HomeMy WebLinkAboutCOMM - Meeting Minutes - 10-P-89 - 9-13-1989 - PRISON BOARD337 Washington, Pa., September 13, 1989 The Washington County Prison Board met for its monthly meeting in the Washington County Jail, Courthouse Square, Washington, Pennsylvania, with the following members being present: Commissioners Mascara, Petrosky and Paluso; Controller Beharry; District Attorney Pettit; and Chief Deputy Sheriff Littleton. Absent being: Judge Gilmore. Also being present: Warden Pelzer; Linda Hands, Clerk -Steno II; Kathy Warco, Observer -Reporter; and Jim Jefferson, WJPA. Chairman Petrosky called the meeting to order at approximately 11:45 a.m. and asked if there were any corrections, additions or omissions to Minute No. 9-P-89, each member having received a copy. Ms. Beharry requested hat an addition be made to Minute No. 9-P-89 to note that discussion had been held concerning billing for prisoners picked up on out -of -county bench warrants and that Mr. Littleton offered to look into this matter. Moved by Ms. Beharry, seconded by Mr. Mascara, that Minute No. 9-P-89 be approved with the above - mentioned addition. Motion carried unanimously by the Board signifying their approval by stating "Aye". Warden's Retort: Bills: Warden Pelzer presented to the Board the following information: Income from other units for the maintenance of prisoners for August: No monies received. Total Work Release and Weekenders: Weekenders billed $ 730.00 Received $ 700.00 Work Release billed $1,245.00 $$1,350.00 TOTAL $1,975.00 $2,050.00 Received no monies from Clerk of Courts. $75.00 was turned over to Clerk of Courts for collection. Status of prisoners confined at the end of Auaust 1989: MALES FEMALES TOTAL Sentenced prisoners 47 6 53 Work Release 18 0 18 Weekender prisoners 24 4 28 Unsentenced Awaiting trial 39 1 40 Awaiting sentencing 16 2 18 TOTAL PRISONERS 144 13 157 No. of inmates doctor saw 118 22 140 New commitments doctor saw 53 Repeat patients doctor saw 87 Sheriff transported 20 inmates Controller Beharry presented to the Board for their consideration and �1 E 1 ;approval the bills for the month of August in the amount of $17,041.82. Commissioner Paluso questioned Warden Pelzer concerning the bill from Herd's MINUTE BO❑K PRISON BOARD WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA 3;8 1 Drug Store ($23.90) for a hydroculator. Warden Pelzer explained that this was for an inmate (L. Nelson) who has back problems. (See list of bills attached hereto and made a part hereof.) Moved by Ms. Beharry, seconded by Mr. Littleton, approving the payment of the bills as per above. Motion carried unanimously by the Board signifying their approval by stating "Aye". The Commissioners' "yes" votes were cast with the caveat that the Controller is tracking the bills to make sure the items are not exceeding the $4,000.00 bid requirement. (For further reference, see blanket caveat on page 278.) OUTSTANDING REIMBURSEMENTS Reimbursable August Medical Reimbursable August Maintenance TOTAL Outstanding Reimbursable Medical Outstanding Reimbursable Maintenance TOTAL Total Medical Outstanding Reimbursement Total Maintenance Outstanding Reimbursement TOTAL Lawrence County Aug. 1985 Prison Transfer (out of business) Oct. 1986 U.S. Navy Apr./May 1989 N. Hampton (Denies claim) May 1985 TOTAL OUTSTANDING -0- -0- -0- $ 770.96 1,122.50 $1,893.46 $ 770.96 1,122.50 $1,893.46 $ 429.25 235.25 357.00 101.00 $1,122.50 Regarding the Outstanding Reimbursement Report, Commissioner Paluso questioned the outstanding invoice from Prison Transfer Company. Mr. Pelzer explained that other counties sometimes hired this company to transport prisoners. This invoice dated back to October of 1986 and since that time, the company has gone out of business. Further discussion followed. Mr. Paluso stated that he felt the Jail should not be housing prisoners for private companies. Some discussion also followed regarding the invoice for North Hampton County and procedures followed in cases where out -of -county bench warrants are issued to pick up prisoners and how the counties bill for these services. More discussion was held. Mr. Littleton noted that he was checking into this matter. He explained that, in most instances, the counties in Pennsylvania have a reciprocal understanding of housing prisoners picked up on bench warrants at no cost. Moved by Mr. Paluso, seconded by Mr. Littleton, adopting a policy whereby Washington County will not house prisoners for private agencies, such as Prison Transfer Company. Motion carried unanimously by the Board signifying their approval by stating "Aye". Old Business: The Board briefly discussed the State's annual Inspection Evaluation Report of the Jail. 1 339 MINUTE BOOK PRISON BOARD WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA --- ------ - ------ - - ------------ Warden Pelzer advised the Board that the Department of Corrections indicated that there is no problem with double -bunking prisoners as opposed to housing them in the gym and dining room which is unacceptable. Warden Pelzer reported on the approximate costs involved to implement double -bunking procedures. Discussion followed. Commissioner Paluso suggested that the Warden try double -bunking, using one wing at a time. Some discussion was held on deciding which prisoners should be double bunked. It was agreed that the Warden should submit a supplemental report on the costs involved to double bunk inmates. Chairman Petrosky informed the Board of plans to build an Annex across the street which is now in the developmental stages that will contain a facility to house non-violent prisoners such as DUI or work -release prisoners. Chairman Petrosky also reported that his Executive Assistant has investigated an in-house incarceration program (electronic monitoring) offered by American Monitoring Sales Corporation of Media, Pa. Mr. Petrosky briefly explained what kind of monitoring system this company had to offer and the approximate costs to the County. He noted that he is exploring this monitoring system with the Courts and District Attorney. He advised that such monitoring systems are operating in Allegheny, Philadelphia and Chester counties. Discussion followed. District Attorney Pettit commented that he has no problem with this type of program as long as it is properly administered. Chairman Petrosky suggested that at the next Prison Board meeting the Board decide upon the following issues: (1) Neilan Engineers proposal, (2) the proposal from American Monitoring Sales Corporation; and (3) double bunking prisoners. Other Business: Mr. Littleton suggested that Warden Pelzer check into the feasibility of the Jail having its own copying machine. Mr. Littleton explained that deputies come into the jail on weekends and have no access to a copying machine to copy important information needed relative to prisoners. Chairman Petrosky directed Warden Pelzer to check with Lou Lignelli, Director of Administration, regarding this matter. Ms. Beharry requested that the Board continue to table the matter of her letter to the Board regarding Court orders until the Board receives input from the Court concerning this issue. There being no further business, Chairman Petrosky declared the meeting adjourned at approximately 12:30 a.m. THE FOREGOING MINUTES SUBMITTED FOR APPROVAL: ATTEST: October 12 SE 1989 I I d