps out his office immensely. There being no further business, Chairman Maggi declared the meeting adjourned at approximately 11:42 a.m. THE FOREGOING MINUTES SUBMITTED FOR APPROVAL: /,C'4,^;/-/3 2015 ATTEST: 1, SECRETARY 1 1