HomeMy WebLinkAboutCOMM - Meeting Minutes - 9-P-04 - 9-15-2004 - PRISON BOARDMINUTE BOOK '''7 PRISON BOARD WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA Minute No. 9-P-04 Washington County Prison Board m Washington, PA, September 15, 2004 M € The Washington County Prison Board was held in the 7ch Floor Conference Room, Courthouse Square Office O U_ I v Building, Washington, Pennsylvania, with the following members being present: Commissioners Larry Maggi, and Diana L. Irey; Judge Debbie O'Dell Seneca; Controller Mike Namie and Acting Sheriff John Rheel. Absent being: 0 Commissioner J. Bracken Burns, Sr. and District Attorney John Pettit. Also being present: Warden Joe Pelzer; Mary Cc Helicke, Chief Clerk; Lynn DeHaven, Solicitor; Scott Fergus, Director of Administration; Linda Belcher, a Administrative Assistant; Janice Urban, Human Resources; Linda Metz, Observer -Reporter and Jim Jefferson, WJPA. Chairman Maggi called the meeting to order at approximately 11:35 a.m. and entertained a motion to approve Minute No. 8-P-04. Moved by Mrs. Irey, seconded by Acting Sheriff Rheel, approving Minute No. 8-P-04 as written. Motion carried unanimously by the Board signifying their approval by stating "Aye". PUBLIC COMMENTS None WARDEN'S REPORT Warden Pelzer presented the following information to the Board: Income from other units for the maintenance of prisoners for Aueust, 2004 U S. Marshall $ 12,370.88 Administrative Fee 2,383.38 Social Security 1,600.00 Monthly Sub Total 16,354.26 Year to date GRAND TOTAL $ 101,840.45 ProLrram Fees and Room and Board Income for August, 2004 Work Release/Home Detention Billed $14,796.00 Collected $15,228.00 Weekenders $ 1,317.00 $ 1,317.00 Turned over to Clerk of Courts (Minus) -0- • Adjustments made to billings (Minus) -0- Monthly Sub -Total $16,113.00 $16,545.00 Year to date GRAND TOTAL $118,248.80 $118,663.80 Status of prisoners confined at the end of Aueust, 2004 MALES FEMALES TOTAL Full Time 62 6 68 Work Release 40 1 41 Weekend prisoners 5 3 8 Unsentenced prisoners Awaiting sentencing and/or trial 148 35 183 TOTAL PRISONERS 255 45 300 MALES FEMALES TOTAL Examinations performed by the physician 113 44 157 New commitments 35 Repeat patients 122 Medical Transports performed by the Sheriff 8 Aii...,_A 1­ Aii-- lr---. ....,......-I-A 1­ AN- '%T--. 771-1. 41 XI7.....1.. 1. — .moo.. Mn+V^" 28 MINUTE BOOK PRISON BOARD WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA carried unanimously by the Board signifying their approval by stating "Aye". BILLS Deputy Controller Vankirk presented to the Board for their consideration and approval the bills for the month of August, 2004 in the amount of $54,824.94. Moved by Mrs. Irey, seconded by Mr. Vankirk, approving -the bills -for, the month.of August, 2004. Motion carried unanimously by the Board signifying their approval by stating "Aye". (See list of bills attached hereto and made a part hereof.) OLD BUSINESS Commissioner Irey addressed the Board regarding Act 84, which was discussed at last month's meeting and asked if any information was available to the Board as to how other fourth class counties handle this situation. Warden Pelzer did point out there are some fourth class counties that do not collect monies as required by Act 84. Warden Pelzer stated he would survey more fourth class counties to see how they handle Act 84 requirements and report back to the Board with the information to discuss at the next meeting. (Judge O'Dell Seneca entered the meeting.) After some discussion, it was the consensus of the Board that the Warden provide the members with survey results from other fourth class counties before a decision is made as to whether the County should adopt a procedure regarding Act 84. Commissioner Irey brought to the Board's attention correspondence that was received with reference to a Cell Dogs Program. The Board agreed this type of program would not work well in the Correctional Facility and noted a letter should be drafted and sent to respond to this request. Commissioner Irey noted the recent suicide at the correctional facility and stated any information from the city or the coroner regarding the incident report should be forwarded to the Board members. Also, Commissioner Irey brought to the Board's attention the issue of the increasing population at the correctional facility. She stated the Board should start looking into the possibility of adding on to the jail to accommodate more inmates. Discussion was held on whether or not an additional floor could be added to the facility. Warden Pelzer stated that most of the inmates are held in single units but there are approximately fifty cells that are double -bunked. More discussion was held on how to plan for the long-term on this issue. Chairman Maggi called an executive session to discuss possible litigation. Meeting reconvened. NEW BUSINESS None There being no further business, Chairman Maggi declared the meeting adjourned at approximately Noon. THE FOREGOING MINUTES SUBMITTED FOR APPROVAL: 2004 ATTEST: \/ r✓ SECRETARY • 0 1 • '7 1