HomeMy WebLinkAboutCOMM - Meeting Minutes - 1129 - 5-6-2021 - COMMISSIONER1715 11 MINUTE BOOK BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLANIA Minute No. 1129 May 6, 2021 The Washington County Commissioners met in regular session in the Public Meeting Room, Courthouse Square, Washington, Pa., with the following members being present: Commissioners Diana Irey Vaughan, Larry Maggi and Nick Sherman. Also present are Solicitor Jana Grimm; Chief of Staff John Haynes; Human Resources Director Shelh Arnold; Human Services Director Kim Rogers; Warden Jeff Fewell and corrections employees Deputy Warden Chris Cain and Major David Coddington; Public Safety Director Jeff Yates; Assistant Director of Aging Services Michelle Manni; Southwestern Pennsylvania Area Agency on Aging representative Kathy Costantino; Washington County Advisory Council President Deborah DeStefano; Washington County Ambulance and Chair Director Larry Pollock; Canonsburg Ambulance representative Jeffrey Kelly; Washington Health System Teen Outreach representatives Amy Podgurski Gough and Sara Schumacher; Blueprints Vice President of Operations Jeff Fondelier and representative Anastasia Barr - Whiteman; Planning representative Gracie Abel; Executive Secretary Marie Trossman; Chief Clerk Cynthia B. Griffin; Administrative Assistant Joyce Thornburg; The Rev. Anita J. Lovell of Mt. Olive Baptist Church; American Legion Post #302 representative David Thompson; Observer -Reporter representative Mike Jones; WJPA representative Bruce Sakahk; and concerned citizen Jeannine Motycki. Mrs. Vaughan called the meeting to order at approximately 10 a.m., and announced this meeting is video and audio live streamed via Facebook. The Rev. Anita J. Lovell led the meeting with a prayer. Mr. Thompson led the Pledge of Allegiance. Mrs. Vaughan entertained a motion approving Minute No. 1128 dated April 15, 2021. Moved by Mr. Sherman; seconded by Mr. Maggi, approving Minute No. 1128, as written. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Sherman — Yes; Mr. Maggi — Yes; Mrs. Vaughan — Yes. Motion carried unanimously. SPECIAL ORDER OF BUSINESS Week. Mr. Maggi read the proclamation declaring May 2 through May 8, 2021, as Corrections Employee Moved by Mr. Maggi; seconded by Mr. Sherman, approving the proclamation. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Sherman — Yes; Mr. Maggi — Yes; Mrs. Vaughan — Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Mrs. Vaughan introduced Warden Fewell and stated how grateful the community is that he and his staff are in this building to do a job that many would not want to do. Mr. Maggi remarked what a difficult job this is, and deal with this day after day. Warden Fewell spoke on behalf of the corrections staff and thanked the commissioners for their ongoing support. He said he is honored to serve the community of Washington County, and strive daily to earn the public's trust. Mr. Maggi read the proclamation declaring May 16 through May 22, 2021, as Emergency Medical Services Week. Moved by Mr. Maggi; seconded by Mr. Sherman, approving the proclamation. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Sherman — Yes; Mr. Maggi — Yes; Mrs. Vaughan — Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Mrs. Vaughan introduced the Public Safety Director Jeff Yates and Ambulance and Chair Director Larry Pollock. 1716 MINUTE BOOK BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLANIA Mr. Yates stated this service has evolved during the last 25 years, and what we see now is a group of dedicated individuals. He remarked they don't do this for the money, they do this because they care about people and they care about the community. Mr. Yates stated this group of dedicated people work very hard and are unsung heroes, and do their job under very difficult circumstances. Mr. Pollock thanked all of the EMT's, paramedics, firefighters and EMS's that even work in the helicopters. He stated this last 15 months have been the most trying of times for the health care system, and he thanks everyone involved. Mrs. Vaughan thanked these groups of dedicated individuals stating they all are frontline workers. She said we all know how critical your service is. Mrs. Vaughan read the proclamation declaring May as Older Americans Month. Moved by Mr. Sherman; seconded by Mr. Maggi, approving the proclamation. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Sherman — Yes; Mr. Maggi — Yes; Mrs. Vaughan — Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Mrs. Vaughan remarked how vital the senior services are. The volunteers continued the Meals -On - Wheels program even through the pandemic, by putting themselves at risk. President of the Washington County Advisory Council of Area Agency on Aging Deborah DeStefano and Area Agency on Aging supervisor Kathy Costantino. Ms. DeStefano thanked the commissioners for their support. She remarked the room looks different because normally this room would be filled with seniors from around the area. Ms. DeStefano stated she has been with this program for 42 years, until her retirement from the county in 2013, and still serving on different boards. She remarked these centers are striving to come back to where they were prior to the pandemic. Ms. Costantino thanked the commissioners for their ongoing support. She also thanked some that were not able to attend this meeting, such as Leslie Grenfell, Executive Director of SW PA Area Agency on Aging, Mary Lynn Spilak, Director of Aging Services, and Michelle Manni, Assistant Director of Aging. She thanked the commissioners for their continued support. Ms. Costantino also spoke on how popular the Gran-N-Go meals were during the pandemic. She also commented that Aging Services are working hard to get the seniors, the people that live in their homes, all vaccinated. Ms Costantino, at this time, passed out a gift basket to each commissioner, as is the tradition. Mr. Sherman read a proclamation declaring May as National Teen Pregnancy Prevention Month. Moved by Mr. Sherman; seconded by Mr. Maggi, approving the proclamation. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Sherman — Yes; Mr. Maggi — Yes; Mrs. Vaughan — Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Mrs. Vaughan introduced Amy Podgurski Gough, Teen Outreach Community Coordinator to receive the proclamation. Also in attendance is Sara Schumacher, Executive Director of the Washington Health System Foundation. Mrs. Gough thanked the commissioners for this proclamation and also representing her mom, Dr Mary Jo Podgurski. Mrs. Podgurski has been working with this group since the 70's. Mrs. Gough commented she's been working with this organization for a decade. Mrs. Gough commented their teen parent progress and graduate high school, acquire parenting skills, and reach their goals. She said she is honored to be in partnership with the Washington Health System. rl I� 1 1 1717 1 1� 1 MINUTE BOOK BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLANIA Mrs. Schumacher thanked the commissioners for honoring the Teen Outreach Program. She stated that Washington Health System has been partnering with the Teen Outreach program since 1988. The health system prides themselves in being involved and one of the ways to give back to the community. Mrs. Schumacher also stated she was a part of the program in the 80's, as a pre -teen, and she said she knows the positive impact this program has with many young teens. Mr. Sherman read a proclamation declaring May as Community Action Month. Moved by Mr. Sherman; seconded by Mr. Maggi, approving the proclamation. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Sherman — Yes; Mr. Maggi — Yes; Mrs. Vaughan — Yes. Motion carried unanimously. - Mrs. Vaughan introduced the Vice President of Operations, Jeff Fondeller. Mrs. Vaughan commented how grateful we are for all the work that is done through this organization. She said thank you for serving a portion of society including children and adults that have an opportunity to improve their future. Mr. Fondeller thanked the commissioners for helping them celebrate with this proclamation. He said there are more than a thousand agencies just like Blueprints across the country that work hard every day to create opportunities for low income individuals and families to change the trajectory of their lives. Mr. Fondeller said his network is a passionate group that have dedicated their professional lives to a cause to make each better. (RECESS FOR PHOTOS) PUBLIC COMMENTS Jeannine Motycki, director of Charleroi's food pantry and representing the Greater Washington County Food Bank, spoke about her dissatisfaction and is seeking more information as the process of Pittsburgh taking over the food distribution for the Greater Washington County Food Bank moves forward. She thanked all the various volunteers throughout the area and during the pandemic. These volunteers have been hit by cars and had their feet run over, just at the Charleroi location. Ms. Motycki challenged Mr. Sherman to roll up his sleeves and come to Charleroi's next distribution event. She said when the Pittsburgh group comes to drop off food, and this is exactly what they do. Drop. Ms. Motycki stated it is up to her and the volunteers to move the food, unpack, and position it. She said she was asked to house the food in the borough building or the fire department. Ms. Motycki commented there is no room. She commented this was a horrible mistake. OLD BUSINESS BID AWARD Solicitor Grimm recommended the Board, on behalf of Purchasing, approve the bid award contract for kitchen and laundry equipment repair and all work will be done on a time and material basis as needed to the following vendors: • AIS Commercial Parts & Service, Pittsburgh, Pa - $94.50/hour Monday through Friday 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. and $141.75/hour Monday through Friday 5 p.m. to 8 p.m. and weekends. Hobart Service, Troy OH - $127.00/hour Monday through Friday 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. and $191.00/hour Monday through Friday 5 p.m. to 8 p.m. and weekends. The contracts will be effective May 6, 2021 through April 30, 2022, with the option to extend for two additional one-year periods. This bid is being awarded to the lowest most responsive and responsible bidder meeting specifications. This was approved at the Prison Board meeting held Wednesday, May 5, 2021, Minute No. PB-5-5-21. 1718 MINUTE BOOK BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLANIA Moved by Mr. Sherman, seconded by Mr. Maggi, approving the bid award contracts with AIS Commercial Parts & Service and Hobart Service. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Sherman — Yes; Mr. Maggi — Yes; Mrs. Vaughan — Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Solicitor Grimm recommended the Board, on behalf of Purchasing and Building and Grounds, approve the bid award contract for general construction services on an as needed basis to Waller Corporation, Washington, Pa. This agreement will be effective May 6, 2021 through April 30, 2022, with four one-year automatic renewals. This bid is being awarded to the lowest most responsive and responsible bidder, based upon their unit costs submitted in their proposal. This was approved at the Prison Board meeting held Wednesday, May 5, 202, Minute No. PB-5-5-21. Moved by Mr. Sherman, seconded by Mr. Maggi, approving the contract with Waller Corporation. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Sherman — Yes; Mr. Maggi — Yes; Mrs. Vaughan — Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Solicitor Grimm recommended the Board, on behalf of Purchasing and the Planning Commission, approve the bid award contract for the sanitary sewer -lining project in Chartiers Township to Jet Jack, Inc., Oakdale, Pa. The total amount is $134,850 and will be paid from Act 13 monies. This bid is being awarded to the lowest most responsive and responsible bidder meeting the specifications. Moved by Mr. Sherman, seconded by Mr. Maggi, approving the contract with Jet Jack, Inc. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Sherman — Yes; Mr. Maggi — Yes; Mrs. Vaughan — Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Solicitor Grimm recommended the Board, on behalf of Purchasing and Human Resources, approve the bid award contract for employee benefits to USI Insurance Services, (formerly Wells Fargo) Pittsburgh, Pa. for the purpose of providing employee benefits in respect to group medical, dental, vision, Life/AD&D, disability and group retiree medical. Moved by Mr. Sherman, seconded by Mr. Maggi, approving the contract with USI Insurance Services. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Sherman — Yes; Mr. Maggi — Yes; Mrs. Vaughan — Yes. Motion carried unanimously. BID REJECTION Solicitor Grimm recommended the Board, on behalf of Purchasing and the Redevelopment Authority, approve the rejection of all bids for the Northside Hangar (paving & lighting) project and approve rebidding. Note: The issue is that the Airport expended all of our matching funds on Phase I of the project, so we don't want to enter into a contract for Phase II (paving and lighting) until we can confirm that matching funds have been secured." Moved by Mr. Sherman, seconded by Mr. Maggi, approving the bid rejection for the Northside Hangar paving and lighting project. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Sherman — Yes; Mr. Maggi — Yes; Mrs. Vaughan — Yes. Motion carried unanimously. CHANGE ORDER Solicitor Grimm recommended the Board, on behalf of Purchasing and Information Technology, of payment/change order in the amount of $11,970 for the Crossroads Building Badge Security System to Information Technologies Services, Carnegie Pa, our contract of record. The original project amount of 1719 1 1 MINUTE BOOK BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLANIA 520,927 (Act 13) was approved on February 4, 2021 for initial setup (main controller, readers, installation, configuration and training). This invoice is for additional readers and security hardware, door hardware, cabling, etc. on the third and fourth floors. Moved by Mr. Sherman, seconded by Mr. Maggi, approving the change order with Information Technologies Services. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Sherman — Yes; Mr. Maggi — Yes; Mrs. Vaughan — Yes. Motion carried unanimously. NEW BUSINESS Chief Clerk presented to the Board for their consideration and approval, of the appointments of David Fresh, Cathi Kresh, Mary Lea Dutton, Charlie Watts, Heather Wilhelm, and Kevin Hill to the Canvass Board for the 2021 Primary Election. Moved by Mr. Sherman; seconded by Mr. Maggi, approving the board appointments. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Sherman — Yes; Mr. Maggi — Yes; Mrs. Vaughan — Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Chief Clerk presented to the Board for their consideration and approval, of the appointment of Jennifer Scott to the Southwest Behavioral Health Management Advisory Board and Amy Podgurski-Gough to the Children and Youth Services Advisory Board; and the reappointments of Scott Putnam and Sharon Russell to the Washington County Transportation Authority Board. Moved by Mr. Sherman; seconded by Mr. Maggi, approving the above board appointments. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Sherman — Yes; Mr. Maggi — Yes; Mrs. Vaughan — Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Chief Clerk presented to the Board for their consideration and approval, on behalf of the Washington County Transportation Authority, to adopt a resolution to provide matching funds for fiscal year 2021-2022 in the amount of $140,463. This is the same match as the previous fiscal year. Moved by Mr. Sherman; seconded by Mr. Maggi, approving the resolution. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Sherman — Yes; Mr. Maggi — Yes; Mrs. Vaughan — Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Chief Clerk presented to the Board for their consideration and approval, on behalf of the Planning Commission, of a no cost transfer of construction inspection hours from the prime consultant (Mackin) to the sub -consultant (CCS) for construction inspection of the Chartiers 12, Canonsburg Lake Bridge. The transfer of hours allows for a second inspector on site during critical substructure and superstructure work without any increase in contract totals. Moved by Mr. Sherman; seconded by Mr. Maggi, approving the no cost transfer for construction inspection of the Chartiers 12, Canonsburg. Lake Bridge. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Sherman — Yes; Mr. Maggi — Yes; Mrs. Vaughan — Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Chief Clerk presented to the Board for their consideration and approval, on behalf of the Planning Commission, of a paid -up non -surface occupancy lease with Range Resources for five parcels in Canonsburg Borough totaling 1.018 acres at a payment of $3,000 per acre and 18% royalty for a five-year primary term and continuing as long as production occurs. 1720 M I N UTE BOOK BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLANIA Moved by Mr. Sherman; seconded by Mr. Maggi, approving a paid -up non -surface occupancy lease with Range Resources. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Sherman — Yes; Mr. Maggi — Yes; Mrs. Vaughan — Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Chief Clerk presented to the Board for their consideration and approval, on behalf of the Planning Commission, of authorization to submit a grant application to the Pennsylvania Department of Community and Economic Development for the lakeshore trail project in Cross Creek County Park. The approval includes a resolution authorizing the grant request in the amount of $250,000 including a 50% match and approval of the $100 grant submission fee to the Commonwealth Finance Authority. Moved by Mr. Sherman; seconded by Mr. Maggi, authorizing to submit a grant application to the Pennsylvania Department of Community and Economic Development for the lakeshore trail project in Cross Creek County Park. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Sherman — Yes; Mr. Maggi — Yes; Mrs. Vaughan — Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Chief Clerk presented to the Board for their consideration and approval, on behalf of Finance and Adult Probation, of a project modification request with the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, Pennsylvania Commission on Crime and Delinquency for the TRP/DUI Specialty Courts for IP Offenders program. The project modification request decreases the 2020-21 grant by $72,977 to reflect unspent monies that are projected to not be needed for the program. Moved by Mr. Sherman; seconded by Mr. Maggi, approving the project modification request with the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, Pennsylvania Commission on Crime and Delinquency. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Sherman — Yes; Mr. Maggi — Yes; Mrs. Vaughan — Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Chief Clerk presented to the Board for their consideration and approval, on behalf of Finance and Adult Probation, of a renewal grant application with the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, Pennsylvania Commission on Crime and Delinquency for the TRP/DUI Specialty Courts for IP Offenders program. The application is in the amount of $290,087 and will be for the period of July 1, 2021 through June 30, 2022. Moved by Mr. Sherman; seconded by Mr. Maggi, approving the renewal grant application with the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, Pennsylvania Commission on Crime and Delinquency. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Sherman — Yes; Mr. Maggi — Yes; Mrs. Vaughan — Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Chief Clerk presented to the Board for their consideration and approval, on behalf of Finance and the Sheriff s office, respectfully requests the Commissioners approve an invoice with Tyler Technologies (formerly Softcode) for the annual support for the office's CivilServe software. The invoice is in the amount of $8,450.80, is in accordance with the existing software agreement and will be for the period of May 26, 2021 through May 25, 2022. Moved by Mr. Sherman; seconded by Mr. Maggi, approving an invoice with Tyler Technologies. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Sherman — Yes; Mr. Maggi — Yes; Mrs. Vaughan — Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Chief Clerk presented to the Board for their consideration and approval, on behalf of Finance and the Correctional Facility, of travel for Deputy Warden Cain and Major Coddington to Huntsville, Texas to attend the National Jail Leadership Command Academy at Sam Houston University. The travel period will be August 1-6, 2021 at a total of $4,500, inclusive of all transportation, room and board and training. 1721 1i 1 MINUTE BOOK BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLANIA Moved by Mr. Sherman; seconded by Mr. Maggi, approving travel to Huntsville, Texas. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Sherman — Yes; Mr. Maggi — Yes; Mrs. Vaughan — Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Chief Clerk presented to the Board for their consideration and approval, on behalf of Finance and the Prison Board, of advertisement for request for proposals for a jail needs assessment and feasibility study for the Correctional Facility. Moved by Mr. Sherman; seconded by Mr. Maggi, approving authorization to advertise for request for proposals. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Sherman — Yes; Mr. Maggi — Yes; Mrs. Vaughan — Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Chief Clerk presented to the Board for their consideration and approval, on behalf of Finance and the Sheriff, of an adult dog guarantee with Tri-State Canine Services LLC for the training and procurement of a new explosive detection canine. The total cost of the canine and handler training will be $11,200 and will be paid from K-9 donation monies with no county funding required. Moved by Mr. Sherman; seconded by Mr. Maggi, approving the agreement with Tri-State Canine Services LLC. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Sherman — Yes; Mr. Maggi — Yes; Mrs. Vaughan — Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Chief Clerk presented to the Board for their consideration and approval, on behalf of Human Resources, of a grant application with the Pennsylvania Counties Risk Pool (PCoRP) for the 2020-2021 loss prevention grant program. This grant application is in the amount of $19,975.20 and will be used for the purchase of security cameras to provide surveillance in the interior, exterior and lobby area of the Crossroads building. This will enhance the safety and security of both employees and the public. Moved by Mr. Sherman; seconded by Mr. Maggi, approving the grant application with the Pennsylvania Counties Risk Pool for the 2020-2021 loss prevention grant program. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Sherman — Yes; Mr. Maggi — Yes; Mrs. Vaughan — Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Chief Clerk presented to the Board for their consideration and approval, on behalf of Children and Youth Services, of the following provider agreements for the period of July 1, 2020 through June 30, 2021. No additional county funds are required. PROVIDER AMOUNT Life Span Family Services $400,000 The Children's Institute of Pittsburgh — In -Home Family Services 400,000 Three Rivers Adoption Council 120,000 TOTAL Moved by Mr. Sherman; seconded by Mr. Maggi, approving the above provider agreements. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Sherman — Yes; Mr. Maggi - Yes; Mrs. Vaughan — Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Chief Clerk presented to the Board for their consideration and approval, on behalf of Children and Youth Services, of a provider agreement with Outside In -School of Experiential Education for placement services for the period of July 1, 2020 through June 30, 2022. The contract authorization amount is $300,000 and no additional county funds are required. 1722 MINUTE BOOK BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLANIA Moved by Mr. Sherman; seconded by Mr. Maggi, approving the provider agreement with Outside In - School of Experiential Education. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Sherman — Yes; Mr. Maggi — Yes; Mrs. Vaughan — Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Chief Clerk presented to the Board for their consideration and approval, on behalf of Children and Youth Services, of a provider agreement with Blueprints for Independent Living for Older Youth for the period of December 27, 2020 through September 30, 2021. The contract authorization amount is $200,000 and no additional county funds are required. Moved by Mr. Sherman; seconded by Mr. Maggi, approving the provider agreement with Blueprints. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Sherman — Yes; Mr. Maggi — Yes; Mrs. Vaughan — Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Chief Clerk presented to the Board for their consideration and approval, on behalf of Children and Youth Services, of a purchase of service agreement with Avanco International, Inc. for the Child Welfare Information Solution (CWIS). This agreement will be effective July 1, 2021 through June 30, 2022 for an amount not to exceed $7,896.03. No additional county funds are required. Moved by Mr. Sherman; seconded by Mr. Maggi, approving the purchase of service agreement with Avanco International, Inc. for the Child Welfare Information Solution. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Sherman — Yes; Mr. Maggi — Yes; Mrs. Vaughan — Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Chief Clerk presented to the Board for their consideration and approval, on behalf of Children and Youth Services, of a purchase of service agreement with Avanco International, Inc. for the maintenance and security of the Child Accounting and Profile System (CAPS). This agreement will be effective July 1, 2021 through June 30, 2022 for an amount not to exceed $44,081.28. No additional county funds are required. Moved by Mr. Sherman; seconded by Mr. Maggi, approving the purchase of service agreement with Avanco International, Inc. for the Child Accounting and Profile System. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Sherman — Yes; Mr. Maggi — Yes; Mrs. Vaughan — Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Chief Clerk presented to the Board for their consideration and approval, on behalf of Children and Youth Services, of a purchase of service agreement with Avanco International, Inc. to provide consulting and ad hoc IT services and support. This agreement will be effective July 1, 2021 through June 30, 2022 for an amount not to exceed $45,000. No additional county funds are required. Moved by Mr. Sherman; seconded by Mr. Maggi, approving the purchase of service agreement with Avanco International, Inc. for ad hoc IT services and support. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Sherman — Yes; Mr. Maggi — Yes; Mrs. Vaughan — Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Chief Clerk presented to the Board for their consideration and approval, on behalf of Children and Youth Services, of an agreement with Avanco International, Inc. to protect and provide for the security of protected health information pursuant to the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act. This agreement will be effective July 1, 2021 through June 30, 2022 and no additional county funds are required. 1 1723 1 1 MINUTE BOOK BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLANIA Moved by Mr. Sherman; seconded by Mr. Maggi, approving the agreement with Avanco International, Inc. to protect and provide for the security of protected health information pursuant to the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Sherman — Yes; Mr. Maggi — Yes; Mrs. Vaughan — Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Chief Clerk presented to the Board for their consideration and approval, on behalf of Behavioral Health and Developmental Services, of provider agreement addendums with Global Wordsmiths for rate adjustments and clarification of interpretation services for Early Intervention and Intellectual Disabilities for the period of July 1, 2020 through June 30, 2021. The contract authorization amounts remain unchanged and no additional county funds are required. Moved by Mr. Sherman; seconded by Mr. Maggi, approving the provider agreement addendums with Global Wordsmiths. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Sherman — Yes; Mr. Maggi — Yes; Mrs. Vaughan — Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Chief Clerk presented to the Board for their consideration and approval, on behalf of Behavioral Health and Developmental Services, of the following provider agreement addendums for the period July 1, 2020 through June 30, 2021. No additional county funds are required. PROVIDER FROM TO JG Early Intervention Specialists, Inc. 167,079 185,427 Pediatric Therapy Professionals, Inc. 34,710 40,614 Therapeutic Early Intervention 45,710 67,465 TOTAL 247,499 293,506 Moved by Mr. Sherman; seconded by Mr. Maggi, approving the above provider agreement addendums. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Sherman — Yes; Mr. Maggi — Yes; Mrs. Vaughan — Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Chief Clerk presented to the Board for their consideration and approval, on behalf of Purchasing and the Correctional Facility, of an addendum to our current agreement with Keefe Supply Company, Strongsville, Ohio for the provision of vending services for inmates at no cost to the county. The county will be paid a commission of 25% of adjusted gross sales of vending products. All other terms and conditions of the original agreement and previously approved addendum remain unchanged. This was approved at the Prison Board meeting held Wednesday, May 5, 2021, Minute No. PB-5-5-21. Note: These machines will specifically be for inmates only and use inmate commissary funds to pay for direct point of sale purchases. Moved by Mr. Sherman; seconded by Mr. Maggi, approving the addendum with Keefe Supply Company. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Sherman — Yes; Mr. Maggi — Yes; Mrs. Vaughan — Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Chief Clerk presented to the Board for their consideration and approval, on behalf of Purchasing and Information Technology, of an agreement with Ethical Intruder Cyber Security, Pittsburgh Pa. at a total cost of $11,000. Note: The purpose of this project is to have Ethical Intruder (recognized cyber security services experts) conduct a vulnerability assessment of the County and Courts network infrastructure. Ethical Intruder will test the infrastructure and identify points where we may be vulnerable, and provide recommendations to address 1724 MINUTE BOOK BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYL.ANIA those vulnerabilities. IT needs to establish a baseline of where we currently are and where we need to be to protect the County/Courts infrastructure and data moving forward. Moved by Mr. Sherman; seconded by Mr. Maggi, approving the agreement with Ethical Intruder Cyber Security. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Sherman — Yes; Mr. Maggi — Yes; Mrs. Vaughan — Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Chief Clerk presented to the Board for their consideration and approval, on behalf of Purchasing and the Correctional Facility, to enter into an agreement with the County of Allegheny for the provision of housing each other's youthful offenders on an as needed basis as per the contract conditions including, $116.87 per inmate, per day, plus medical expenses. Cost will be paid from their operating budget. This was approved at the Prison Board meeting held Wednesday, May 5, 2021, Minute No. PB-5-5-21. Moved by Mr. Sherman; seconded by Mr. Maggi, approving the agreement with Allegheny County. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Sherman — Yes; Mr. Maggi — Yes; Mrs. Vaughan — Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Chief Clerk presented to the Board for their consideration and approval, on behalf of Purchasing and Adult Probation, of an extension of our current agreement with Microgenics Corporation/Fisher Scientific, Fremont, CA, for the purpose of adding oral fluid testing to our laboratory function (Automated Drug Testing Analyzer) to accommodate for COVID-19 testing effective May 6, 2021. The cost for a standard 8- panel screen will average $4.85 per test. The cost of the additional analyzer is at no charge. Costs will be from their operating budget. All other terms and conditions of the agreement dated March 13, 2018 shall remain the same. Note: The Microgenics/Thermo-Fisher contract is for our on -site laboratory, we purchase all of our reagents from Thermos -Fisher. Adult Probation will soon be acquiring a new data management system which will be purchased through ACT 35 (Supervision) funds which of course is controlled by the President Judge. This is because the jail will be going to a new data management system; therefore, there is no reason for us to remain on the shared system, i.e. UCM. As part of that new system design, we wish to integrate as much self - populated data as possible, which includes information obtained through our drug testing laboratory. The data management software which is part of the drug testing machinery is contractually part of the Thermo - Fisher umbrella. Thermo -Fisher has agreed to integrate the data management system currently in place on the drug testing analyzer into the new Adult Probation data management system that we will soon be transferring to at no cost, but will do this if we extend the contract for two years, i.e. from 2023 to 2025. This is certainly a win for the County as in order to vacate the contract with Thermo -Fisher, I would have to acquire new drug testing equipment, new data management, etc. We have no desire to do that, we are more than satisfied with the service of Thermo -Fisher, and I can see no benefit of outlaying new money for new equipment and a new contract in the foreseeable future." Moved by Mr. Sherman; seconded by Mr. Maggi, approving the extension with Microgenics Corporation/Fisher Scientific. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Sherman — Yes; Mr. Maggi — Yes; Mrs. Vaughan — Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Chief Clerk presented to the Board for their consideration and approval, on behalf of Purchasing, Public Safety and Information Technology, of authorization to renew the VMWare software support from Carahsoft Technology Corporation, Reston, Va. effective through July 19, 2022. The total cost is $ 24,227 and will be paid from Public Safety's operating budget. n 1725 MINUTE BOOK j '1 I BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLANIA [MR LIMITED E00718327LD Moved by Mr. Sherman; seconded by Mr. Maggi, approving the renewal Carahsoft Technology Corporation. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Sherman — Yes; Mr. Maggi — Yes; Mrs. Vaughan — Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Chief Clerk presented to the Board for their consideration and approval, on behalf of Purchasing of the purchase of one smartphone from AT&T for Jana Grimm, Solicitor. The cost of the smartphone is $99.99 with activation and the monthly service cost is $44.99, including unlimited talk, text, data, mobile hot spot. Costs will be paid from the Solicitor's operating budget. Moved by Mr. Sherman; seconded by Mr. Maggi, approving the purchases of a smartphone from AT&T. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Sherman — Yes; Mr. Maggi — Yes; Mrs. Vaughan — Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Chief Clerk presented to the Board for their consideration and approval, on behalf of Purchasing of the purchase of one smartphone from Verizon Wireless for Mary Lynn Spilak, Director of Aging. The smartphone is free with activation and the monthly service cost is $44.99, including unlimited talk, text, data, mobile hot spot. Costs will be paid from Aging's operating budget. AT&T. Moved by Mr. Sherman; seconded by Mr. Maggi, approving the purchases of a smartphone from Roll call vote taken: Mr. Sherman — Yes; Mr. Maggi — Yes; Mrs. Vaughan — Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Chief Clerk presented to the Board for their consideration and approval, on behalf of the Redevelopment Authority, to adopt a resolution approving the 2021 annual action plan for the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG), the Home Investment Partnership (HOME) and the Emergency Solutions (ESG) programs. Moved by Mr. Sherman; seconded by Mr. Maggi, approving the resolution. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Sherman — Yes; Mr. Maggi — Yes; Mrs. Vaughan — Yes. Motion carried unanimously. ANNOUNCEMENTS An Executive Session was held at 10 a.m. Wednesday, May 5, 2021, following the agenda meeting to discuss personnel and litigation. The regularly scheduled Salary Board meeting will be immediately following today's meeting. All county offices will be closed Tuesday, May 18, 2021, in observance of Primary Election Day. SOLICITOR Solicitor Grimm presented to the Board for their consideration and approval of a tax refund in the amount of $149,249.66. PETRAS JUSTIN & NICOLE STAGL 213 FRANCES LANE MCDONALD, PA 15057 Tax Year: 2020 District CECIL Parcel 140-006-21-00-0036-00 Amount $17.58 AMODEO DEVIN M. & EMILY 215 FRANCES LANE MCDONALD, PA 15057 Tax Year: 2020 District CECIL Parcel 140-006-21-00-0037-00 Amount $22.52 CHECCO FRANK III 1885 AVELLA ROAD AVELLA, PA 15312 Tax Year: 2020 District INDEPENDENCE Parcel 370-005-03-00-0001-00 Amount $31.04 1726 MINUTE BOOK BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLANIA IMR LIMITED E00718327LD KEENEY SHELDON R. B. JR. & RUBY A. 1912 THE CIRCLE WASHINGTON, PA 15301 Tax Year: 2020 District SOUTH STRABANE Parcel 600-007-00-00-0047-00 Amount $29.12 BAILEY ENTERPRISE LP 60 MOSCOW ROAD WAYNESBURG, PA 15370 Tax Year: 2021 District AMWELL Parcel 020-032-00-00-0007-02 Amount $120.97 GRECO JEFFREY L. & KIMBERLY J. 190 REDD RUN ROAD WASHINGTON, PA 15301 Tax Year: 2021 District AMWELL Parcel 020-010-00-00-0001-01 Amount $501.52 FRALEY BILLY B. JR. & GLORIA 190 MONONGAHELA AVENUE BENTLEYVILLE, PA 15314 Tax Year: 2021 District BENTLEYVILLE Parcel 040-060-00-01-0001-00 Amount $175.51 SMIDDLE RITE & ROBERT SENAY 301 ALICE STREET BENTLEYVILLE, PA 15314 Tax Year: 2021 District BENTLEYVILLE Parcel 040-019-00-03-0001-00 Amount $29.29 LESNOCK THOMAS R. & FLOSSIE D. 2640 S. BRIDGE ROAD WASHINGTON, PA 15301 Tax Year: 2021 District BUFFALO Parcel 060-011-00-00-0023-00 Amount $5.96 WAUGAMAN ARTHUR W. & KATHLEEN A. 544 RURAL VALLEY ROAD CLAYSVILLE, PA 15323 Tax Year: 2021 District BUFFALO Parcel 060-002-00-00-0021-00 Amount $337.92 FRANK LUCILLE & GEORGE J. III 425 KNOB ROAD BROWNSVILLE, PA 15417 Tax Year: 2021 District CALIFORNIA Parcel 080-053-00-00-0010-00 Amount $561.78 GRECO VALERIE E. P.O. BOX 605 ROSCOE, PA 15477 Tax Year: 2021 District ALLENPORT Parcel 010-021-00-04-0008-00 Amount $11.91 GIBSON JORDAN H. & HAMILTON MALLORY 205 CRAFT ROAD WASHINGTON, PA 15301 Tax Year: 2021 District AMWELL Parcel 020-003-01-00-0017-00 Amount $303.39 HENRY DOLAN C. & SHARON A. 460 SMITH RUN ROAD AMITY, Pit 15311 Tax Year: 2021 District AMWELL Parcel 020-024-00-00-0020-00 Amount $2,705.75 MELODINI ANTHONY R. & APRIL L 126 GIBSON ROAD BENTLEYVILLE, PA 15314 Tax Year: 2021 District BENTLEYVILLE Parcel 040-028-00-00-0006-00 Amount $7.62 SMIDDLE RITE & ROBERT SENAY 301 ALICE STREET BENTLEYVILLE, Pit 15314 Tax Year: 2021 District BENTLEYVILLE Parcel 040-019-00-03-0002-00 Amount $197.66 WILSON WALTER A JR & LINDA F 291 E. BUFFALO CHURCH ROAD WASHINGTON, PA 15301 Tax Year: 2021 District BUFFALO Parcel 060-015-00-00-0013-03 Amount $416.51 BURGETTSTOWN AREA COMMUNITY DEVT. CO. P.O. BOX 331 BURGETTSTOWN, Pit 15021 Tax Year: 2021 District BUFFALO Parcel 070-006-00-02-0012-00 Amount $2.15 WITTE JAMES Z. & VERONICA M. 220 SKYLINE DRIVE CALIFORNIA, PA 15419 Tax Year: 2021 District CALIFORNIA Parcel 080-020-00-03-0015-00 Amount $371.26 RICHASON DANIEL R. & SUSAN C. 304 CHURCHILL DRIVE GREENSBURG, PA 15601 Tax Year: 2021 District ALLENPORT Parcel 010-008-00-02-0008-00 Amount $145.5 CAPITAL REAL ESTATE TAX SERVICES 1300 COMBERMERE DRIVE TROY, MI 48083 Tax Year: 2021 District AMWELL Parcel 020-003-00-00-0010-00 Amount $117.88 ROACH ALBURN E. & JUDITH K. 153 EDGEWOOD DRIVE WASHINGTON, PA 15301 Tax Year: 2021 District AMWELL Parcel 020-016-00-00-0015-00 Amount $269.58 This is blank. IAMS DONALD M. & KRISTEN W & DONALD 664 PLEASANT VALLEY ROAD WASHINGTON, PA 15301 Tax Year: 2021 District BUFFALO Parcel 060-017-00-00-0003-00 Amount $5.96 SWITZER ADAM L. & KATHRYN R. 330 HIGHLAND RIDGE ROAD CLAYSVILLE, PA 15323 Tax Year: 2021 District BUFFALO Parcel 060-012-00-00-0048-11 Amount $864.93 JOHNSON DIANA 66 OLIVE STREET BURGETTSTOWN, PA 15021 Tax Year: 2021 District BUFFALO Parcel 070-020-00-02-0020-00 Amount $187.65 JOHNSON GRANT K. & JAMIE LYNN 230 CALIFORNIA ROAD BROWNSVILLE, PA 15417 Tax Year: 2021 District CALIFORNIA Parcel 080-051-00-00-0008-01 Amount $444.61 1 1 1727 d d MINUTE BOOK BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLANIA HECK GARY DAVID & TERRI LEE 184 CALIFORNIA ROAD BROWNSVILLE, PA 15417 Tax Year: 2021 District CALIFORNIA Parcel 080-051-00-00-0018-00 Amount $239.09 BARBOUR RICHARD ZACHARY 414 FRANKLIN AVENUE CANONSBURG, PA 15317 Tax Year: 2021 District CANONSBURG 1ST W Parcel 090-010-00-03-0007-01 Amount $193.37 PAN YAN 442 BLAINE AVENUE CANONSBURG, PA 15317 Tax Year: 2021 District CANONSBURG 1ST W Parcel 090-014-00-01-0013-00 Amount $274.58 PACELLA JARED P. & WALES GLENNA C. 1169 MCEWEN AVENUE CANONSBURG, PA 15317 Tax Year: 2021 District CANONSBURG 1ST W Parcel 095-001-03-01-0010-01 Amount $48.11 ZOFCHAK LEAH M. 802 SHORT STREET CANONSBURG, PA 15317 Tax Year: 2021 District CANONSBURG 1ST W Parcel 095-001-05-01-0017-00 Amount $188.61 WINDSHEIMER EDWARD R. 301 W. COLLEGE STREET CANONSBURG, PA 15317 Tax Year: 2021 District CANONSBURG 2ND W Parcel 100-014-00-02-0018-00 Amount $62.14 MOHLER ROBERT A. 595 OLD HICKORY RIDGE ROAD WASHINGTON, PA 15301 Tax Year: 2021 District CANONSBURG 3RD W Parcel 110-006-00-01-0005-01 Amount $75.49 CHILCOTE MICHAEL P. & SHANNON J. 45 MULBERRY HILL ROAD WASHINGTON, PA 15301 Tax Year: 2021 District CANTON Parcel 120-003-00-00-0002-07 Amount $468.19 MELILLI SATAH A. & MICHAEL J 18 S. CALIFORNIA DRIVE COAL, CENTER, PA 15423 Tax Year: 2021 District CALIFORNIA Parcel 080-031-01-00-0015-00 Amount $516.53 DOUGHERTY JOHN LUKE & LINDSAY NfARIE 519 GRIFFIN AVENUE CANONSBURG, PA 15317 Tax Year: 2021 District CANONSBURG 1s'r W Parcel 090-009-00-03-0008-00 Amount $247.67 ZOFCHAK MEGAN L. 404 GIFIN AVENUE CANONSBURG, PA 15317 Tax Year: 2021 District CANONSBURG 1ST W Parcel 090-010-00-02-0016-00 Amount $235.28 MILLER RYAN F. & BRITTANY 1409 LUCIA DRIVE CANONSBURG, PA 15317 Tax Year: 2021 District CANONSBURG 1ST W Parcel 095-001-15-00-0019-00 Amount $616.3 ADAMS DAVID D. & CHRISTINA T HAGAN 409 RIDGE AVENUE CANONSBURG, PA 15317 Tax Year: 2021 District CANONSBURG 2ND W Parcel 100-004-00-02-0013-00 Amount $360.54 FOX JOSHUA M. & BONNY M. 105 VALLEY ROAD CANONSBURG, PA 15317 Tax Year: 2021 District CANONSBURG 3RD W Parcel 110-029-00-00-0008-00 Amount $276.01 AMBRIZ GUILLERMO 173 MULBERRY HILL ROAD WASHINGTON, PA 15301 Tax Year: 2021 District CANTON Parcel 120-001-00-00-0009-04 Amount $236.47 STROOP CHRISTOPHER A. 96 HEWITT AVENUE WASHINGTON, PA 15301 Tax Year: 2021 District CANTON Parcel 120-009-04-01-0002-00 Amount $250.28 ERIC D. SEGELSTROM P.O. BOX 47 DAISYTOWN, PA 15427 Tax Year: 2021 District CALIFORNIA Parcel080-046-00-00-0021-00 Amount $26.2 JCAR PROP LLC 127 MURDOCK STREET CANONSBURG, PA 15317 Tax Year: 2021 District CANONSBURG 1ST W Parcel 090-016-00-01-0001-01 Amount $113.59 PACELLA JARED P. & WALES GLENNA C. 1169 MCEWEN AVENUE CANONSBURG, PA 15317 Tax Year: 2021 District CANONSBURG 1ST W Parcel 095-001-03-01-0010-00 Amount $259.57 TRITCHLER KENNETH C. II & CARLY C. 806 GLADDEN ROAD CANONSBURG, PA 15317 Tax Year: 2021 District CANONSBURG 1ST W Parcel 095-001-01-01-0004-00 Amount $635.6 AUBREY KELLY L. 607 PARKLAND DRIVE CANONSBURG, PA 15317 Tax Year: 2021 District CANONSBURG 2ND W Parcel 100-03 8-00-02-0062-00 Amount $334.11 GASIOR CHESTER III &MELISSA M 230 S. JEFFERSON AVENUE CANONSBURG, PA 15317 Tax Year: 2021 District CANONSBURG 31u) W Parcel 110-018-00-01-0021-00 Amount $218.85 BAIRD WANDA CHARLENE 1871 THE CIRCLE WASHINGTON, PA 15301 Tax Year: 2021 District CANTON Parcel 120-012-05-03-0017-00 Amount $268.62 COMPORT ELIZABETH ANN 24 HILLTOP LANE WASHINGTON, PA 15301 Tax Year: 2021 District CANTON Parcel 120-009-03-01-0032-00 Amount $243.38 1728 MINUTE BOOK BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLANIA BEATTY RYAN & LESNOCK JAMIE GERMAN TERRI F. & LISA M. GOLNA DEREK J. & DAWN M. 71 HAWKINS STREET FALCONI BALACH WASHINGTON, PA 15301 P.O. BOX 321 2292 THE CIRCLE Tax Year: 2021 MARTINS FERRY, OH 43935 WASHINGTON, PA 15301 District CANTON Tax Year: 2021 Tax Year: 2021 Parcel 120-011-11-02-0017-00 District CANTON District CANTON Amount $115.97 Parcel 120-009-00-00-0002-00 Parcel 120-012-08-00-0006-00 Amount $5,059.99 Amount $480.09 HECKMAN RANDY L. & DONNA D. HUGHES WILLIAM H. III KISKO TROY A. 325 BEACON AVENUE 134 SUNSET DRIVE 914 WEIRICH AVENUE WASHINGTON, PA 15301 WASHINGTON, PA 15301 WASHINGTON, PA 15301 Tax Year: 2021 Tax Year: 2021 Tax Year: 2021 District CANTON District CANTON District CANTON Parcel120-010-09-99-0325-01T Parcel120-012-05-04-0021-00 Parcel120-012-02-01-0013-00 Amount $70.01 Amount $309.1 Amount $299.11 MILLER JAMES W. III & BRENDA MINER DONALD R. MOORE CATHY J. & KEVIN E.. CENTRALIZED REFUNDS 47 SMILEY ROAD 12 ANGOTT ROAD P.O. BOX 9202 WASHINGTON, PA 15301 WASHINGTON, PA 15301 COPPELL, TX 75019 Tax Year: 2021 Tax Year: 2021 Tax Year: 2021 District CANTON District CANTON District CANTON Parcel 120-006-01-02-0007-00 Parcel 120-006-01-02-0028-00 Parcel 120-012-00-00-0001-05 Amount $187.18 Amount $15.48 Amount $474.38 RONAN EMILY B. MCKINNEY LORI ANN RUNNING BROOKE II ASSOC. 126 THE CIRCLE 2270 NORMANDY STREET 35554 WASHINGTON ROAD WASHINGTON, PA 15301 WASHINGTON, PA 15301 CANONSBURG, PA 15317 Tax Year: 2021 Tax Year: 2021 Tax Year: 2021 District CANTON District CANTON District CANTON Parcel120-012-05-04-0057-00 Parcel120-009-02-00-0036-00 Parcel120-011-04-01-0013-00 Amount $197.66 Amount $4.28 Amount $176.94 WASHINGTON COUNTY TAX WASHINGTON COUNTY TAX WASHINGTON COUNTY TAX CLAIM BUREAU FOR ROBERT & CLAIM BUREAU FOR ROBERT & CLAIM BUREAU FOR ROBERT & MARGIE SCOTT MARGIE SCOTT MARGIE SCOTT Tax Year: 2021 Tax Year: 2021 Tax Year: 2021 District CANTON District CANTON District CANTON Parcel120-008-04-00-0009-00 Parcel120-008-04-00-0010-00 Parcel120-008-04-00-0011-00 Amount $316.49 Amount $36.44 Amount $42.15 SENAY THEODORE P. & PEGGY A. WRIGHT MICHAEL RAY BROWN SCOTT ALEXANDER & 1334 DAVIS AVENUE 425 WAYNE STREET SHANNON WASHINGTON, PA 15301 WASHINGTON, PA 15301 1349 COUNTRY CLUB ROAD Tax Year: 2021 Tax Year: 2021 MONONGAHELA, PA 15063 District CANTON District CANTON Tax Year: 2021 Parcel 120-013-01-03-0002-00 Parcel 120-011-16-03-0012-00 District CARROLL Amount $110.49 Amount $119.31 Parcel 130-011-03-04-0003-00 Amount $437.46 CARDEN BILLY & PAULA KAY CICHON NICHOLAS P. & DIFONSO DEREK 212 RIDGE ROAD CHRISTINA L. 43 LOCUST AVENUE MONONGAHELA, PA 15063 1321 COUNTRY CLUB ROAD CHARLEROI, PA 15022 Tax Year: 2021 MONONGAHELA, PA 15063 Tax Year: 2021 District CARROLL Tax Year: 2021 District CARROLL Parcel 130-002-00-00-0007-07 District CARROLL Parcel 130-011-03-01-0009-00 Amount $325.77 Parcel 130-011-01-05-0022-00 Amount $296.72 Amount $256.48 GHION FAM TR % DIANE L. GHION OSTAPOWICZ ETHAN B. & PICCOLO EUGENE G. JR. TRUSTEE MEGAN M. 39 FRONT STREET 1343 BEACH DRIVE 1518 4Tn STREET MONONGAHELA, PA 15063 MONONGAHELA, PA 15063 MONONGAHELA, PA 15063 Tax Year: 2021 Tax Year: 2021 Tax Year: 2021 District CARROLL District CARROLL District CARROLL Parcel 130-005-02-00-0004-00 Parcel 130-005-01-03-0019-00 Parcel 130-006-00-00-0079-00 Amount $175.04 Amount $227.9 Amount $272.19 1729 d j MINUTE BOOK BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLANIA SMITH ROBERT III & DANIELLE L. 1270 WICKERHAM DRIVE MONONGAHELA, PA 15063 Tax Year: 2021 District CARROLL Parcel 130-011-02-01-0023-00 Amount $315.30 AMODEO DEVIN M. & EMILY 215 FRANCES LANE MCDONALD, PA 15057 Tax Year: 2021 District CECIL Parcel 140-006-21-00-0037-00 Amount $132.41 CASCIOLA THONIAS A. & LYNN 114 WILLLAM STREET MCDONALD, PA 15057 Tax Year: 2021 District CECIL Parcel 140-006-00-00-0035-04 Amount $647.26 WORKMAN KAYLA L. 3113 MILLERS RUN ROAD CECIL, PA 15321 Tax Year: 2021 District CECIL Parcel 140-007-05-03-0020-01 Amount $307.2 FROST JASON L. & SHERRY L. 3063 SIR CHARLES DRIVE MCDONALD, PA 15057 Tax Year: 2021 District CECIL Parcel 140-006-22-00-0020-00 Amount $131.21 FLOORE MICHAEL 1707 SCENIC SHORE DRIVE KINGWOOD, TX 77345 Tax Year: 2021 District CECIL Parcel 140-006-13-00-0032-00 Amount $1,048.30 JOHNSON ANTHONY G. & LISA M. 134 PARKLANE DRIVE CANONSBURG, PA 15317 Tax Year: 2021 District CECIL Parcel 140-009-11-00-0024-00 Amount $614.88 KALAS ANDREW & KRISTIN 201 FRANCES LANE MCDONALD, PA 15057 Tax Year: 2021 District CECIL Parcel 140-006-21-00-0030-00 Amount $58.82 WEISS AMANDA N. 117 TOWER STREET MONONGAHELA, PA 15063 Tax Year: 2021 District CARROLL Parcel 130-006-10-01-0010-00 Amount $242.9 BERNARDO JESSE & ASHLEY 411 DOGWOOD LANE MCDONALD, PA 15057 Tax Year: 2021 District CECIL Parcel 140-006-23-00-0041-00 Amount $183.13 CASCIOLA THOMAS A. & LYNN 17 RIDGEWOOD DRIVE MCDONALD, PA 15057 Tax Year: 2021 District CECIL Parcel 140-006-00-00-0035-31 Amount $111.44 MIKULSKI ROBERT & KATHY 27 GLASS HILL ROAD MCDONALD, PA 15057 Tax Year: 2021 District CECIL Parcel 140-009-04-03-0005-00 Amount $203.13 DEFAIL ANDREA 125 BLACK OAK LANE MCDONALD, PA 15057 Tax Year: 2021 District CECIL Parcel 140-006-21-00-0012-01 Amount $686.56 GASPER SUSAN W. & MATTHEW R. 402 DOGWOOD LANE MCDONALD, PA 15057 Tax Year: 2021 District CECIL Parcel 140-006-23-00-0040-00 Amount $179.8 JOHNSON DONALD L. & CHARLOTTE A. 39 BISHOP HILL ROAD MCDONALD, PA 15057 Tax Year: 2021 District CECIL Parcel 140-006-03-00-0015-00 Amount $238.38 KALAS MICHAEL & VICTORIA VONA 162 BLACK OAK LANE MCDONALD, PA 15057 Tax Year: 2021 District CECIL Parcel 140-006-21-00-0006-03 Amount 3110.5 701 TECHNOLOGY DR PARTNERS LP 5 FOUR COINS DRIVE CANONSBURG, PA 15317 Tax Year: 2021 District CECIL Parcel 140-010-00-00-0008-08 Amount $9,335.09 BIANCO STEPHANIE R. & NICHOLAS G. 290 MAPLE RIDGE DRIVE CANONSBURG, PA 15317 Tax Year: 2021 District CECIL Parcel 140-014-01-00-003 9-04 Amount $538.91 CLINGAN BRAD 1432 DEER CREEK CROSSING DRIVE CANONSBURG, PA 15317 Tax Year: 2021 District CECIL Parcel 140-010-11-00-0021-00 Amount $973.51 PEKLINSKY NICOLE H. 4084 SIR JAMES DRIVE MCDONALD, PA 15057 Tax Year: 2021 District CECIL Parcel 140-006-22-00-0012-00 Amount $138.84 DRESHMAN LEE & TRISHA 2005 DANTRY DRIVE CANONSBURG, PA 15317 Tax Year: 2021 District CECIL Parcel 140-010-12-00-0057-00 Amount $1,215.46 JEWEL ROBERT & MARISSA SOLOMON 220 FRANCES LANE MCDONALD, PA 15057 Tax Year: 2021 District CECIL Parcel140-006-21-00-0023-00 Amount $110.74 JOHNSON KEVIN E. & SHIRLEY A. 118 CUMER ROAD MCDONALD, PA 15057 Tax Year: 2021 District CECIL Parcel 140-006-00-00-0074-10 Amount $13.34 KELLER ALEXIS & TURNER JONATHAN 156 BLACK OAK LANE MCDONALD, PA 15057 Tax Year: 2021 District CECIL Parcel 140-006-21-00-0005-03 Amount $110.74 1730 MINUTE BOOK BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLANIA KING CHARLES 1422 DEER CREEK CROSSING DR. CANONSBURG, PA 15317 Tax Year: 2021 District CECIL Parcel 140-010-11-00-0003-02 Amount $624.64 LONG CHARLES H. & KAREN 11 S. DEPAOLI ROAD CECIL, PA 15321 Tax Year: 2021 District CECIL Parcel 140-006-01-03-0013-00 Amount $165.98 MONTGOMERY JASON P. & HRUSKA BETH A. 3 HILLCREST DRIVE CECIL, PA 15321 Tax Year: 2021 District CECIL Parcel 140-006-07-02-0011-00 Amount $527.48 BRAUN MENACHEM & KRISTIN 107 BLACK OAK LANE MCDONALD, PA 15057 Tax Year: 2021 District CECIL Parcel 140-006-21-00-0018-00 Amount $154.08 CHESKO HENRY B. & KAREN B. 417 DOGWOOD LANE MCDONALD, PA 15057 Tax Year: 2021 District CECIL Parcel 140-006-23-00-0044-00 Amount $176.94 ONE HUNDRED TWENTY ONE CHAMPION LLC 7600 RED ROAD, STE 102 MIAMI, FL 33143 Tax Year: 2021 District CECIL Parcel 140-010-00-00-0008-51 Amount $6,667.92 FULLUM GIL & LAUREN 303 FIRST STREET LAWRENCE, PA 15055 Tax Year: 2021 District CECIL Parcel 140-012-01-03-0021-00 Amount $248.38 ROBISON DONALD A. 1420 REISSING ROAD MCDONALD, PA 15057 Tax Year: 2021 District CECIL Parcel 140-001-00-00-0034-27 Amount $303.63 KONECHECK JOSH RAYMOND & JAMIE LYNN 1891 STATE ROUTE 980 CANONSBURG, PA 15317 Tax Year: 2021 District CECIL Parcel 140-008-00-00-0046-00 Amount $139.32 MACHNIK JACOB A. & DEANA L. 4082 SIR JAMES DRIVE MCDONALD, PA 15057 Tax Year: 2021 District CECIL Parcel 140-006-22-00-0011-00 Amount $918.03 MOYER JAMES R. & NICHOLE A. 203 FRANCES LANE MCDONALD, PA 15057 Tax Year: 2021 District CECIL Parcel 140-006-21-00-0031-00 Amount $126.21 DULAVITCH EDWARD J. & LOIS J 212 FRANCES LANE MCDONALD, PA 15057 Tax Year: 2021 District CECIL Parcel 140-006-21-00-0027-00 Amount $168.6 LY JESSICA CA & SUONG CHONG 5001 KENSINGTON DRIVE CANONSBURG, PA 15317 Tax Year: 2021 District CECIL Parcel 140-010-12-00-0024-00 Amount $159.79 PETRAS JUSTIN & NICOLE STAGL 213 FRANCES LANE MCDONALD, PA 15057 Tax Year: 2021 District CECIL Parcel 140-006-21-00-0036-00 Amount $105.5 A&M PROP RENTALS LLC 4779 PRESCOT DRIVE BETHEL PARK, PA 15102 Tax Year: 2021 District CECIL Parcel 140-012-01-06-0033-00 Amount $200.99 SAPORITO JEFFREY JAMES & LAURAJ 1011 SIR ROBERT DRIVE MCDONALD, PA 15057 Tax Year: 2021 District CECIL Parcel 140-006-16-00-0030-00 .-Amount $543.91 LIBERATORE BRIAN & MAHON PAMELA 10 GOMBER DRIVE MCDONALD, PA 15057 Tax Year: 2021 District CECIL Parcel 140-006-07-03-0018-00 Amount $446.27 NVR INC. ONE PENN CENTER W., STE. 220 PITTSBURGH, PA 15276 Tax Year: 2021 District CECIL Parcel140-006-23-00-0063-00 Amount $205.04 NGUYEN HORN 2013 DANTRY DRIVE CANONSBURG, PA 15317 Tax Year: 2021 District CECIL Parcel 140-010-12-00-0061-00 Amount $1,113.54 RUSSELL ALEXANDER & BRANDY 418 DOGWOOD LANE MCDONALD, PA 15057 Tax Year: 2021 District CECIL Parcel 140-006-23-00-0032-00 Amount $176.94 BARKER ROBERT G. 5005 KENSINGTON DRIVE CANONSBURG, PA 15317 Tax Year: 2021 District CECIL Parcel 140-010-12-00-0051-00 Amount $149.31 PISARCIK PHILLIP JOSEPH & ALLISON LO 148 BLACK OAK LANE MCDONALD, PA 15057 Tax Year: 2021 District CECIL Parcel 140-006-21-00-0004-03 Amount $163.13 REED DANIEL O. & CORRINE M. READER 1403 REISSING ROAD MCDONALD, PA 15057 Tax Year: 2021 District CECIL Parcel 140-001-03-00-0004-01 Amount $1.67 SAUSSOL ALBERT J. 427 CECIL HENDERSON ROAD CANONSBURG, PA 15317 Tax Year: 2021 District CECIL Parcel 140-007-01-01-0016-00 Amount $519.38 1 1731 1 d 1 MINUTE BOOK BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLANIA SCARMAZZI PAUL A. & LISA J 701 MISSION HILLS DRIVE CANONSBURG, PA 15317 Tax Year: 2021 District CECIL Parcel 140-009-17-00-0001-00 Amount $992.33 WEISCHEDEL ASHLEY & GREGORY 142 BLACK OAK LANE MCDONALD, PA 15057 Tax Year: 2021 District CECIL Parcel 140-006-21-00-0003-04 Amount $114.3 THE IVIERITAGE GROUP LP 783 PINE VALLEY DRIVE PITTSBURGH, PA 15239 Tax Year: 2021 District CECIL Parcel 140-006-22-00-0015-00 Amount $144.08 ZDILLA JOHN G. & ANN M 48 WINDCREST DRIVE CECIL, PA 15321 Tax Year: 2021 District CECIL Parcel 140-007-14-00-0006-05 Amount $522.01 DAVIS JOSHUA J. 433 SPRING STREET RICHEYVILLE, PA 15358 Tax Year: 2021 District CENTERVILLE 4TH W Parcel 154-005-00-03-0051-00 Amount $116.45 FOSTER JOHN E. & KOSTILNIK THOMAS M. P.O. BOX 186 VAN VOORHIS, PA 15366 Tax Year: 2021 District CHARLEROI Parcel 160-014-00-04-0017-00 Amount $31.19 BEHANNA RONALD III & ADDIS JESSICA 322 WOODLAND AVENUE CHARLEROI, PA 15022 Tax Year: 2021 District CHARLEROI Parcel 160-024-00-02-0027-00 Amount $169.56 SURDYN SUZANNE P. & JOSPEH L. 312 SHADY AVENUE CHARLEROI, PA 15022 Tax Year: 2021 District CHARLEROI Parcel 160-023-00-02-0023-00 Amount $210.76 SCOTT JULIA & ELI J. 413 DOGWOOD LANE MCDONALD, PA 15057 Tax Year: 2021 District CECIL Parcel 140-006-23-00-0042-00 Amount $175.74 THE MERITAGE GROUP LP 783 PINE VALLEY DRIVE PITTSBURGH, PA 15239 Tax Year: 2021 District CECIL Parcel 140-006-18-00-00 60-00 Amount $186.7 THE MERITAGE GROUP LP 783 PINE VALLEY DRIVE PITTSBURGH, PA 15239 Tax Year: 2021 District CECIL Parcel 140-006-22-00-0045-00 Amount $136.22 MARCOLINI HEATHER L. & SCOTT A. 151 DAGUE ROAD BROWNSVILLE, PA 15417 Tax Year: 2021 District CENTERVILLE 1ST W Parcel 151-047-00-00-0001-00 Amount $6.66 KROLL CHARLES G. 84 EMERY ROAD FREDERICKTOWN, PA 15333 Tax Year: 2021 District CENTERVILLE 5TH W Parcel 155-052-00-00-0006-00 Amount $305.05 MILLER DALE 2305 CONSTITUTION BLVD MCKEESPORT, PA 15135 Tax Year: 2021 District CHARLEROI Parcel 160-006-00-02-0008-00 Amount $76.92 PHILLIPS JAMES & PAULA 702 MEADOW AVENUE CHARLEROI, PA 15022 Tax Year: 2021 District CHARLEROI Parcel 160-014-00-02-0009-00 Amount $139.55 ARABIAN MEADOWS HOMEOWNERS ASSN. 200 COMMERCE DR., STE. 206 MOON TOWNSHIP, PA 15108 Tax Year: 2021 District CHARTIERS Parcel 170-017-09-00-0058-00 Amount $38.1 TRESSLER ARNOLD E. III & AMANDA E. 1043 GREENFIELD DRIVE CANONSBURG, PA 15317 Tax Year: 2021 District CECIL Parcel 140-008-01-00-0026-00 Amount $716.8 THE MERITAGE GROUP LP 783 PINE VALLEY DRIVE PITTSBURGH, PA 15239 Tax Year: 2021 District CECIL Parcel 140-006-22-00-0005-00 Amount $138.84 WUKELA KEVIN P. & LORLY KENSINGER 126 BLACK OAK LANE MCDONALD, PA 15057 Tax Year: 2021 District CECIL Parcel 140-006-21-00-0002-01 Amount $107.16 LERETA P.O. BOX 35605 DALLAS, TX 75235 Tax Year: 2021 District CENTERVILLE 2ND W Parcel 152-025-00-03-0056-01 Amount $198.61 DIEUGENIO JOHN A. JR. & SARAH 1113 SHADY AVENUE CHARLEROI, PA 15022 Tax Year: 2021 District CHARLEROI Parcel 160-007-00-01-0013-00 Amount $194.56 MON VALLEY LP P.O. BOX 610 PERRYOPOLIS, PA 15473 Tax Year: 2021 District CHARLEROI Parcel 160-027-00-01-0020-00 Amount $87.97 RACHJONATHAN 82 CRAVEN DRIVE CHARLEROI, PA 15022 Tax Year: 2021 District CHARLEROI Parcel 160-017-00-03-0035-00 Amount $175.04 ARABIAN MEADOWS HOMEOWNERS ASSN. 200 COMMERCE DR., STE. 206 MOON TOWNSHIP, PA 15108 Tax Year: 2021 District CHARTIERS Parcel170-017-09-00-0059-00 Amount $62.87 1732 MINUTE BOOK BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLANIA ARABIAN MEADOWS BECK JEREMY M. & SABRINA L. BREERWOOD CRAIG L. HOMEOWNERS ASSN. 822 MCWILLIAMS DRIVE 537 HICKORY LANE 200 COMMERCE DR., STE. 206 HOUSTON, PA 15342 HOUSTON, PA 15342 MOON TOWNSHIP, PA 15108 Tax Year: 2021 Tax Year: 2021 Tax Year: 2021 District CHARTIERS District CHARTIERS District CHARTIERS Parcel 170-016-09-05-0022-00 Parcel 170-016-12-00-0006-00 Parcel 170-017-09-00-0060-00 Amount $459.85 Amount $703.94 Amount $5.96 CANNING PRESERVATION TRUST CENTRAL ASSEMBY OF GOD, INC. DAVIS VERTESSE C. 577 BIRCH DRIVE 155 MCGOVERN ROAD 316 WYLIE AVENUE HOUSTON, PA 15342 HOUSTON, PA 15342 HOUSTON, PA 15342 Tax Year: 2021 Tax Year: 2021 Tax Year: 2021 District CHARTIERS District CHARTIERS District CHARTIERS Parcel170-016-18-00-0037-00 Parcel170-008-00-00-0003-00 Parcel170-006-04-03-0003-00 Amount $686.79 Amount $96.21 Amount $216.94 DAVIS VERTESSE C. FALCONI ANGELO F. & PHILLIP D IRREV TRUST FOR ROBERT L. 316 WYLIE AVENUE P.O. BOX 321 MCKEOW HOUSTON, PA 15342 MARTINS FERRY, OH 43935 2965 PITTSBURGH ROAD Tax Year: 2021 Tax Year: 2021 PERRYOPOLIS, PA 15473 District CHARTIERS District CHARTIERS Tax Year: 2021 Parcel 170-006-04-03-0004-00 Parcel 170-019-00-00-0009-00 District CHARTIERS Amount $46.91 Amount $186.7 Parcel 170-017-00-00-0014-06 Amount $1,989.18 COMMUNITY BANK KUKLINSKI EDWARD D. & LEWIS SUSAN A. & TERESA P.O. BOX 669, DEPT. 112 DEBORAH L. GARRETT WAYNESBURG, PA 15370 147 HIGH POINTE DRIVE 2106 W. PIKE STREET Tax Year: 2021 WASHINGTON, PA 15301 HOUSTON, PA 15342 District CHARTIERS Tax Year: 2021 Tax Year: 2021 Parcel 170-016-04-02-0011-00 District CHARTIERS District CHARTIERS Amount $5.96 Parcel 170-017-08-00-0072-00 Parcel 170-016-07-03-0013-00 Amount $125.03 Amount $304.1 LOHRER SEAN P. & EMILY A. LUDWIN RYAN & MEGAN E. MARSHALL ROBERT E. & P.O. BOX 152 JAKUB DENISE A. MEADOWLANDS, PA 15347 7 BREEZEWOOD DRIVE 159 HIGH POINTE DRIVE Tax Year: 2021 CANONSBURG, PA 15317 WASHINGTON, PA 15301 District CHARTIERS Tax Year: 2021 Tax Year: 2021 Parcel 170-017-06-04-0015-00 District CHARTIERS District CHARTIERS Amount $1.67 Parcel 170-016-07-04-0008-00 Parcel 170-017-08-00-0078-00 Amount $276.48 Amount $849.92 MAY SCOTT E. & JENNIFER M. MCFETRIDGE SEAN & DESSIE ESSER BRIAN JAMES & ERIN 161 PIATT ESTATES DRIVE SPENCER WHITNEY WASHINGTON, PA 15301 334 N. MAIN STREET 583 BIRCH DRIVE Tax Year: 2021 HOUSTON, PA 15342 HOUSTON, PA 15342 District CHARTIERS Tax Year: 2021 Tax Year: 2021 Parcel 170-017-08-00-0108-00 District CHARTIERS District CHARTIERS Amount $142.88 Parcel 170-006-04-09-0009-00 Parcel 170-016-18-00-0034-00 Amount $199.32 Amount $86.45 ESSER BRIAN JAMES & ERIN KHAN NADRA & NfUHAMMAD TIMKO CLIFFORD J. & WHITNEY 573 BIRCH DRIVE CONSTANCE E. 583 BIRCH DRIVE HOUSTON, PA 15342 449 SPRUCE LANE HOUSTON, PA 15342 Tax Year: 2021 HOUSTON, PA 15342 Tax Year: 2021 District CHARTIERS Tax Year: 2021 District CHARTIERS Parcel 170-016-18-00-0039-00 District CHARTIERS Parcel 170-016-18-00-0034-00 Amount $82.63 Parcel 170-016-19-00-0007-00 Amount $86.45 Amount $128.83 PFEIFER STEVEN D. & KING HAROLD V. & MYRNA M. ALDERSON GARRETT W. & KATHERINE M. 440 SPRUCE LANE SHANNON J. 438 SPRUCE LANE HOUSTON, PA 15342 121 HIGH POINTE DRIVE HOUSTON, PA 15342 Tax Year: 2021 WASHINGTON, PA 15301 Tax Year: 2021 District CHARTIERS Tax Year: 2021 District CHARTIERS Parcel 170-016-19-00-0051-00 District CHARTIERS Parcel 170-016-19-00-0050-00 Amount $121.45 Parcel 170-017-08-00-0059-00 Amount $118.59 Amount $170.75 F- I 1733 MINUTE BOOK BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLANIA BARKEY CHARLES J. & MONICA L. OBRIEN MICHAEL F. & NVR, INC. 131 HIGH POINTE DRIVE STEPHANIE MARIE ONE PENN CENTER WEST WASHINGTON, PA 15301 153 HIGH POINTE DRIVE STE. 220 Tax Year: 2021 WASHINGTON, Pit 15301 PITTSBURGH, PA 15276 District CHARTIERS Tax Year: 2021 Tax Year: 2021 Parcel 170-017-08-00-0064-00 District CHARTIERS District CHARTIERS Amount $164.32 Parcel 170-017-08-00-0075-00 Parcel 170-017-08-00-0063-00 Amount $143.36 Amount $164.32 d NVR, INC. ONE PENN CENTER WEST STE. 220 PITTSBURGH, PA 15276 Tax Year: 2021 District CHARTIERS Parcel 170-017-08-00-0094-00 Amount $129.55 SUMMERFIELD WOODS LP 375 GOLFSIDE DRIVE WEXFORD, PA 15090 Tax Year: 2021 District CHARTIERS Parcel 170-016-19-00-0057-00 Amount $101.95 SUMMERFIELD WOODS LP 375 GOLFSIDE DRIVE WEXFORD, PA 15090 Tax Year: 2021 District CHARTIERS Parcel 170-016-19-00-0060-00 Amount $130.26 ARDEN FARMS HOMEOWNERS ASSN. 200 COMMERCE DRIVE, STE. 206 MOON TOWNSHIP, PA 15108 Tax Year: 2021 District CHARTIERS Parcel 170-018-06-00-0031-00 Amount $113.12 CLAYTON DUSTIN R. & ALANA D. 34 TUNNEL STREET W. ALEXANDER, PA 15376 Tax Year: 2021 District DONEGAL Parcel 230-007-00-00-0025-01 Amount $374.83 CAMILLOCCI AMBER L. 631 CHESTNUT STREET DONORA, PA 15033 Tax Year: 2021 District DONORA Parcel 240-03 6-00-05-0019-00 Amount $149.08 BEENE JANA L.. 235 MCKEAN AVENUE DONORA, PA 15033 Tax Year: 2021 District DONORA Parcel 240-015-00-01-0029-00 Amount $50.49 SETHMAN BRENDA & SCOTT 802 W. GRANT STREET HOUSTON, PA 15342 Tax Year: 2021 District CHARTIERS Parcel 170-016-01-01-0026-00 Amount $201.47 SUMMERFIELD WOODS LP 375 GOLFSIDE DRIVE WEXFORD, PA 15090 Tax Year: 2021 District CHARTIERS Parcel 170-016-19-00-005 8-00 Amount $126.69 SUMMERFIELD WOODS LP 375 GOLFSIDE DRIVE WEXFORD, PA 15090 Tax Year: 2021 District CHARTIERS Parcel 170-016-19-00-0061-00 Amount $135.74 PREVOST GEORGE A. & JOSHUA & DONNA M. 12 CROSS CREEK ROAD AVELLA, PA 15312 Tax Year: 2021 District CROSS CREEK Parcel 210-011-03-05-0013-00 Amount $142.77 DORSEY HAROLD K. & CONCETTA 9 SAWHILL ROAD CLAYSVILLE, PA 15323 Tax Year: 2021 District DONEGAL Parcel 230-002-00-00-0008-02 Amount $1.19 COOK SHELIA D. 709 HESLEP AVENUE DONORA, PA 15033 Tax Year: 2021 District DONORA Parcel 240-016-00-03-0019-00 Amount $87.4 DLUTOWSKI TAMMY L. & DAVID M. 65 CASTNER AVENUE DONORA, PA 15033 Tax Year: 2021 District DONORA Parcel 240-031-00-02-0009-00 Amount $138.6 SUMMERFIELD WOODS LP 375 GOLFSIDE DRIVE WEXFORD, PA 15090 Tax Year: 2021 District CHARTIERS Parcel 17 0-016-18-00-0009-00 Amount $93.11 SUMMERFIELD WOODS LP 375 GOLFSIDE DRIVE WEXFORD, PA 15090 Tax Year: 2021 District CHARTIERS Parcel 170-016-19-00-0059-00 Amount $127.41 SUMNEY MATTHEW 615 MCCLANE FARM ROAD WASHINGTON, PA 15301 Tax Year: 2021 District CHARTIERS Parcel 170-018-01-03-0009-00 Amount $343.4 CHEVRON APPALACHIA P.O. BOX 285 HOUSTON, TX 77001 Tax Year: 2021 District DEEMSTON Parcel 220-003-00-00-0012-OOA Amount $145.98 1ST FEDERAL OF GREENE COUNTY 25 E. HIGH ST., P.O. BOX 190 WAYNESBURG, PA 15370 Tax Year: 2021 District DONEGAL Parcel 230-005-00-00-0003-00 Amount $814.92 BEENE JANA L.. 235 MCKEAN AVENUE DONORA, PA 15033 Tax Year: 2021 District DONORA Parcel 240-015-00-01-0028-00 Amount $7.62 FABEAN ROBERT J. SR. & BOBBI JEAN 1107 NINTH STREET DONORA, PA 15033 Tax Year: 2021 District DONORA Parcel 240-045-01-08-0002-00 Amount $29.53 1734 MINUTE BOOK BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLANIA FISCHER SABREANA A. KARABIN JOSPEH D. MON VALLEY LP 1301 13TH STREET 406 EIGHTH STREET P.O. BOX 610 DONORA, PA 15033 DONORA, PA 15033 PERRYOPOLIS, PA 15473 Tax Year: 2021 Tax Year: 2021 Tax Year: 2021 District DONORA District DONORA District DONORA Parcel240-008-00-05-0013-00 Parcel240-016-00-03-0008-00 Parcel240-017-00-04-0002-00 Amount $65.25 Amount $82.87 Amount $61.72 MON VALLEY LP MON VALLEY LP TOMOVICH THOMAS L. P.O. BOX 610 P.O. BOX 610 85 MCKEAN AVENUE PERRYOPOLIS, PA 15473 PERRYOPOLIS, PA 15473 DONORA, PA 15033 Tax Year: 2021 Tax Year: 2021 Tax Year: 2021 District DONORA District DONORA District DONORA Parcel240-024-00-01-0016-00 Parcel240-028-00-02-0008-00 Parcel240-033-00-01-0010-00 Amount $61.24 Amount $50.54 Amount $13.34 TOMOVICH THOMAS L. ZIMMERMAN RICHARD K. & ARNOLD DAVID A. 85 MCKEAN AVENUE DULCITA M. P.O. BOX 281 DONORA, PA 15033 82 CASTNER AVENUE RICES LANDING, PA 15357 Tax Year: 2021 DONORA, PA 15033 Tax Year: 2021 District DONORA Tax Year: 2021 District EAST BETHLEHEM Parcel 240-033-00-01-0011-00 District DONORA Parcel 260-004-00-00-0040-00 Amount $99.78 Parcel 240-031-00-03-0003-00 Amount $1,172.13 Amount $95.26 ASHCRAFT STEPHEN G. & SHERRI A DAVEY DONALD K. & AMANDA R EDGAR MARTIN 210 ROBINHOOD LANE P.O. BOX 106 39 MAIN STREET CANONSBURG, PA 15317 FREDERICKTOWN, PA 15333 CL.ARKSVILLE, PA 15322 Tax Year: 2021 Tax Year: 2021 Tax Year: 2021 District EAST BETHLEHEM District EAST BETHLEHEM District EAST BETHLEHEM Parcel260-003-01-02-0008-00 Parcel260-002-03-03-0002-00 Parcel260-004-02-09-0030-00 Amount $153.84 Amount $206.23 Amount $134.55 TALARICO NICHOLAS & JESSICA L. MATTHEWS NATHAN LEE FITZPATRICK CHRISTOPHER S. & 103 BLACK DOG HOLLOW ROAD 1790 PLEASANT GROVE ROAD ABBY E. CLARKSVILLE, PA 15322 CLAYSVILLE, PA 15323 130 SPRUCE ROAD Tax Year: 2021 Tax Year: 2021 BRECKSVILLE, OH 44141 District EAST BETHLEHEM District EAST FINLEY Tax Year: 2021 Parcel 260-003-00-00-0013-00 Parcel 270-011-00-00-0005-03 District EAST FINLEY Amount $387.93 Amount $175.99 Parcel 270-015-00-00-0010-00 Amount $549.87 MCCORT MICHAEL J. & JESSICA R. WEAKLAND LOGAN & AMBER SHEARER DAN L., V & ANDREA 353 N. WADE AVENUE 35 AYLESWORTH AVENUE IDALIA HNA WASHINGTON, PA 15301 WASHINGTON, PA 15301 247 NORTH AVENUE Tax Year: 2021 Tax Year: 2021 WASHINGTON, PA 15301 District EAST WASHINGTON District EAST WASHINGTON Tax Year: 2021 Parcel 290-009-00-01-0011-00 Parcel 290-009-00-04-0008-00 District EAST WASHINGTON Amount $392.45 Amount $190.28 Parcel 290-009-00-04-0026-00 Amount $352.68 COMMUNITY BANK STAGGERS LANNY & CAROL A. ALEJANDRO BETH A. & P.O. BOX 669 DEPT. 112 42 TERRACE DRIVE MARTINEZ WILLIAM WAYNESBURG, PA 15370 CHARLEROI, PA 15022 754 STEUBENVILLE PIKE Tax Year: 2021 Tax Year: 2021 BURGETTSTOWN, PA 15021 District FALLOWFIELD District FALLOWFIELD Tax Year: 2021 Parcel 320-001-00-00-0026-00 Parcel 320-009-04-01-0026-01 District HANOVER Amount $2.28 Amount $19.53 Parcel 340-012-00-00-0021-00 Amount $228.85 MORTON JANET SEVERA CAROLINE E. CHECCO FRANK III 135-1 /2 L.ATIMER AVENUE 210 N. HAFT STREET 1885 AVELLA ROAD STRABANE, PA 15363 HOUSTON, PA 15342 AVELLA, PA 15312 Tax Year: 2021 Tax Year: 2021 Tax Year: 2021 District HOUSTON District HOUSTON District INDEPENDENCE Parcel360-014-00-02-0015-00 Parcel360-009-00-01-0001-00 Parcel370-005-03-00-0001-00 Amount $129.79 Amount $12.62 Amount $93.11 1735 1 MINUTE BOOK BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLANIA LIGGETT JOHN E. & CARMEN R. BELLUSO ROBERT L. & LYNN WELDING CHARLES 357 WASHINGTON PIKE ANN 822 HOWARD STREET AVELLA, PA 15312 1206 THOMAS STREET MONONGAHELA, PA 15063 Tax Year: 2021 MONONGAHELA, PA 15063 Tax Year: 2021 District INDEPENDENCE Tax Year: 2021 District MONONGAHELA 3RD W Parcel 370-005-00-00-0007-16 District MONONGAHELA 3RD W Parcel 440-016-00-01-0010-00 Amount $564.39 Parcel 440-029-00-00-0002-00 Amount $205.75 Amount $600.35 LIGONDE GINA 3912 SHASTA CIRCLE CLOVER, SC 29710 Tax Year: 2021 District MONONGAHELA 3m W Parcel 440-010-00-02-0013-00 Amount $166.22 BURKHOUSE RALPH W. & TAYLOR DIRK A. 461 WEIR COLE ROAD PROSPERITY, PA 15329 Tax Year: 2021 District MORRIS Parcel 450-004-00-00-0010-00 Amount $10.96 STOLTZ BARRY J. & RENEE A. 360 DRY RUN ROAD MONONGAHELA, PA 15063 Tax Year: 2021 District MONONGAHELA 3R' W Parcel 440-028-00-00-0003-00 Amount $166.22 PANDOLFO DOMINICK & ANNE 70 CASEY ROAD MCDONALD, PA 15057 Tax Year: 2021 District MT. PLEASANT Parcel 460-013-00-00-0032-05 Amount $745.86 THORSEN CHARLOTTE W. & CARDEN JOHN V. & MATTHEW E. CONSTANCE C. 8682 NOBLESTOWN ROAD 216 VALLEY STREET MCDONALD, PA 15057 MCDONALD, PA 15057 Tax Year: 2021 Tax Year: 2021 District MT. PLEASANT District MCDONALD Parcel 460-020-01-00-0032-00 Parcel 470-016-00-01-0013-00 Amount $42.87 Amount $207.18 NEMETH MELANIE L. & BARKEY COREY ANDREW CHRISTOPHER E. 340 SEVENTH AVENUE 217 CENTER AVENUE NEW EAGLE, PA 15067 MCDONALD, PA 15057 Tax Year: 2021 Tax Year: 2021 District NEW EAGLE District MCDONALD Parcel 480-018-00-04-0007-00 Parcel 470-018-00-01-0004-00 Amount $147.88 Amount $2.61 HUFNAGEL TYLER J. GARDNER WILLIAM S. 114 FOURTH AVENUE 1343 BRUSH RUN ROAD NEW EAGLE, PA 15067 WASHINGTON, PA 15301 Tax Year: 2021 Tax Year: 2021 District NEW EAGLE District NORTH BETHLEHEM Parcel 480-024-00-02-0010-01 Parcel 490-010-00-00-0004-00 Amount $13.57 Amount $57.15 HULL DEWEY D. II 620 CENTER AVENUE CHARLEROI, PA 15022 Tax Year: 2021 District NORTH CHARLEROI Parcel 500-008-00-02-0014-00 Amount $104.07 MAGON JARED EDWARD 475 S. PALM STREET WASHINGTON, PA 15301 Tax Year: 2021 District NORTH FRANKL,IN Parcel 510-002-12-01-0012-00 Amount $385.55 ARMSTRONG STACY A. & ROBERT P. 940 WILLIAMS STREET WASHINGTON, PA 15301 Tax Year: 2021 District NORTH FRANKLIN Parcel 510-002-09-01-0008-00 Amount $407.22 PUTMAN NICHOLAS J. 680 CLEVELAND ROAD WASHINGTON, PA 15301 Tax Year: 2021 District NORTH FRANKLIN Parcel510-001-01-03-0010-00 Amount $221.23 BURKHOUSE RALPH W. & TAYLOR DIRK A. 461 WEIR COLE ROAD PROSPERITY, PA 15329 Tax Year: 2021 District MORRIS Parcel 450-004-00-00-0009-00 Amount $2.38 SHAREK EDWARD & MARGARET A. P.O. BOX 22 WESTLAND, PA 15378 Tax Year: 2021 District MT. PLEASANT Parcel460-009-01-02-0001-00 Amount $3.33 DEMICCO MICHAEL & VINCENZIA M. 309 SIXTH AVENUE MCDONALD, PA 15057 Tax Year: 2021 District MCDONALD Parcel 470-023-00-00-015-00 Amount $393.17 HUFNAGEL TYLER J. 114 FOURTH AVENUE NEW EAGLE, PA 15067 Tax Year: 2021 District NEW EAGLE Parcel 480-024-00-02-0010-00 Amount $308.4 BISCHOF FELICIA & JASON 52 SANDROVICH LANE SCENERY HILL, PA 15360 Tax Year: 2021 District NORTH BETHLEHEM Parcel 490-016-00-00-0025-00 Amount $354.35 BRADEN DEBORAH A. 100 PARK LANE WASHINGTON, Pit 15301 Tax Year: 2021 District NORTH FRANKLIN Parcel 510-003-03-01-0016-00 Amount $46.68 JUSTICE PEYTON IV & CARRIE L. 165 HAZELWOOD DRIVE WASHINGTON, PA 15301 Tax Year: 2021 District NORTH FRANKLIN Parcel 510-003-11-04-0018-00 Amount $415.56 1736 MINUTE BOOK BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLANIA VITAI JOSEPH 20 HAZLETT LANE WASHINGTON, PA 15301 Tax Year: 2021 District NORTH FRANKLIN Parcel 510-003-14-00-0005-00 Amount $425.56 COLAVECCHIA MICHAEL & CHELSIE P.O. BOX 425 LANGELOTH, PA 15054 Tax Year: 2021 District SMITH Parcel 570-019-01-01-0001-00 Amount $652.5 DUBBS JOHN D. 27 FIRST STREET BURGETTSTOWN, PA 15021 Tax Year: 2021 District SMITH Parcel 570-013-01-03-0003-00 Amount $34.05 KRIZNIK BRANDON L. & CHRISTINA 52 S. SPRING VALLEY STREET SLOVAN, Pit 15078 Tax Year: 2021 District SMITH Parcel 570-023-14-00-0006-01 Amount $628.69 PRESTON TROY D. & SARAH J 205 OLD OAK ROAD LANGELOTH, PA 15054 Tax Year: 2021 District SMITH Parcel 570-019-02-08-0016-00 Amount $116.92 WHITE RAYMOND E. & AMELIA M. 23A MAIN STREET HICKORY, PA 15340 Tax Year: 2021 District SOMERSET Parcel 580-001-01-03-0005-00 Amount $29.34 MOWERY DUSTIN L. & SHELLIE L. 1180 ALAMAE LAKES ROAD WASHINGTON, PA 15301 Tax Year: 2021 District SOUTH FRANKLIN Parcel 590-003-00-00-0010-14 Amount $583.21 PUCKETT RICKY DOUGLAS & GINA LEE 560 ALAMAE LAKES ROAD WASHINGTON, PA 15301 Tax Year: 2021 District SOUTH FRANKLIN Parcel 590-004-00-00-0011-08 Amount $542.24 GEHO CHRISTINA M. & CHARLES B. 1490 DEERFIELD ROAD WASHINGTON, PA 15301 Tax Year: 2021 District SOUTH FRANKL,IN Parcel 590-005-00-00-0019-11 Amount $10.01 COOKE GERRI SELLA 1112 CROSS CREEK ROAD BURGETTSTOWN, PA 15021 Tax Year: 2021 District CROSS CREEK Parcel 210-002-01-05-0002-02 Amount $26.74 DUBBS JOHN D. 27 FIRST STREET BURGETTSTOWN, PA 15021 Tax Year: 2021 District SMITH Parcel 570-013-01-03-0001-00 Amount $2.62 KOKOSKIE ROGER L. & TRACI L. 56 BULGER BLOCK ROAD BULGER, PA 15019 Tax Year: 2021 District SMITH Parcel 570-006-00-00-0037-00 Amount $34.54 MCCREIGHT GEORGE M. 5 HILLMAN AVENUE BURGETTSTOWN, PA 15021 Tax Year: 2021 District SMITH Parcel 570-013-01-02-0025-00 Amount $4.05 MALUSH DYLAN J. 306 E. THIRD AVENUE LANGELOTH, PA 15054 Tax Year: 2021 District SMITH Parcel 570-019-02-05-0004-00 Amount $109.54 MCFEELY JAMES & MARY ANNE 53 OLD MONONGAHELA PIKE EIGHTY FOUR, PA 15330 Tax Year: 2021 District SOMERSET Parcel 580-001-02-00-0015-00 Amount $53.11 MILLER CLARENCE L. & NINA S. 599-1/2 MOUNTS ROAD WASHINGTON, PA 15301 Tax Year: 2021 District SOUTH FRANKLIN Parcel 590-012-00-00-0002-00 Amount $244.33 ROSCOE DANIEL & MARY BETH 410 HEMLOCK WAY WASHINGTON, PA 15301 Tax Year: 2021 District SOUTH FRANKLIN Parcel 590-011-00-00-0010-27 Amount $613.45 SWINDELL FARRON & KELLY M. 1374 DEERFIELD ROAD WASHINGTON, PA 15301 Tax Year: 2021 District SOUTH FRANKLIN Parcel 590-005-00-00-0019-16 Amount $5.48 BRADLEY SETH H. & TERRA 1 LIBERTY AVENUE BURGETTSTOWN, PA 15021 Tax Year: 2021 District SMITH Parcel 570-022-00-00-0017-00 Amount $284.58 DUBBS JOHN D. 27 FIRST STREET BURGETTSTOWN, PA 15021 Tax Year: 2021 District SMITH Parcel 570-013-01-03-0001-01 Amount $32.86 KOSKIE TRACY L. 187 PROFIO ROAD MCDONALD, PA 15057 Tax Year: 2021 District SMITH Parcel 570-006-00-00-0037-01 Amount $36.94 MCCREIGHT GEORGE W. 5 HILLMAN AVENUE BURGETTSTOWN, PA 15021 Tax Year: 2021 District SMITH Parcel 570-013-01-02-0020-00 Amount $192.41 ANDERSON GEORGE P. & TAMMY L. 737 VANCEVILLE ROAD EIGHTY FOUR, PA 15330 Tax Year: 2021- District SOMERSET Parcel 580-006-00-00-0023-05 Amount $486.29 RAINEY RODGER L. & CLAIRE J. 373 RAINEY ROAD EIGHTY FOUR, PA 15330 Tax Year: 2021 District SOMERSET Parcel 580-003-00-00-0022-01 Amount $306.01 PLANTS ROBERT E. & MARILYN 105 ROLLING OAK DRIVE WASHINGTON, PA 15301 Tax Year: 2021 District SOUTH FRANKLIN Parcel 590-001-00-00-0007-12 Amount $22.38 WINKLOSKY MARK A. 659 OLD POST ROAD PROSPERITY, PA 15329 Tax Year: 2021 1 District SOUTH FRANKLIN Parcel 590-002-00-00-0008-10 Amount $488.19 COYLE RICHARD A. & KARLA A. 620 FLORAL HILL DRIVE WASHINGTON, PA 15301 Tax Year: 2021 District SOUTH STRABANE Parcel 600-007-02-00-0003-11 Amount $26.91 1737 1 d 1 MINUTE BOOK BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLANIA CUMPSTON NEVIN L. & BOBBI 815 MANIFOLD ROAD WASHINGTON, PA 15301 Tax Year: 2021 District SOUTH STRABANE Parcel 600-001-02-03-0008-00 Amount $265.05 DEEMER JANE M. 324 ZEDIKER STATION ROAD WASHINGTON, PA 15301 Tax Year: 2021 District SOUTH STRABANE Parcel 600-008-00-00-0015-05 Amount $4.77 EDWARD V. & PEGGY A. HELD IRR TRUST 52 WARRICK DRIVE WASHINGTON, PA 15301 Tax Year: 2021 District SOUTH STRABANE Parcel 600-007-04-01-0029-00 Amount $396.51 GUSTINE WASHINGTON ASSN 560 EPSILON DRIVE PITTSBURGH, PA 15238 Tax Year: 2021 District SOUTH STRABANE Parcel 600-003-12-00-0008-00 Amount $1,905.12 INTERVAL SAMUEL 132 MORGAN DRIVE WASHINGTON, PA 15301 Tax Year: 2021 District SOUTH STRABANE Parcel 600-00418-00-0017-00 Amount $653.93 TRONETTI JOSHUA & KATELYNN 203 STEVENS COURT WASHINGTON, PA 15301 Tax Year: 2021 District SOUTH STRABANE Parcel 600-004-19-00-0031-00 Amount $116.21 REDILLA MARK S. 2404 CANOE DRIVE WASHINGTON, PA 15301 Tax Year: 2021 District SOUTH STRABANE Parcel 600-001-07-00-0001-04 Amount $596.55 CAMPANO THOMAS B. 204 SCOTT STREET CHARLEROI, PA 15022 Tax Year: 2021 District SPEERS Parcel 610-017-00-01-0015-00 Amount $204.09 BRAZZON JASON & MELISSA 61-1/2 STATE STREET CHARLEROI, PA 15022 Tax Year: 2021 District SPEERS Parcel 610-027-00-01-0005-00 Amount $251.48 DAYTON HUDSON CORP/PROP TAX DEPT. P.O. BOX 9456 MINNEAPOLIS, MN 55440 Tax Year: 2021 District SOUTH STRABANE Parcel 600-003-12-00-0003-00 Amount $1,962.57 BECK JUSTIN WILLIAM 272 HAWTHORNE ROAD WASHINGTON, PA 15301 Tax Year: 2021 District SOUTH STRABANE Parcel 600-004-01-01-0004-00 Amount $351.73 GIORGI MARC A. & JOMARIE S. 100 MEYERS ROAD WASHINGTON, PA 15301 Tax Year: 2021 District SOUTH STRABANE Parcel 600-012-00-00-0016-09 Amount $175.04 HRAPLA DANIEL G. 112 JOHN STREET WASHINGTON, PA 15301 Tax Year: 2021 District SOUTH STRABANE Parcel 600-004-00-00-0015-20 Amount $529.87 KECK TYLER J. 2269 FLINT DRIVE WASHINGTON, PA 15301 Tax Year: 2021 District SOUTH STRABANE Parcel 600-001-07-00-0006-06 Amount $514.38 PATEL REAL EST HOLDINGS LLC 128 HARDWOOD DRIVE VENETIA, PA 15367 Tax Year: 2021 District SOUTH STRABANE Parcel 600-005-00-00-0007-00 Amount $1,233.33 REED ANTHONY 216 STEVENS COURT WASHINGTON, PA 15301 Tax Year: 2021 District SOUTH STRABANE Parcel 600-004-19-00-0003-00 Amount $116.21 VORHES DANIEL & JILL 400 CHARLES STREET CHARLEROI, PA 15022 Tax Year: 2021 District SPEERS Parcel 610-026-00-00-0003-00 Amount $440.08 CASHDOLLAR MELISSA B. & ROBERT ERIC 171 VIAREGGIO WAY FINLEYVILLE, PA 15332 Tax Year: 2021 District UNION Parcel 640-009-03-00-0084-04 Amount $125.74 DEEMER JANE K. & FRANCIS BLANK 324 ZEDIKER STATION ROAD WASHINGTON, PA 15301 Tax Year: 2021 District SOUTH STRABANE Parcel 600-008-00-00-0015-00 Amount $146.22 DUTTON JESSE N. & ORNDOFF OLIVIA J. 175 SHIRLEY ANN DRIVE WASHINGTON, PA 15301 Tax Year: 2021 District SOUTH STRABANE Parcel 600-004-13-01-0005-00 Amount $386.74 GUST JAMES DANIEL & SANDRA LYN 174 FLORAL HILL DRIVE WASHINGTON, PA 15301 Tax Year: 2021 District SOUTH STRABANE Parcel 600-005-01 -03-0011 -00 Amount $675.6 HUSS JAY C. & AMY 24 OAK SPRING ROAD WASHINGTON, PA 15301 Tax Year: 2021 District SOUTH STRABANE Parcel 600-003-01-03-0002-00 Amount $428.89 MCCONNELL JOEL E. 1445 ARROWHEAD DRIVE WASHINGTON, PA 15301 Tax Year: 2021 District SOUTH STRABANE Parcel 600-001-06-00-0001-06 Amount $362.69 RANDALL CHERYL J. 225 PRESTON ROAD WASHINGTON, PA 15301 Tax Year: 2021 District SOUTH STRABANE Parcel 600-004-10-02-0007-00 Amount $346.97 ROSS ERIN 224 PRESTON ROAD WASHINGTON, PA 15301 Tax Year: 2021 District SOUTH STRABANE Parcel 600-004-10-05-0017-00 Amount $15 STRINGHILL FRANK 251 GRANDVIEW WAY CHARLEROI, PA 15022 Tax Year: 2021 District SPEERS Parcel610-004-00-01-0015-00 Amount $195.75 CURSI ANDREW & RACHEL 356 MINGO CHURCH ROAD FINLEYVILLE, PA 15332 Tax Year: 2021 District UNION Parcel 640-011-00-00-0018-00 Amount $311.01 1738 MINUTE BOOK BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLANIA DAUBERGER GARRICK KRAUS RAYMOND S. FOX ROBERT J. 369 VALLEYVIEW ROAD 3494 LINCOLN AVENUE 38 FINLEY AVENUE EIGHTY FOUR, PA 15330 FINLEYVILLE, PA 15332 FINLEYVILLE, PA 15332 Tax Year: 2021 Tax Year: 2021 Tax Year: 2021 District UNION District UNION District UNION Parcel640-008-00-00-0061-00 Parcel640-011-00-00-0139-00 Parcel640-010-04-01-0019-00 Amount $147.41 Amount $234.09 Amount $284.58 POWELL PAMELA A. IMPELLICCEIRI RACHEL LYNN & BALDAUF RICHARD R. III & P.O. BOX 275 ZACHARY KATHY ANN ELRAMA, PA 15038 1 SHORT STREET 825 25TH STREET Tax Year: 2021 ELRAMA, PA 15038 AMBRIDGE, PA 15003 District UNION Tax Year: 2021 Tax Year: 2021 Parcel 640-007-04-04-0010-00 District UNION District UNION Amount $141.93 Parcel 640-007-04-01-0008-01 Parcel 640-010-05-03-0003-00 Amount $175.51 Amount $356.02 TONKAVITCH GREGORY J. & JAN R. DIFALCO JOSEPH KIRK PARADISE REO LLC 700 JEFFERSON AVENUE 616 JULIA DRIVE 20 SLIDER DRIVE W. BROWNSVILLE, PA 15417 CANONSBURG, PA 15317 CLAYSVILLE, PA 15323 Tax Year: 2021 Tax Year: 2021 Tax Year: 2021 District W. BROWNSVILLE ANNEX District WEST FINLEY District WEST FINLEY Parcel675-016-00-01-0001-00 Parcel680-007-00-00-0001-00 Parcel680-007-00-00-0008-01 Amount $4.76 Amount J261 Amount $147.41 FARKAS MARCELLA FAYETTE REAL EST HOLDINGS ROBBINS EMILY RUTH P.O. BOX 156 CHURCH STREET LLC 4 ADAMS LANE DAISYTOWN, Pit 15427 32 TRAILER LANE FINLEYVILLE, PA 15332 Tax Year: 2021 COCOLAMUS, PA 17014 Tax Year: 2021 District WEST PIKE RUN Tax Year: 2021 District WEST PIKE RUN Parcel 700-012-03-02-0005-00 District WEST PIKE RUN Parcel 700-001-09-99-0018-03 Amount $15.72 Parcel 700-013-00-00-0023-00 Amount $25.96 Amount $238.05 WASHINGTON CITY MISSION TAHER SHERIF C/O AMERICAN BEHRENS BRANDON M. 84 W. WHEELING STREET DESTINY 23 W. KATHERINE AVENUE WASHINGTON, PA 15301 400 SOUTHPOINTE BLVD, #410 WASHINGTON, PA 15301 Tax Year: 2021 CANONSBURG, PA 15317 Tax Year: 2021 District WASHINGTON 1ST W Tax Year: 2021 District WASHINGTON 6TH W Parcel 710-002-00-01-0011-00 District WASHINGTON 2ND W Parcel 760-015-00-02-0015-00 Amount $22.14 Parcel 720-009-00-01-0004-00 Amount $189.56 Amount $209.8 SCHULTZ MIKAYLA J. LAVORGNA VINCENT MALOY SAMUEL L. 46 SHANNON AVENUE 144 CABTERBURY ROAD 1165 ALLISON AVENUE WASHINGTON, PA 15301 MCMURRAY, PA 15317 WASHINGTON, PA 15301 Tax Year: 2021 Tax Year: 2021 Tax Year: 2021 District WASHINGTON 6TH W District WASHINGTON 6TH W District WASHINGTON 7TH W Parcel760-002-00-02-0009-00 Parcel760-014-00-03-0007-00 Parcel770-029-00-04-0001-00 Amount $167.18 Amount $234.14 Amount $143.36 QUALLICH STEPHEN PAUL HOWELL RICHARD D. ANDLER RACHEL 840 JACKSON STREET 5811 LOOKOUT MOUNTAIN DR. 163 HUNTING CREEK ROAD WASHINGTON, PA 15301 HOUSTON, TX 77069 CANONSBURG, PA 15317 Tax Year: 2021 Tax Year: 2021 Tax Year: 2021 District WASHINGTON 714 W District WASHINGTON 8T4 W District NORTH STRABANE Parcel 770-003-00-02-0011-00 Parcel 780-015-00-01-0029-00 Parcel 520-001-06-02-0026-00 Amount $28.58 Amount $112.41 Amount $325.3 BOOZE HILDA A. CARPENTER MARIAH & THOMAS D. FUCHS ENTER LP 508 HUNTCLUB DRIVE W. II 201 S. JOHNSON ROAD MCMURRAY, PA 15317 260 REGENCY DRIVE HOUSTON, PA 15342 Tax Year: 2021 EIGHTY FOUR, PA 15330 Tax Year: 2021 District NORTH STRABANE Tax Year: 2021 District NORTH STRABANE Parcel 520-002-10-00-0031-01 District NORTH STRABANE Parcel 520-015-00-00-0024-16 Amount $1,011.38 Parcel 520-005-05-00-0012-00 Amount $893.02 Amount $896.36 1739 I 11 1 MINUTE BOOK BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLANIA TARPLEY MARIBETH 1056 WOODLAWN DRIVE CANONSBURG, PA 15317 Tax Year: 2021 District NORTH STRABANE Parcel 520-001-26-00-0005-06 Amount $451.28 EVEREST SETTLEMENT FOR DARLENE NOLTE ATTN.: BRETT MUELLER 2250 BABCOCK BOULEVARD PITTSBURGH, PA 15237 Tax Year: 2021 District NORTH STRABANE Parcel 520-014-00-99-0071-01 R Amount $380.54 KRIMER PATRICK M. & KELLY M. 140 PEARL DRIVE CANONSBURG, PA 15317 Tax Year: 2021 District NORTH STRABANE Parcel 520-013-05-01-0016-00 Amount $515.33 VIADIA LINDA A. 101 HICKORY CIRCLE CANONSBURG, PA 15317 Tax Year: 2021 District NORTH STRABANE Parcel 520-001-08-02-0009-OOH Amount $296.72 NARENS LEO V. III & JENNIFER 280 REGENCY DRIVE EIGHTY FOUR, PA 15330 Tax Year: 2021 District NORTH STRABANE Parcel 520-005-05-00-0002-00 Amount $852.06 WILLIAMS GERALD E. & DEBORAH M. 1098 SADDLECLUB DRIVE CANONSBURG, PA 15317 Tax Year: 2021 District NORTH STRABANE Parcel 520-002-12-00-0052-00 Amount $149.08 BROWN JUSTIN & RACHEL 258 REGENCY DRIVE EIGHTY FOUR, PA 15330 Tax Year: 2021 District NORTH STRABANE Parcel 520-005-05-00-0013-00 Amount $147.88 DAQUELENTE TORI J & JASON E JR 189 VIEW AVENUE STRABANE, PA 15363 Tax Year: 2021 District NORTH STRABANE Parcel 520-015-02-07-0006-00 Amount $257.19 KESLING APRIL L. 1059 BAYBERRY DRIVE CANONSBURG, PA 15317 Tax Year: 2021 District NORTH STRABANE Parcel 520-013-00-00-0020-47A Amount $483.42 HOFFMAN MELISSA A. 202 WYLIE AVENUE STRABANE, PA 15363 Tax Year: 2021 District NORTH STRABANE Parcel 520-015-02-05-0016-00 Amount $249.81 LININGER JESSE J. & SHANIE D. 6 WELBY AVENUE EIGHTY FOUR, PA 15330 Tax Year: 2021 District NORTH STRABANE Parcel 520-005-01-05-0007-01 Amount $47.63 MAMULA ROBERT E. 115 COACHSIDE DRIVE CANONSBURG, PA 15317 Tax Year: 2021 District NORTH STRABANE Parcel 520-011-04-03-0055-001) Amount $335.78 WALLER REX A. & DEBORAH A. 1103 SADDLECLUB DRIVE CANONSBURG, PA 15317 Tax Year: 2021 District NORTH STRABANE Parcel 520-002-12-00-0009-00 Amount $145.03 PERKINS JEFFREY TODD & CRISTY CAROL 254 REGENCY DRIVE EIGHTY FOUR, PA 15330 Tax Year: 2021 District NORTH STRABANE Parcel 520-005-04-00-0031-00 Amount $135.02 ROEDING CHRISTINA & ROSS 115 MARQUIS DRIVE EIGHTY FOUR, PA 15330 Tax Year: 2021 District NORTH STRABANE Parcel 520-005-05-00-0027-00 Amount $141.45 ROBERTS ANDREA M -BRIE & JESSE LEE 122 OAK LANE CANONSBURG, PA 15317 Tax Year: 2021 District NORTH STRABANE Parcel 520-001-03-01-0018-01 Amount $666.08 FIVE HUNDRED NINETEEN PROP LLC 2150 WASHINGTON ROAD CANONSBURG, PA 15317 Tax Year: 2021 District NORTH STRABANE Parcel 520-004-00-00-0006-05 Amount $186.47 KENNEDY HEATHER A. & RYAN 463 HAWTHORN HILL DRIVE CANONSBURG, PA 15317 Tax Year: 2021 District NORTH STRABANE Parcel 520-015-10-00-0043-00 Amount $966.37 LOMBARDO JOHN A. & DEBORAH J. 505 CECIL STREET CANONSBURG, PA 15317 Tax Year: 2021 District NORTH STRABANE Parcel 520-012-00-00-0053-00 Amount $119.3 MOORE WILLIE C & DIANA L. 1075 ROYAL DRIVE CANONSBURG, PA 15317 Tax Year: 2021 District NORTH STRABANE Parcel 520-011-06-00-0002-03 Amount $450.08 LIMA CHRISTOPHER & LISA 112 PALOMINO COURT CANONSBURG, PA 15317 Tax Year: 2021 District NORTH STRABANE Parcel 520-002-12-00-0045-00 Amount $140.5 GODFREY EVAN & ALICIA 274 REGENCY DRIVE EIGHTY FOUR, PA 15330 Tax Year: 2021 District NORTH STRABANE Parcel 520-005-05-00-0005-00 Amount $151.69 PIECHNICK CRAIG & SHERRY L. 219 MCGREGOR AVENUE CANONSBURG, PA 15317 Tax Year: 2021 District NORTH STRABANE Parcel 520-013-14-00-0006-00 Amount $518.91 ROESSLER DAVID D. & SANDRA 1116 SADDLECLUB DRIVE CANONSBURG, PA 15317 Tax Year: 2021 District NORTH STRABANE Parcel 520-002-12-00-0025-00 Amount $1,229.28 1740 MINUTE BOOK BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLANIA SLOANE JOHN R. JR. & CHERI L. 330 SPINDLE COURT CANONSBURG, PA 15317 Tax Year: 2021 District NORTH STRABANE Parcel 520-013-26-00-0152-00 Amount $1,470.04 WYLIE DAVID J. 1018 SHERIFFS COURT MCMURRAY, PA 15317 Tax Year: 2021 District NORTH STRABANE Parcel 520-002-00-00-0012-00 Amount $317.97 SMITH DONALD L. & RUGGIERO RENEE M 949 S. CENTRAL AVENUE CANONSBURG, PA 15317 Tax Year: 2021 District NORTH STRABANE Parcel 520-014-01-00-0041-00 Amount $315.06 CENCICH JOHN R. & ANDREA V 1035 LINDEN ROAD EIGHTY FOUR, PA 15330 Tax Year: 2021 District NOTTINGHAM Parcel 530-002-00-00-0001-00 Amount $293.63 HAMILTON WILLIAM G. JR. & LORRI HOSTOVICH ROY D. & JULIE A. LYNN PASTORIUS 132 BARR ROAD 65 BARR ROAD FINLEYVILLE, PA 15332 Tax Year: 2021 District NOTTINGHAM Parcel 530-004-00-00-0061-02 Amount $2.61 KIRICH CHRISTOPHER E. & MELINDA 1337 VENETIA ROAD EIGHTY FOUR, PA 15330 Tax Year: 2021 District NOTTINGHAM Parcel530-001-02-01-0001-00 Amount $55.97 TAYLOR THEODORE J. III 608 E. MCMURRAY ROAD, STE. 101 MCMURRAY, PA 15317 Tax Year: 2021 District NOTTINGHAM Parcel 530-001-00-00-0047-00 Amount $81.92 CHINL-�RIYA KRISHNA P. & NANDA L. 201 BUNKER HILL DRIVE CANONSBURG, PA 15317 Tax Year: 2021 District PETERS TOWNSHIP Parcel 540-006-15-00-0021-00 Amount $1,547.19 DELALLO DAVID G. & KAYLA M. 3230 WELLSVIEW ROAD PITTSBURGH, PA 15241 Tax Year: 2021 District PETERS TOWNSHIP Parcel 540-003-07-02-0059-00 Amount $214.09 HARTMAN DANIEL & LINDSEY 113 KNIGHT BRIDGE DRIVE VENETIA, PA 15367 Tax Year: 2021 District PETERS TOWNSHIP Parcel 540-005-35-00-0006-00 Amount $3,100.10 FINLEYVILLE, PA 15332 Tax Year: 2021 District NOTTINGHAM Parcel 530-004-00-00-0059-03 Amount $271 LUTZ TIMOTHY J. & TERRI 200 HAMTON ROAD EIGHTY FOUR, PA 15330 Tax Year: 2021 District NOTTINGHAM Parcel 53 0-008-00-00-0002-00 Amount $135.26 BASINGER MATTHEW & TIFFANY L. 106 HIGH STREET CANONSBURG, PA 15317 Tax Year: 2021 District PETERS TOWNSHIP Parcel 540-011-01-02-0004-00 Amount $506.05 CURRY FAMILY TRUST MATTHEW M. & HEATHER 142 JONATHAN DRIVE MCMURRAY, PA 15317 Tax Year: 2021 District PETERS TOWNSHIP Parcel 540-011-16-00-0011-00 Amount $959.7 ELLIOTT WILLIAM E. & JENNIE L. 717 CHADWICK DRIVE VENETIA, PA 15367 Tax Year: 2021 District PETERS TOWNSHIP Parcel 540-001-07-00-0042-00 Amount $1,237.14 MCGRANER ANETTE V. & ROLAND & SUSAN 203 BERLEY MANOR DE CRANBERRY TWP., PA 16066 Tax Year: 2021 District PETERS TOWNSHIP Parcel 540-011-09-05-0002-00 Amount $489.38 WASPE RUSSELL A. & SHAMITKO NATALIE 1121 VISTA HILL ROAD CANONSBURG, PA 15317 Tax Year: 2021 District NORTH STRABANE Parcel 520-002-03-00-0007-00 Amount $738 CONTE GUISEPPIE JR. & JULIANNE MCGAN 1154 SUGAR RUN ROAD VENETIA, PA 15367 Tax Year: 2021 District NOTTINGHAM Parcel 530-008-00-00-0021-02 Amount $40.48 HUDSON MARK EDWARD & AMY EILEEN RLT 70 BARR ROAD FINLEYVILLE, PA 15332 Tax Year: 2021 District NOTTINGHAM Parcel 530-004-00-00-0059-00 Amount $3.58 HERRERA CHRISTOPHER LAGOS 104 WALNUT DRIVE EIGHTY FOUR, PA 15330 Tax Year: 2021 District NOTTINGHAM Parcel 530-002-03-00-0001-00 Amount $5.24 CHALOVICH MICHAEL J. & KAMI M. 646 SCENIC RIDGE DRIVE VENETIA, PA 15367 Tax Year: 2021 District PETERS TOWNSHIP Parcel 540-005-28-00-0039-00 Amount $1,028.76 DAUGHERTY EMILY KATE 915 OLD WASHINGTON ROAD MCMURRAY, PA 15317 Tax Year: 2021 District PETERS TOWNSHIP Parcel 540-003-05-01-0021-08 Amount $693.7 HARTMAN ARRON & CARA DECARLO 2774 LOCUST DRIVE PITTSBURGH, PA 15241 Tax Year: 2021 District PETERS TOWNSHIP Parcel 540-003-04-05-0051-00 Amount $335.78 HUESDASH JONATHAN A. & MARY S. 167 FROEBE ROAD VENETIA, PA 15367 Tax Year: 2021 District PETERS TOWNSHIP Parcel 540-002-00-00-0062-02 Amount $932.79 MAII 1 1 1 MINUTE BOOK BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLANIA KOCH DONALD F. & JUDITH C. 180 HIGHVUE DRIVE VENETIA, PA 15367 Tax Year: 2021 District PETERS TOWNSHIP Parcel 540-007-05-02-0003-00 Amount $435.8 KOLLING RICHARD A. & JOAN G 157 AMMONS DRIVE CANONSBURG, PA 15317 Tax Year: 2021 District PETERS TOWNSHIP Parcel 540-003-06-02-0028-00 Amount $430.8 MCCUNE PAUL M. & SULLIVAN SHANNON B. 205 SANDCREEK DRIVE MCMURRAY, PA 15317 Tax Year: 2021 District PETERS TOWNSHIP Parcel 540-009-07-00-0034-00 Amount $1,028.53 MONTGOMERY ROBERT C. & MARIA A. 124 BRANDYWINE DRIVE MCMURRAY, PA 15317 Tax Year: 2021 District PETERS TOWNSHIP Parcel 540-006-08-00-0011-00 Amount $1,148.31 CORELOGIC FOR KRAMER STEVEN CENTRALIZED REFUNDS P.O. BOX 9202 COPPELL, TX 75019 Tax Year: 2021 District PETERS TOWNSHIP Parcel 540-010-26-00-0005-00 Amount $899.22 MARONDA HOMES LLC 11 TIMBERGLEN DRIVE IMPERIAL, PA 15126 Tax Year: 2021 District PETERS TOWNSHIP Parcel 540-006-04-02-0034-00 Amount $452.95 MERTZ THOMAS L. & MELISSA 103 COUNTRY CORNERS CIRCLE VENETIA, PA 15367 Tax Year: 2021 District PETERS TOWNSHIP Parcel 540-006-13-00-0002-00 Amount $899.69 MOSKAL ERIC M. & ANNE M. 123 BREMEN LANE MCMURRAY, PA 15317 Tax Year: 2021 District PETERS TOWNSHIP Parcel 540-007-17-00-0034-00 Amount $1,024.72 OSTROWSKI THOMAS E. & TRACY L. PORUPSKY RONALD J. & 641 SCENIC RIDGE DRIVE LAUREN R. VENETLA, PA 15367 200 E. EDGEWOOD DRIVE Tax Year: 2021 CANONSBURG, PA 15317 District PETERS TOWNSHIP Tax Year: 2021 Parcel 540-005-30-00-0015-00 District PETERS TOWNSHIP Amount 5807.29 Parcel 540-007-11-02-0001-00 Amount $627.26 ROGOWICZ SCOTT M. & JESSICA L. 319 WALNUT DRIVE VENETIA, PA 15367 Tax Year: 2021 District PETERS TOWNSHIP Parcel 540-006-19-00-0105-00 Amount $929.46 SNASHALL SHELBY A. & GITOMER MARTIN 104 EAGLEBROOK COURT VENETIA, PA 15367 Tax Year: 2021 District PETERS TOWNSHIP Parcel 540-005-11-00-0004-00 Amount $637.03 TENNANT JUSTIN & BROOKE 274 SIENNA TRAIL VENETIA, PA 15367 Tax Year: 2021 District PETERS TOWNSHIP Parcel 540-006-00-00-0063-00 Amount $280.29 SADALY KRISTEN A. 215 EDGEWOOD DRIVE MCMURRAY, PA 15317 Tax Year: 2021 District PETERS TOWNSHIP Parcel 540-007-16-01-0007-00 Amount $576.06 STRENNEN LORIE SIMKO 116 EVANS DRIVE MCMURRAY, PA 15317 Tax Year: 2021 District PETERS TOWNSHIP Parcel 540-003-02-01-0044-00 Amount $1,538.86 THOMAS A. ROBINSON FAMILY LTD PART 108 FROST VALLEY DRIVE MCMURRAY, PA 15317 Tax Year: 2021 District PETERS TOWNSHIP Parcel 540-009-03-01-0006-00 Amount $690.37 ALVAREZ ALEX E. 111 ESTATES DRIVE MCMURRAY, PA 15317 Tax Year: 2021 District PETERS TOWNSHIP Parcel 540-006-10-00-0006-00 Amount $690.37 MAY JEFFREY L. & CLAIRE E. 103 MEADOWVUE COURT VENETIA, PA 15367 Tax Year: 2021 District PETERS TOWNSHIP Parcel 540-002-21-00-0016-00 Amount $1,314.53 MILLER MICHAEL B & MARILYN S 502 HARVEST VIEW DRIVE VENETIA, PA 15367 Tax Year: 2021 District PETERS TOWNSHIP Parcel 540-006-24-00-0005-00 Amount $259.09 ONE HUNDRED EIGHT PHILLIPS DRIVE LL 278 GREEN VALLEY ROAD EIGHTY FOUR, PA 15330 Tax Year: 2021 District PETERS TOWNSHIP Parcel 540-011-03-02-0005-00 Amount $422.46 RODRIGUEZ JESUS A. & LAUREN CLARK- 505 SADDLEWOOD DRIVE VENETIA, PA 15367 Tax Year: 2021 District PETERS TOWNSHIP Parcel 540-004-15-00-0019-00 Amount $365.79 DENGLER RYAN J & KIMBERLY M 527 CORTLAND DRIVE FINLEYVILLE, PA 15332 Tax Year: 2021 District PETERS TOWNSHIP Parcel 540-001-10-00-0005-00 Amount $766.33 STROMOCK DARREN J. & KRISTIN M. 433 LONGLEAF DRIVE VENETIA, PA 15367 Tax Year: 2021 District PETERS TOWNSHIP Parcel 540-001-07-00-0007-00 Amount $927.56 LEECH & HENRY CONSTR INC. 532 CHURCHHILL ROAD VENETIA, PA 15367 Tax Year: 2021 District PETERS TOWNSHIP Parcel 540-003-12-00-0045-00 Amount $271.71 MAK MINUTE BOOK BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLANIA IMR LIMITED E1808491KV VALLEY BROOK PROP LLC WOODWARD BRANDEN S. & WRIGHT NIGEL J. & APRIL L. 1299 MCLAUGHLIN RUN ROAD STACY NICOLE 317 WALNUT DRIVE BRIDGEVILLE, PA 15017 114 EAGLEBROOK COURT VENETIA, PA 15367 Tax Year: 2021 VENETIA, PA 15367 Tax Year: 2021 District PETERS TOWNSHIP Tax Year: 2021 District PETERS TOWNSHIP Parcel 540-007-00-00-0030-00 District PETERS TOWNSHIP Parcel 540-006-19-00-0104-00 Amount $25.25 Parcel 540-005-11-00-0009-00 amount $804.91 Amount $691.8 Moved by Mr. Sherman; seconded by Mr. Maggi, approving the above tax refund. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Sherman — Yes; Mr. Maggi — Yes; Mrs. Vaughan — Yes. Motion carried unanimously. There being no further business, Chairman Vaughan declared the meeting adjourned at approximately 11:03 a.m. THE FOREGOING MINUTES SUBMITTED FOR APPROVAL: 1