HomeMy WebLinkAboutCOMM - Meeting Minutes - PB 5-5-21 - 5-5-2021 - PRISON BOARD305 MINUTE BOOK PRISON BOARD WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLANIA [MR LIMITED E1316649[ n Minute No. PB 5-5-21 May 5, 2021 The meeting of the Washington County Prison Board was held in the public meeting room, Courthouse Square, Washington, Pennsylvania, with the following members being present: Commissioners Diana Irey Vaughan, Nick Sherman and Larry Maggi; Deputy Controller Cathy Sams; Sheriff Sam Romano; and President Judge John DiSalle. Absent from the meeting was District Attorney Gene Vittone. Also present: District Attorney First Assistant Jason Walsh; Solicitor Jana Grimm; Warden Jeffrey Fewell; Chief of Staff John Haynes; Captain Anthony Interval; Human Resources Director Shelli Arnold; Chief Clerk Cindy Griffin; Administrative Assistant Joyce Thornburg; Chaplain Mike Pierson; Deputy Warden Chris Cain; Major David Coddington; Sargent Kimberly Reed and Officer Kyrie Kenyon. Mrs. Vaughan called the meeting to order at approximately 11:32 a.m., and Chaplin Mike Pierson led the meeting with the invocation. Mrs. Vaughan asked if there were any corrections, additions or omissions co Minute No. PB 4-14-21, dated April 14, 2021, each member having received a copy. It was moved by Mr. Sherman and seconded by Mr. Maggi that Minute No. PB 4-14-21 be approved. The motion was carried unanimously with the Board signifying their approval by stating "Aye" PUBLIC COMMENTS None. WARDEN'S REPORT Income from Other Units for the Maintenance of Inmates for April 2021 Administrative Fee $9,554.50 Social Security $400.00 Tylenol $7.35 Monthly sub -total $9,961.85 Year-to-date grand total $43,407.72 Proeram Fees and Room and Board Income for April 2021 Billed Collected Work Release Inmates -0- -0- Weekend Inmates -0- -0- Monthly sub -total -0- -0- Year-to-date grand total -0- -0- Status of Inmates Confined at the End of An_ ril 2021 Male Female Total Full-time Inmates 18 2 20 Work Release Inmates 0 0 0 Weekend Inmates 0 0 0 Male Female Total Inmates Awaiting Trial and/or Sentencing 196 5C 246 Total Inmates 214 52 266 Examinations Performed by the Physician (No data available) New Commitments (No data available) Repeat Patients Dental Extractions (No data available) Medical Transports Performed by the Sheriff (No data available) Contracted Housing Fee/Month (No data available) $0.00 Year-to-date grand total (No data available) $0.00 Warden Fewell introduced Kimberly Reed in recognition of her promotior from Officer I to Officer II effective April 25, 2021. Warden Fewell stated that Officer Reed has done a good job in her position in processing. She has been with the facility for five years, and she expre,, sed that she would like to make this her career. 306 MINUTE BOOK PRISON BOARD WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLANIA IMR LIMITED E1316649LD Warden Fewell announced that the Employee of the Month is Officer William Hottle. Officer Hottle was not present as this was his scheduled day off. Warden Fewell announced that the WCCF population is at 264 including an 86 year old gentleman. He explained that, even though this is the time of year when the population tends to go up, the bookings and releases are slightly down. Warden Fewell announced that he had distributed the magistrates' statistics and pointed out that Magisterial District justice Havelka booked and processed 17 commitments in the month of April. He went on to state that the PA State Police is the number one law enforcement agency in the county and has processed 17 throughout the month of April. Mr. Haynes asked Warden Fewell if the commitments were primarily DUI related, and Warden Fewell indicated that the commitments ranged in a variety of violations. Warden Fewell explained that traffic interdiction is being restrained at this time due to COVID-19 and the civil unrest. PROPOSALI Warden Fewell respectfully requested the Prison Board to award the bid for kitchen and laundry equipment repair for the correctional facility to the listed lowest most responsible bidders: • AIS Commercial Parts & Service, Pittsburgh PA. - 8-5, M-F - $94.50/hr.; 5-8, M-F - WE - $141.75 • Hobart Service, Troy, Ohio - 8-5, M-F - $127.00/hr.; 5-8, M-F - WE - $191.00 All work will be done on a time and material basis as needed. If approved, this contract will be effective from the date of agreement through April 30, 2022, with an option to extend for two additional one-year periods. PROPOSAL2 Warden Fewell, on behalf of Purchasing and Buildings & Grounds, respectfully requested the Prison Board to award the bid for general construction services on an as needed basis to Waller Corporation, Washington, PA, the lowest most responsible bidder, based upon the unit costs submitted in the proposal. This contract will be effective from the date of agreement through April 30, 2022, with an option to extend for four one-year periods. PROPOSAL3 Warden Fewell respectfully requested the Prison Board to approve an addendum to the agreement with Keefe Supply Company, Strongsville, Ohio, for the provision of vending services for inmates at no cost to the County. The County will receive a 25% commission from the adjusted gross sales of vending products. All other terms and conditions of the original agreement and previously approved addendum remain unchanged. The vending machine is located in the inmate worker area and offers Coke and Pepsi products and snacks. It is a point of sale charged to the individual inmate commissary accounts. Access to the vending machine will be available for immediate access rather than taking up to a week to order from the commissary. PROPOSAL 4 Warden Fewell respectfully requested the Prison Board to enter into an agreement with the County of Allegheny for the provision of housing each other's youthful offenders on an as needed basis as per the contract conditions including, $116.87 per inmate, per day, plus medical expenses, and to be paid from the WCCF Operating Budget. The current juveniles housed in the WCCF will remain since they will be turning 18 in May. President judge DiSalle asked about 19 year -olds, and Warden Fewell remarked that if there was a protective custody situation as an example, Allegheny and Washington County could farm out each other's offenders as needed. In response to Mrs. Vaughan's question regarding the daily rate, Warden Fewell remarked that after he and josh Hatfield discussed this, the rate had not been established. After further discussion between President judge DiSalle and Mr. Hatfield, there seems to be a difference as to whether the rate is $85.00 or $116.87. Warden Fewell stated that Allegheny County hired a contractor to analyze the indirect costs, i.e., transportation, clerical, etc., and that Washington County has not. Mrs. Vaughan stated that before this is approved in the final format, the rate will need to be clarified. Solicitor Grimm clarified that the agreement that she had reviewed prior to this meeting specified rate. She stated that she did not have the contract with her, but she also questioned the rate. Warden Fewell explained that the rate charged to Allegheny County as specified in the agreement is a calculation based on the total non -burdened cost per day, divided by the population. Conversations between Warden Fewell, Mr. Hatfield and Mr. Haynes determined that it is much more expensive to house a juvenile than an adult and that the established daily rate in the agreement charged to Allegheny County is $85.00. 1 -1 I Ji 307 MINUTE BOOK PRISON BOARD WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLANIA IMR LIMITED E13166491 n PROPOSALS Warden Fewell requested to decline the Harvard study at this time with the guidance of PrimeCare, as they are still in transition. PrimeCare plans to be NCCHC compliant and seeks accreditation, at a later time. A brief summary of the study follows: Harvard University is conducting a study of jails 250+ who go through the accreditation process with the National Commission on Correctional Health Care (NCCHQ. Harvard will study the before and aftereffects on culture, budget, training, supervision, and quality of life for the inmates and staff. PROPOSAL6 Warden Fewell respectfully requested the Prison Board to create more incentive for the inmate population to get vaccinated by recommending that the inmates receive $25 per shot funded from the Inmate Welfare Account. Each inmate would receive $25 into the individual commissary account. On April 20, 124 inmates were vaccinated. Therefore, the dose #1 expenditure from the Inmate Welfare Account is $3,100.00. The 2nd dose is scheduled for May 1, for those inmates who are still in custody. They will be asked if they want to receive the second dose. Those who choose to receive dose #2 will, in turn, receive the 2nd $25.00 deposit. Washington Health System will come to the jail with McCracken Pharmacy at 9 a.m. to vaccinate those 124 inmates. Warden Fewell went on to say that along with the inmates, they have offered to vaccinate staff with the Johnson & Johnson vaccine. PrimeCare has also offered to vaccinate inmates and staff with the Johnson & Johnson vaccine. Warden Fewell explained that the question has come up with regard to the incentive for the inmates who receive the Johnson & Johnson vaccine as to whether the incentive would be $50 or $25. Warden Fewell stated that the Pfizer vaccine has been the only vaccine administered to date. This issue was discussed by the Board members with some members of the Prison Board suggesting $50, $25 and $30. Mrs. Vaughan agreed with President Judge DiSalle to split the difference. It was agreed that the inmates receiving the Johnson & Johnson vaccine would receive a $30 incentive. Mr. Haynes suggested that the County check with the hospital and PrimeCare to see if the correctional facility could insist on getting the Johnson & Johnson vaccine, one and done. Warden Fewell confirmed that the hospital and Primecare had the same idea. PROPOSAL 7 Warden Fewell requested to move the start time of Prison Board from 11-30 a.m. to 11 a.m., based on the amount of information that is being discussed. Warden Fewell mentioned that once Deacon comes online, there will be more statistics available. NOTES: Warden Fewell reported that the 12-hour shifts began April 25, 2021, wit'll only one call off, zero mandates, and overtime cut significantly. The staff seems happy to have three da's off per week. Warden Fewell commented that Shelli Arnold and Mike Namie been instrumental with the implementation of the new schedule. Shelli Arnold stated that there is a class of 14 starting on Monday, and once this class is complete, the jail will be fully staffed. Warden Fewell reported that the state will begin audits in July and that W -'CF is due for a state audit. He also reported that five personnel will go to the high liability training in Fittanning, where trainings will be conducted which will include use of force training and constituticnal law. Discussion followed between Warden Fewell, Mrs. Vaughan, and Josh Hat`'Leld with regard to the County travel policy. Mr. Hatfield stated that for travel within the Commonwealth, the distance one way from headquarters must be 60 miles in order to qualify for overnight travel reimL ursement for meals and lodging. Half of the team prefers to drive up and back, and the others want to stay. The Warden prefers that they stay so that the team is fresh for the training. Mrs. Vaughan suggested that the Warden meet with Mr. Hatfield to review the travel policy. Warden Fewell announced the PA Warden's Association Annual Conference is in Woodlock Springs Resort in Holly, PA, October 19 - 21, 2021. His recommendation is that three attend the conference. Josh Hatfield stated that if the training is in the Commonwealth, approval is not needed, however, for conferences out of state, such as the training in Texas, the Board of Commissioners will need to approve in advance. Warden Fewell announced that the facility is co -hosting an opioid seminar on June 3, 2021, at the City Mission Chapel, with the PA Sheriffs' Association. Mr. Tom Milloly and his team will provide the free training which will include lunch. The commissary providers will also provide pizza for approximately 30 to 50 people, but it will be advertised statewide and open to all groups including adult probation and 1 0 • MINUTE BOOK PRISON BOARD WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLANIA ]MR LIMITED E1316649LD parole, law enforcement groups, civic groups, and the general public. Warden Fewell requested to send command team members to the National Jail Leadership Command Academy at Sam Houston University, Huntsville, Texas, in coordination with the American Jail Association. The total cost per candidate is $2,250.00 per candidate for a one week of training. This includes airfare, lodging, training, and food. The next class is August 1- 6, 2021. There are two or three trainings offered per year for the last 10 years. This is important for the command team members to receive the legal updates and current practices. The team members will meet jail administration from all across the country. The Warden is requesting for approval for two per the upcoming class and will present for approval again for each of the classes to follow. Warden Fewell announced that PrimeCare has agreed to facilitate the Vivitrol program. The County and the drug and alcohol group is excited for this opportunity. Warden Fewell recognized that PrimeCare has been a fantastic partner in transferring from county medical to correctional medical. He added that Narcan will be issued in a 2-dose box to all street releases, with instructions. This will be tracked and it is funded by a grant from the PA Sheriffs' Association. Discussion followed with regard to Subligate, a medication assisted treatment, which is another type of Vivitrol and Suboxen. Both are injected once per month and less subject to abuse. President Judge DiSalle commented that the injections are administered by personnel, and last 30 days. He added that there is no way for it to be abused. Mrs. Vaughan stated that this is a new program to assist those who are detoxing from their addiction. Warden Fewell stated that the program is more expensive than its predecessor, but he emphasized that it is completely funded through the PA Sheriffs' Association grant money. It was moved by Mr. Sherman and seconded by Mr. Maggi approving the Warden's Report as presented. The motion carried unanimously with the Board signifying their approval by stating "Aye" At this time Deputy Warden Cain, Major Coddington, Chaplain Mike Pierson, First Assistant Jason Walsh, Sargent Kimberly Reed and Officer Kyrie Kenyon exited the meeting. Mrs. Vaughan called an executive session at 12:01 p.m. to discuss personnel (Note: Sheriff Romano exited the meeting at approximately 12:02 p.m.). Mrs. Vaughan reconvened the meeting following the executive session at approximately 12:06 p.m. It was moved by Mr. Maggi and seconded by Mr. Sherman approving the increase of the inmate sick call co -pay from $3 to $5, to be implemented immediately. The motion carried unanimously with the Board signifying their approval by stating "Aye". OLD BUSINESS Mrs. Vaughan announced that the planning committee received information back from the State relating to facility management, but the planning committee was actually looking for a jail needs assessment and facility feasibility studies. President Judge DiSalle mentioned that the discussions from the planning committee related to the limitations of the facility, work release program, jail needs, etc. He added that the discussions included the need more room for the female population and booking center as well as the limitations with transports. It was moved by President Judge DiSalle and seconded by Mr. Sherman to create the Request for Proposal and authorize the advertisement for a jail needs assessment and facility feasibility study. The motion carried unanimously with the Board signifying their approval by stating "Aye". NEW BUSINESS None. There being no further business, Mrs. Vaughan declared the meeting adjourned at approximately 12:11 p.m. THE FOREGOING MINUTES SUBMITTED FOR APPROVAL: . IdC4 1 q , 2021 U ATTEST: S ARY