HomeMy WebLinkAboutCOMM - Meeting Minutes - 2-P-87 - 2-18-1987 - PRISON BOARD251 1 1 PRISON BOARD Minute No. 2-P-87 MINUTE BOOK WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA Washington County Prison Board Washington, Pa., February 18, 1987 The Washington County Prison Board met for its monthly meeting in the Commissioners' Conference Room, Courthouse Square, Washington, Pennsylvania, at approximately 11:40 a.m. with the following members being present: Judge Gilmore;'. lommissioners Mascara and Petrosky; Controller Beharry; District Attorney Pettit;' and Chief Deputy Sheriff Littleton. Absent being: Commissioner Paluso. Also being present: Warden Poland; Linda Young, Clerk -Steno II; and Byron Smialek, Observer -Reporter. Chairman Petrosky called the meeting to order and asked if there were any corrections, additions or omissions to Minute No. 1-P-87, each member having re- ceived a copy. Controller Beharry noted a correction on the Total Medical Out- standing reimbursement figure (Page 250). It should read "$858.03" instead of "$853.03 Moved by Miss Beharry, seconded by Mr. Littleton, that Minute No. 1-P-81 be approved with the above -mentioned correction. Motion carried unanimously by the Board signifying their approval by stating "Aye". Warden's Report: Warden Poland presented to the Board the following information: Income from other units for maintenance of prisoners: Greene County $665.00 Extradition Corp. of America $252.50 TOTAL $917.50 Work Release and Weekenders: Weekenders billed $ 420.00 Received $ 426.00 Work Release billed $ 656.00 $ 701.00 TOTAL $1,076.00 $1,127.00 $14.00 was turned over to R & I for collection. $230.00 was received from R & I for restitution. Status of prisoners confined at the Jail: MALES FEMALES TOTAL Unsentenced 39 3 42 Sentenced 49 4 53 Work Release 19 1 20 Weekenders 6 3 9 TOTAL 113 11 124 Inmates seeing the doctor: 78 Males 9 Females Inmates transported by Deputy Sheriffs: 19 Warden Poland noted that the total population is 131, two over the maximum amount. Controller Beharry brought up the matter of the dentist and the commercial freezer specifications and questioned Warden Poland on the status of the two matters. Warden Poland stated that he sent the specifications to Ms. Gratz- in Administration. A discussion followed. Warden Poland informed the Board that 252 MINUTE B ®® K PRISON BOARD WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA this item may be less than $4,000. Chairman Petrosky pointed out thatifit is less than $4,000 that we do not have to bid it, but certainly would adhere to thee specs that were drawn up. Regarding the matter of the dentist, (Dr. Allison), Warden Poland noted that he contacted the dentist about rendering his services at the Jail as oppose to transporting the prisoners, but he has not got back to Mr. Poland with his decision. BILLS: Controller Beharry presented to the Board for their consideration and approval the bills for January, 1987, in the amount of $34,424.76. Moved by Mr. Littleton, seconded by Miss Beharry, approving the payment of the bills for January, 1987. Motion carried unanimously by the Board signifying their approval by stating "Aye". OUTSTANDING REIMBURSEMENTS Reimbursable January Medical -0- Reimbursable January Maintenance $ 917.50 TOTAL $ 917.50 Outstanding.Reimbursable -"Medical $ 858.03 Outstanding Reimbursable Maintenance $ 866.50 TOTAL $1,724.53 Total Medical Outstanding Reimbursement $ 858.03 Total Maintenance Outstanding Reimbursement $1,784.00 TOTAL $2,642.03 Old Business: Controller Beharry brought up the matter of the 1986 Adult Probation Grant -in -Aid and stated that last week she received a call from the State inquir- ing as to the $4,559.00 which was to be returned to the State as those funds had not been expended as proposed. (Note: The new program funds of $4,559.00 were to be used to hire an additional probation officer to function as an Institutional Parole Representative.) Discussion followed. Chairman Petrosky stated that he received a full report from Mr. Rockovich of Adult Probation concerning this matter. He requested that further discussion on this .matter be delayed until the next meeting in order that each member could be provided with a copy of Mr. Rockovich's report and have an opportunity to review it. Chairman Petrosky informed the Board that under the new policy for Errors and Omissions insurance, the Prison Board is not covered as a group. Discussion followed. The Board members felt that every effort should be explored to find out what type of coverage is available and to obtain it (i.e., individual policy,', if necessary) as quickly as possible. Chairman Petrosky stated that he would pursue the two aspects of (1) making a determination as to what the County's general liability is and what is covered under that policy; and (2) some deter- mination in terms of what other counties do relative to the Errors and Omissions policy covering their Prison Boards. 253 MINUTE BOOK PRISON BOARD WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA There being no further business, Chairman Petrosky declared the meeting `adjourned at approximately Noon. THE FOREGOING MINUTES SUBMITTED FOR APPROVAL: 1987 ATTEST:✓ (CHAIRMAN) S i 1 1 1