HomeMy WebLinkAboutCOMM - Meeting Minutes - PB 1-20-21 - 1-20-2021 - PRISON BOARD275 MINUTE BOOK PRISON BOARD WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLANIA IMR LIMITED E1316fi491_I7) Minute No. PB 1-20-21 January 20, 2021 The meeting of the Washington County Prison Board was with the following members being present: Commissioners Diana Irey Vaughan, Nick Sherman and Larry Maggi; President Judge John DiSalle; Controller Mike Namie; and District Attorney Gene Vittone. Absent from the meeting was Sheriff Romano. Also present: Warden Fewell; Deputy Warden Waugh; Deputy Warden Cain; Solicitor Jana Grimm; Chief of Staff John Haynes; Finance Director Joshua Hatfield; Human Resources Director Shelli Arnold; Deputy Controller Cathy Sams; Chaplin Mike Pierson; Chief Clerk Cindy Griffin; Administrative Assistant Joyce Thornburg; Keefe Commissary Network representatives Eric Sowers and Scott Conrath; and IC Solutions representative Brad Coens. Mrs. Vaughan called the meeting to order at approximately 11:33 a.m. Mrs. Vaughan asked if there were any corrections, additions or omissions to Minute No. PB 1-6-21, dated January 6, 2021, each member having received a copy. It was moved by Mr. Namie and seconded by Mr. Sherman that Minute No. PB 1-6-21, be approved. The motion was carried unanimously with the Board signifying their approval by stating 'Aye". PUBLIC COMMENTS None. WARDEN'S REPORT Income from Other Units for the Maintenance of Inmates for December 2020 Administrative Fee $12,887.84 Social Security 200.00 Tylenol 48.67 Monthly sub -total $13,136.51 Year-to-date grand total $144,036.18 Proeram Fees and Room and Board Income for December 2020 Billed Collected Work Release Inmates -0- -0- Weekend Inmates -0- -0- Monthly sub -total -0- -0- Year-to-date grand total $31,296.00 $29,193.00 Status of Inmates Confined at the End of December 2020 Male Female Total Full-time Inmates 26 42 68 Work Release Inmates 0 0 0 Weekend Inmates 0 0 0 Male Female Total Inmates Awaiting Trial and/or Sentencing 176 6 182 Total Inmates 202 48 250 Male Female Total Examinations Performed by the Physician 12 14 26 New Commitments 14 Repeat Patients 12 Dental Extractions 9 Medical Transports Performed by the Sheriff 19 Contracted Housing Fee/Month $0.00 Year-to-date grand total $0.00 276 MINUTE BOOK PRISON BOARD IMR LIMITED E1316649LD WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLANIA Warden Fewell opened with the introduction and presentation of December's WCCF Employee of the Month certificate to Officer Martiqua Sloan. Warden Fewell also recognized Captain Jack Buckholt for his 2020 perfect attendance throughout the pandemic, and the warden expressed his appreciation for Captain Buckholt's service to Washington County. Lastly, Warden Fewell acknowledged Officer Monica Piontek for taking appropriate action on January 18, 2021. Officer Monica Piontek was performing duties in the housing units when she noticed a noose an inmate had made for self -harm. She reported the situation to her supervisor and appropriate action was taken. Warden Fewell introduced Eric Sowers of Keefe Commissary Network of Ohio, the inmate commissary provider along with Regional Manager, Scott Conrath. • Mr. Sowers thanked the Prison Board and Washington County for the opportunity to serve as the commissary provider. Keefe would like to hire a part-time on -site employee. This person would handle the day-to-day commissary duties, i.e., processing, distributing orders to the inmates, handling any discrepancies and technology issues for roughly 25 hours per week. This would result in a slight commissary rate reduction from 40% to 34.25%. This contract ends in 2022, and Keefe offers one remaining commissary extension and would move the contract end date to 2024. This extension is an option in the original agreement. There will not be any adjustments to the commissary pricing to the inmate population. • Mr. Namie asked what the 5.75% reduction would amount to in dollars. Warden Fewell responded that he would provide the Board with that information. He also stated that on an annual basis, the welfare account, in total, is making approximately $200,000 more than is being spent. Mr. Sowers believes that the reduction would be under $20,000/year, but Warden Fewell and Mr. Sowers will come back to the Board with that information. Mr. Conrath added that the commission reduction is solely related to the commissary program. • Mr. Fewell noted the correction officers are dealing with the inmate commissary at this time along with the day to day correctional responsibilities. This ends up being time consuming and may pose a security risk. Warden Fewell introduced Regional Manager Brad Coens of IC Solutions (ICS) which is part of the Keefe Commissary group. • ICS assumed the phone and video visitation roll in 2017, with an extension in 2019 to 2021, and after that there are two one-year renewals. After adding phones and most recently video visitation, there have been discussion of the addition of tablets. This is referred to as the bridge which helps maximize the efficiency of the facilities. This would allow facilities to handle electronic grievances, staff messaging, etc. The infrastructure is already in place, and IC Solutions would provide the technology. With regard to security, the plan would be to have a cart for each location. The cart would be rolled out, and the inmates can check out the tablets. When inmates check out a tablet they have to enter their inmate ID and their picture is taken. The facility can also monitor and track for security purposes, and the wireless access is locked down. The tablets can also provide education, i.e., vocational assistance and behavior management. For example, it could be set up that when an inmate logs on, he/she may be required to watch a movie on Alcoholics Anonymous or drug use depending upon the individual's circumstance. The inmate handbook is also made available on the tablet along with the ability to make phone calls, messaging, law library access, access to books and music, etc. It also ties into the commissary. • The extension that includes the tablet rollout with no change to the revenue sharing would be a possible three-year extension to the existing agreement. The initial term expires at the end of this year which would be pushed out 3 years plus the option for (2) one-year renewals. • Warden Fewell noted that this would be best practice especially with COVID-19 virus. Books are problematic for spreading germs where the tablets can be cleaned. The tablets are a behavioral management tool and can be used for discharge planning, re-entry, phone calls which are recorded from their cells. The warden commented that tablets are the platform that to which many correctional facilities are moving. The tablet will replace the inmate telephone 1 1 1 277 MINUTE BOOK PRISON BOARD WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLANIA IMR LIMITED E13166491 D as well as the kiosk. • In response to Mrs. Vaughan's questions, Mr. Coens stated that there would be no additional cost as it is self -funding through the existing system. ICS will come in with the existing network, place access points in the facility, and provide carts and tablets at no additional cost to the county. The agreement would be extended from December 2021 to December 2024 which already contains the two one-year extension options that will become part of the initial term that was extended earlier. • It will take approximately 90 days for delivery of the tablets. If one breaks, it can be returned. • Warden Fewell remarked that the county solicitor and the purchasing director will receive the written proposal. • Mrs. Vaughan stated that there will be no vote today on contract for the Keefe Commissary Network or IC Solutions, and Warden Fewell confirmed. • Mr. Sowers noted to Mr. Namie that in 2020 the County did generate $145,000 in commissioned dollars for commissary. With the population decrease, projections decreased to $135,000 for 2021 less approximately $20,000 for the commissary employee proposed earlier in the presentation. • Mr. Sowers explained that the proposed extra employee would also be responsible for working on any tablets that may need maintenance. • Mrs. Vaughan asked Warden Fewell to email the slide presentation to the entire Prison Board. Warden Fewell respectfully requested the Prison Board to award the bid for the furnishing and delivering of produce for the correctional facility to Albano's Produce, Washington, PA, the lowest most responsive and responsible bidder meeting specifications based on the 25% markup from the vendor's cost submitted in the proposal. This contract will be effective from the date of the agreement through December 31, 2022, with the option to renew for one additional two-year periods. Warden Fewell respectfully requested the Prison Board to approve the bid award for the replacement of the correctional facility roof to Ramp Construction, Inc., Eighty Four, PA, in the amount of $511,000, and funded from Act 13 monies. Warden Fewell, on behalf of Purchasing, respectfully requested the Prison Board to approve a three-year maintenance agreement for the COM-TEC Security System for the purpose of keeping the system up to date. The agreement will be effective January 1, 2021 through December 31, 2023, at a total cost of $13,598/year for the three-year term. Warden Fewell expressed concern over several ligature points for suicide attempts and how to mitigate the situation. The vents can be problematic. Warden Fewell stated that the HVAC system is probably not equipped to handle the stress of placing covers over the vents. Warden Fewell has asked the engineers to make an evaluation to consider ways to mitigate the problem and will ask the HVAC provider if it is possible to cover the vents. Warden Fewell met with the Dr. Goudy, the NAACP representative. He noted that a hotline was installed and is now active. Inmates can access the NAACP hotline to report a concern through the kiosk. The hotline goes directly to the regional headquarters in Washington, PA. Dr. Goudy can conduct inquiries directly from the inmate population. Warden Fewell stated that he would like to also install a similar hotline with the Prison Rape Elimination Act (PREA). The objective of these third -party hotlines is to provide more oversight with investigations, inquiries and concerns to improve transparency and accountability. Mrs. Vaughan called an executive session at 12:12 p.m. to discuss personnel and potential litigation. Mrs. Vaughan reconvened the meeting at approximately 12:23 p.m. • PRISON BOARD IMR LIMITED E1316649LD MINUTE BOOK WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLANIA It was moved by Mr. Maggi and seconded by Mr. Namie to approve the Warden's report including the award of the produce contract, roof replacement project and security system preventative maintenance agreement. The motion was carried unanimously with the Board signifying their approval by stating "Aye". BILLS Mr. Namie presented to the Board for their consideration and approval of the bills dated January 20, 2021, in the amount of $211,178.29. It was moved by Mr. Namie and seconded by Mr. Sherman approving the bills dated January 20, 2021. The motion was carried unanimously with the Board signifying their approval by stating "Aye". (See list of bills attached hereto and made a part hereof.) OLD BUSINESS None. NEW BUSINESS None. There being no further business, Mrs. Vaughan declared the meeting adjourned at approximately 12:25 p.m. THE FOREGOING MINUTES SUBMITTED FOR APPROVAL: X. ATTEST: SECRETARY 1 11 I