HomeMy WebLinkAboutCOMM - Meeting Minutes - 1032 - 2-16-2017 - COMMISSIONER753 MINUTE BOOK BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLANIA 1 IMR LIMITED El316649LD Minute No. 1032 Washington County Commissioners Washington, Pennsylvania, February 16, 2017 The Washington County Commissioners met in regular session in the Public Meeting Room, Courthouse Square, Washington, Pa., with the following members being present: Commissioners Larry Maggi; Diana Irey Vaughan and Harlan G. Shober. Also being present: Marine Corps League 1138 representative Sandra Young; Solicitor J. Lynn DeHaven; Director of Administration Scott Fergus; Chief Clerk Cynthia B. Griffin; Administrative Assistant Joyce Thornburg; Executive Secretaries Joy Orndoff, Marie Trossman and Randi Marodi; Planning Department representative Gracie Abel; Human Resources Director Kathleen Bali; Finance Director Josh Hatfield; Veterans Affairs director Susan Meighen and representative Angie Mattes; Treasurer Francis King; Building and Grounds Director Justin Welsh; Redevelopment Authority of Washington County Director Bill McGowen and representative Bob Griffin; Clerk of Courts Frank Scandale; health center employees and SEIU representatives, Rich Goff; Elizabeth Morris, Cindy Shaffer, Theresa Pearce, Randy Popielarceyk, Bruce Mayer, Dawn Futrell, Kathy Shaner, Mary Cheek, Mary Glendenning, Patricia Piccoli and Lisa Mayer; Representative Brandon Neuman; West Alexander Fair Board representatives Debbie Stephenson, Niki Welsh-Ryburn, John Hunter, Jim McCleery, Jason Frances and Dave Hilderbrand; MATHCOUNTS Coordinator Ginny Shultz; Peters Township MATHCOUNTS coach Kayla Koda and MATHCOUNTS winners Sheng Wang, Rachael Gavlik, Seowon (Thomas) Chang, Jackson Busche, Scott Zhu and Nolan Wang; TRIPIL representative Deborah Holden; many veterans including Carolyn Dunklin, Tony Pasquerilla, Sandy Young, Gene Rasel, Sue Rasel, Don Bailey, Edwina Koman, Dennis Koman, Dan Briner, Harry Wilson, Harry Thompson and Kenneth Ward and many more; Thomas Campbell Apartment representatives Paula Key, Tracy Sushel, Audrey Sheller; NAACP representative David Gading Sr.; Observer -Reporter Publishing Co. representative Barbara Miller and photographer Celeste Vankirk; WJPA representative Jun Jefferson; Herald Standard representative Pat Cloonan; and concerned citizens Shannon Mahoney, Zack Mahoney and Frank Byrd. Mr. Maggi called the meeting to order at approximately 10:01 a.m. American Legion Chaplain Frank Millar led the meeting with a prayer. Ms. Young led the Pledge of Allegiance. Mr. Maggi entertained a motion approving Minute No. 1031 dated February 2, 2017. Moved by Mrs. Vaughan; seconded by Mr. Shober, approving Minute No. 1031, as written. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Shober — Yes; Mrs. Vaughan — Yes; Mr. Maggi — Yes. Motion carried unanimously. SPECIAL ORDER OF BUSINESS Mr. Maggi read a certificate of appreciation was presented to the family of highly decorated WWII veteran Mervin White, whose dog tag was found out west in General Patton's training ground. Mr. White's daughter, son-in-law and uncle, were all present in the audience to accept this certificate and dog tag. 754 MINUTE BOOK BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS IMR LIMITED E1316649LD WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLANIA Mr. White's daughter, Karen White Neal of Ft. Washington, Md., accepted the certificate and dog tag. Also in attendance along with Mrs. Neal, are her husband, Dr. William Neal, and her uncle, Floyd White, 94 years of age, from Washington D.C. Mrs. Neal said her father was a humble man and never talked about his heroics in the military. She was very appreciative about accepting this on her father's behalf. Washington County veteran and school board director John Campbell, on behalf of the Washington High School District thanked the White family and all the veterans in attendance for serving our country. Mr. Maggi introduced Representative Brandon Neuman and thanked him for coming. Mrs. Vaughan read a congratulatory certificate honoring West Alexander Fair Board for being selected to receive the Pennsylvania State Association of County Fairs, Zone III, Achievement Award. President of the fair board John Hunter thanked the Commissioners for recognizing this board. Pennsylvania State Association of County Fair (PSACF) Zone 3 state director of fairs Debbie Stevenson thanked the Commissioners for recognizing the hard work that goes into putting on this fair. West Alexander Fair scored the highest out of 13 fairs, taking into consideration their improvements and intense dedication. Speaking on behalf of MATHCOUNTS is Ginny Shultz, Washington County coordinator for MATHCOUNTS. The competition is for seventh and eighth grade students and was held on February 4, in W&J, with 10 schools participating. The winning students attending today are from Peters Township middle school and will go on to the state competition on March 10 through 11. Mr. Shober thanked Ms. Schultz for all she's does to coordinate this educational experience. Winning members are Sheng Wang, Rachael Gavlik, Seowon (Thomas) Chang, Jackson Busche, Scott Zhu and Nolan Wang. The Commissioners also thanked and presented certificates to coaches Kayla Koda and Ginny Shultz (RECESS FOR PHOTOS PUBLIC COMMENTS Health center dietary department representative Mary Glendenning is opposing the sale of the health center. She believes that personal patient care will be affected negatively. Health center certified nursing assistant Mary Cheek also spoke opposing the sale of the health center. She cites the same reasons. She also expressed dissatisfaction of management receiving a 3% raise. Ms. Cheek would like the Commissioners to investigate the potential buyers. She stated there have been disparaging remarks regarding the workers in the health center. Concerned citizen Frank Byrd spoke in favor of a veterans' shelter and hospital in Washington. He was told there are two days per week that Washington Rides goes to the hospital located in Pittsburgh. He believes welfare recipients are treated better than our veterans. 755 1 1 L, MINUTE BOOK BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLANIA TRIPIL representative Deb Holden asked the commissioners if anything has been accomplished regarding blight in the city. She also stated that a Bentleyville client of TRIPIL services is being evicted from her home mainly due to a construction problem and a very high overdue water bill. Mr. Maggi told her this was not a question and answer period. This is strictly public comment. Mr. Maggi told her that Scott Fergus would be happy to discuss these issues with her. Union organizer with SEIU Rich Goff spoke on behalf of the health center. He stated some information regarding a nursing facility in Beaver County. After this sale, the nursing facility dropped to a one -star facility. Mr. Goff handed the Commissioners letters written by employees of what was previously called Friendship Ridge. OLD BUSINESS BID CONTRACT EXTENSIONS Solicitor DeHaven recommended the Board, on behalf of Human Services, approve the extension of the current contract with Patricia L. Gould, Sole Proprietor, Washington, Pa., for operation of a snack shop in the Washington County Health Center residents and staff. This contract will continue on a month -to - month basis and is in accordance with the terms and conditions of the original bid contract. Moved by Mrs. Vaughan; seconded by Mr. Shober, approving the contract with Patricia L. Gould. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Shober — Yes; Mrs. Vaughan - Yes; Mr. Maggi - Yes. Motion carried unanimously. NEW BUSINESS Chief Clerk presented to the Board for their consideration and approval of a contract for civil engineering services with Widmer Engineering for the purpose of surveying and preparing the proper documentation and other services necessary to complete the subdivision of the health center property. This will create one new parcel of approximately 19.7 acres upon which will be located at the Washington County Health Center and ancillary improvements. The cost shall not exceed $6,200.00. Moved by Mrs. Vaughan; seconded by Mr. Shober, approving the contract with Widmer Engineering. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Shober — Yes; Mrs. Vaughan — Yes; Mr. Maggi — Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Chief Clerk presented to the Board for their consideration and approval, on behalf of the Courts, of agreements with James R. Jeffries, Esq. and Renee Colbert, Esq. to provide criminal defense legal services to criminal defendants who cannot be represented by the Public Defender, due to a conflict of interest. Each attorney agrees to provide legal representation in 90 criminal defense cases at rate of $50,000 per year. With approval of these contracts the Courts will eliminate two conflict contracts which are presently unfilled and there will be no change in the Court's budget. 756 MINUTE BOOK BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLANIA Moved by Mrs. Vaughan; seconded by Mr. Shober, approving the agreements with James R. Jeffries, Esquire and Renee Colbert, Esquire. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Shober — Yes; Mrs. Vaughan — Yes; Mr. Maggi — Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Chief Clerk presented to the Board for their consideration and approval of the appointment of Ricci Rich to the North Franklin Township Business and Recreational Improvement Authority. Moved by Mrs. Vaughan; seconded by Mr. Shober, approving the board appointment. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Shober — Yes; Mrs. Vaughan — Yes; Mr. Maggi — Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Chief Clerk presented to the Board for their consideration and approval of a purchase of service credit for retirement purposes for Cheryl Garrett for the period of September 16, 2010 through October 3, 2010, in the amount of $270.35. Moved by Mrs. Vaughan; seconded by Mr. Shober, approving the purchase of service credit for Cheryl Garrett. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Shober — Yes; Mrs. Vaughan - Yes; Mr. Maggi — Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Chief Clerk presented to the Board for their consideration and approval, of a purchase of service credit for retirement purposes for Clarissa Henry for the period of June 30, 2014 through December 11, 2014, in the amount of $2,521.16. Moved by Mrs. Vaughan; seconded by Mr. Shober, approving the purchase of service credit for Clarissa Henry. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Shober — Yes; Mrs. Vaughan - Yes; Mr. Maggi - Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Chief Clerk presented to the Board for their consideration and approval, on behalf of the planning Commission, of a contract with Widmer Engineering to complete surveys for parcels entering the farmland preservation program at the following rates: 50 to 100 acres - $4,200; 101 to 250 acres - $6,200; 251 to 500 acres - $16,000; and $225 for a legal description per property. 757 d 1 MINUTE BOOK BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLANIA Moved by Mrs. Vaughan; seconded by Mr. Shober, approving the contract with Widmer Engineering. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Shober — Yes; Mrs. Vaughan — Yes; Mr. Maggi — Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Chief Clerk presented to the Board for their consideration and approval, on behalf of the Planning Commission, of an addendum to the agreement with Independent Enterprises, Inc. for the construction of Chartiers #61, South Wade bridge. The original contract price of 3923,641.36 will increase to $971,468.35 which includes $15,534.47 to be reimbursed to the county by HRG, Inc. for a design error on the project. Costs will be paid 80% federal, 15% state and 5% liquid county fuels. Moved by Mrs. Vaughan; seconded by Mr. Shober, approving the addendum with Independent Enterprises, Inc. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Shober — Yes; Mrs. Vaughan — Yes; Mr. Maggi — Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Chief Clerk presented to the Board for their consideration and approval, on behalf of the Planning Commission, of a change order in the amount of $7,000 to a new contract amount of $70,000 with Gibson Thomas Engineering to complete survey and engineering of a borrow site in Cross Creek Park for the Thompson Hill Road widening project. Costs will be paid with oil and gas royalty funds. Moved by Mrs. Vaughan; seconded by Mr. Shober, approving the change order with Gibson Thomas Engineering. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Shober — Yes; Mrs. Vaughan — Yes; Mr. Maggi — Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Chief Clerk presented to the Board for their consideration and approval, on behalf of the Planning Commission, of a memorandum of understanding with Keep Pennsylvania Beautiful for the 2017 waste tine collection to be held May 20, 2017, at the Washington County Fairgrounds. Washington County agrees to staff the event, make arrangements with the contractor and submit payments to Keep Pennsylvania Beautiful for match to the DEP HHW grant that has been secured Moved by Mrs. Vaughan; seconded by Mr. Shober, approving the memorandum of understanding with Keep Pennsylvania Beautiful. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Shober — Yes; Mrs. Vaughan — Yes; Mr. Maggi — Yes. Motion carried unanimously. 758 MINUTE BOOK BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLANIA Chief Clerk presented to the Board for their consideration and approval, on behalf of the Planning Commission, of a revised amount to be paid to West Penn Power for relocating a pole at the fairgrounds associated with the entrance upgrade. The contract authorization amount of $6,043.56 was revised by West Penn Power to $$6,329.30 and will be paid from fair gas lease funds. Power. Moved by Mrs. Vaughan; seconded by Mr. Shober, approving the revised payment to West Penn Roll call vote taken: Mr. Shober — Yes; Mrs. Vaughan — Yes; Mr. Maggi — Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Chief Clerk presented to the Board for their consideration and approval, on behalf of Human Resources, of the union contract between the County of Washington and the Pennsylvania Social Services Union, Service Employees International Union Local 668 and Washington County Children and Youth Services. This contract will be effective January 1, 2017 through December 31, 2020. Moved by Mrs. Vaughan; seconded by Mr. Shober, approving the union contract. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Shober — Yes; Mrs. Vaughan — Yes; Mr. Maggi — Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Chief Clerk presented to the Board for their consideration and approval, on behalf of Child Care Information Services, of the 2016-2017 provider service agreements with the list of previously approved providers. Lillian Miller, Beaver Falls, Pa. Christine Campbell Family Day Care, Beaver Falls, Pa. Tonya Jeter, Midland, Pa. Moved by Mrs. Vaughan; seconded by Mr. Shober, approving the 2016-2017 new provider agreements listed. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Shober - Yes; Mrs. Vaughan - Yes; Mr. Maggi - Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Chief Clerk presented to the Board for their consideration and approval, on behalf of Behavioral Health and Developmental Services, of meeting expenses for the period of January 1, 2017 through December 31, 2017. Meeting expenses will not exceed $4,660 and no additional county funds are required. Moved by Mrs. Vaughan; seconded by Mr. Shober, approving the meeting expenses. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Shober - Yes; Mrs. Vaughan - Yes; Mr. Maggi - Yes. Motion carried unanimously. 759 d 1 MINUTE BOOK BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLANIA Chief Clerk presented to the Board for their consideration and approval, on behalf of Children and Youth Services, of provider agreements with the list of following providers. These agreements will be effective July 1, 2016 through June 30, 2017. No additional county funds are required. PROVIDER Bethesda Children's Home Chambers Foundation City Mission -Living Stones, Inc. -Promise House Hermitage House Mid Atlantic Youth Services, Corp. TOTAL AMOUNT $375,000 $93,000 $50,000 $260,000 $24,000 Moved by Mrs. Vaughan; seconded by Mr. Shober, approving the provider agreements listed. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Shober — Yes; Mrs. Vaughan — Yes; Mr. Maggi — Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Chief Clerk presented to the Board for their consideration and approval, on behalf of Children and Youth Services, of a provider agreement with Hermitage House in the amount of $260,000. This agreement will be effective July 1, 2017 through June 30, 2018. No additional county funds are required. House. Moved by Mrs. Vaughan; seconded by Mr. Shober, approving the provider agreement with Hermitage Roll call vote taken: Mr. Shober — Yes; Mrs. Vaughan — Yes; Mr. Maggi — Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Chief Clerk presented to the Board for their consideration and approval, on behalf of the Washington County Correctional Facility, of payment to Tri State Supply, Washington, Pa. for the replacement of 57 interior/exterior lights, including 31 LED replacement retrokits. The total amount is $18,811 and will be paid from Act 13 funds. Moved by Mrs. Vaughan; seconded by Mr. Shober, approving payment to Tri State Supply. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Shober — Yes; Mrs. Vaughan — Yes; Mr. Maggi — Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Chief Clerk presented to the Board for their consideration and approval, on behalf of the Redevelopment Authority of Washington County, of a lease agreement extension between Washington County and the Redevelopment Authority for office space in Courthouse Square. This agreement will be 760 MINUTE BOOK BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLANIA effective March 1, 2017 through February 28, 2018, at the rate of $14.50/sq. ft. plus 19 parking spaces at $22.00/month. The total monthly rent is $10,064.75. This contract extension is under the same terms and conditions as the original contract. Moved by Mrs. Vaughan; seconded by Mr.' Shober, approving the lease agreement extension with Redevelopment Authority of Washington County. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Shober — Yes; Mrs. Vaughan - Yes; Mr. Maggi - Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Chief Clerk presented to the Board for their consideration and approval, on behalf of Clerk of Courts, of an agreement with nCourt to provide electronic payment processing. This agreement will continue unless provided a 90-day written notice. Costs to clients range from 3% made at the counter to 7% made to the call center. Moved by Mrs. Vaughan; seconded by Mr. Shober, approving the agreement with nCourt. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Shober — Yes; Mrs. Vaughan - Yes; Mr. Maggi - Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Chief Clerk presented to the Board for their consideration and approval, on behalf of Purchasing and Public Safety, of the purchase of one Ford Inceptor Utility AWD vehicle, at a total cost of $36,476.00. The proposed purchase would be made via PA State Contract/COSTARS 13, and therefore does not require bidding. The proposed vendor is Day Ford, Inc., of Monroeville, Pa. The cost would be covered by state funding. Moved by Mrs. Vaughan; seconded by Mr. Shober, approving the purchase of a utility vehicle for Public Safety. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Shober — Yes; Mrs. Vaughan — Yes; Mr. Maggi — Yes. Motion carried unanimously. ANNOUNCEMENTS An executive session was held at 10 a.m. Wednesday, February 15, 2017, following the agenda meeting to discuss personnel and real estate. The regularly scheduled Salary and Retirement Board meetings will be held immediately following today's meeting. All county offices will be closed on Monday, February 20, 2017, in observance of President's Day. SOLICITOR None. 761 MINUTE BOOK BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS [MR LIMITED F1607929L D WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLANIA There being no further business, Chairman Maggi declared the meeting adjourned at approximately 10:59 a.m. E 0 1 THE FOREGOING MINUTES SUBM TTED FOR APPROVAL: io2?1-2017 ATTEST: t ti_. =11911 762 MINUTE BOOK BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS WASKINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLANIA This page is blank. 1 1