HomeMy WebLinkAboutCOMM - Meeting Minutes - PB 7-14-21 - 7-14-2021 - PRISON BOARDMINUTE 313 F E PRISON BOARD IMR LIMITED E1316649LD WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLANIA Minute No. PB 7-14-21 July 14, 2021 The meeting of the Washington County Prison Board was held in the 7t" floor conference room of Courthouse Square, 100 West Beau Street, Washington, Pennsylvania, with the following members being present: Commissioners Diana Irey Vaughan, Nick Sherman and Larry Maggi; Judge John DiSalle; and Mike Namie. Absent from the meeting were District Attorney Gene Vittone and Sheriff Sam Romano. Also present: Warden Jeffrey Fewell; Chaplain Mike Person; Deputy Warden Chris Cain; First District Attorney Jason Walsh; Solicitor Jana Grimm; Human Resources Director Shelli Arnold; Finance Director Josh Hatfield; Chief Clerk Cindy Griffin and Buildings and Grounds Director Justin Welsh. Mrs. Vaughan called the meeting to order at approximately 11:03 a.m., and Chaplin Mike Pierson led the meeting with the invocation. Mrs. Vaughan asked if there were any corrections, additions or omissions to Minute No. PB 6-16-21, dated June 16, 2021, each member having received a copy. It was moved by Mr. Sherman and seconded by Mr. Maggi that Minute No. PB 6-16-21 be approved. The motion was carried unanimously with the Board signifying their approval by stating "Aye". PUBLIC COMMENTS None. Before Warden Fewell presented the Warden's Report, Buildings and Grounds Director Justin Welsh addressed the Board to announce the newly formed Jail Expansion Committee. Mr. Welsh stated that the committee welcomes ideas from anyone who may want to be added to the committee. Currently the committee consists of Josh Hatfield, Shelli Arnold, Cindy Griffin, John Haynes, Patrick Grimm, Jon Ridge, Warden Fewell, and Justin Welsh. Mrs. Vaughan explained that one of the objectives of the committee is to determine what needs can be met using some of the Rescue Plan funds. WARDEN'S REPORT Income from Other Units for the Maintenance of Inmates for Tune 2021 Administrative Fee $8,306.22 Social Security $800.00 Monthly sub -total $9,106.22 Year-to-date grand total $62,982.69 Proeram Fees and Room and Board Income for Tune 2021 Work Release Inmates Weekend Inmates Monthly sub -total Year-to-date grand total Status of Inmates Confined at the End of Tune 2021 Full-time Inmates Work Release Inmates Weekend Inmates Inmates Awaiting Trial and/or Sentencing Total Inmates Examinations Performed by the Physician (No data available) New Commitments (No data available) Repeat Patients Dental Extractions (No data available) Medical Transports Performed by the Sheriff (No data available) Contracted Housing Fee/Month (No data available) Year-to-date grand total (No data available) Billed Collected -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- Male Female Total 16 7 23 0 0 0 0 0 0 Male Female Total 223 53 276 239 60 299 -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- $0.00 $0.00 314 MINUTE BOOK PRISON BOARD IMR LIMITED E1316649LD WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLANIA Warden Fewell began his report stating that the population count was at 303 which is slightly above where the population was in 2020. Warden Fewell announced Paul Krajacic as June's Employee of the Month. Mr. Krajacic is a corrections officer as well as a building engineer. Warden Fewell stated that Mr. Karjacic is a one man show who is doing a great job and brings energy to the facility. Moving along, Warden Fewell stated that there were two inmates in the hospital. One was admitted to Washington for detox and one is currently at a UPMC facility. Warden Fewell explained that the inmate admitted to Washington Hospital was a Spanish speaking individual who spoke no English. Therefore, the communication between the WCCF staff and the inmate was all translated. Warden Fewell stated that he will be meeting with John Haynes regarding security and transports. He specified that the guards in the room are unarmed, however, it is recommended that during transport in and out of the facility that the guards be armed. He further explained that, ideally, the guard inside of the hospital room is unarmed, and the one on the outside of the room is armed which is typically how the marshals handle it. Warden Fewell stated that he would like to have his officers trained once the staffing issues level out. Mr. Sherman inquired as to whether constables could assume the security/transport responsibilities if it would be a cost savings and if it would relieve the Sheriffs staffing issues. Mr. Namie stated that there is an established constable fee for security and for transports but suggested that the union be contacted prior to contacting the constables in case there are issues that exist or that may need to be worked out. Continuing with the Warden's report, Warden Fewell respectfully requested the Prison Board to fund correctional on-line training approved at the Prison Board on April 14, 2021. Most of the required annual training instruction is presented and tested on the Detention and Correctional On- line Training Academy (DACOTA). Previously, one to two hours of training hours per month was conducted at the facility in the classroom. Warden Fewell stated that he is requesting one hour per week of online training to catch up on the requirements. Mr. Hatfield indicated that the overtime budget for the remainder of the year should be able to absorb the overtime requested for the training. Warden Fewell respectfully requested the Prison Board to continue to give community service credit and pay $5 per day, (past practice), to apply against court costs and fees in accordance with Title 37, Chapter 95 (§95.235 (3)) which states, "Written local policy must require that inmates who participate in a work program (other than personal housekeeping and housing area cleaning) receive compensation. Written local policy must specify the type and amount of compensation." Warden Fewell specified that these funds are not used to apply against restitution. Finally, Warden Fewell respectfully requested the Prison Board to fund Lexan to cover some, most or all of the cell windows in the facility. The current quote included in this proposal is to cover all of the 200 windows for $61,688 funded by Inmate Welfare funds. Mike Namie explained that the State has loosened regulations on the limitations on the expenditures that can be paid from the Inmate Welfare funds rather than from budgetary expenditures. Warden Fewell also explained that the window covers also act as a barrier from outside temperatures. He stated that it is a simple solution with a one-time cost. Warden Fewell explained the justification for the expenditure based upon the safety, security, custody, care, control, health and welfare of the inmate population at the facility. He added that the windows also provide protection against suicide and restrict unauthorized communication with the community. Warden Fewell briefly updated the Board on timeline for the following upcoming events: The Beacon, Jail Management System (JMS) deployment is scheduled for July18. The current system will be converted, and once it goes live, Beacon will the new Jail Management System. Warden Fewell explained that JMS is a server -based system and can be installed on any authorized computer. Upgraded video kiosks/network and tablet deployment is scheduled for August 9. ICS is the new contractor and everything will be upgraded. The tablets are also a phone with which calls will be recorded. Warden Fewell emphasized that the video component will not be allowed on the tablets. E C 11 J u 315 MINUTE BOOK PRISON BOARD WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLANIA IMR LIMITED E1316WI..D - Lastly the Pennsylvania Department of Corrections inspection/audit is scheduled for August 18. Warden Fewell stated that preparations are underway. Mr. Namie wanted to discuss the WCCF uniform change. He stated that the cost is not an issue as the uniforms are on bid, but Warden Fewell confirmed that he wanted to change the uniform shirt to Polo shirts for both the captains and the correctional officers. The Warden specified that the correctional officers will wear one color, perhaps black, and that the captains will wear another color, perhaps gray. The shirts could be either long or short sleeved, and the embroidery will be the same as the current uniform. Discussion was held with regard to the policy stating whether the shirt is transferable (taxable) or not (non-taxable). Mr. Namie stated that an IRS agent had previously met with him in person to demonstrate what was taxable and what was not. If the WCCF follows the Adult Probations' lead on the uniform design, the Polo shirts would not be considered taxable to the employee. Warden Fewell has noted this and expects to follow the Adult Probation uniform guidelines. Mrs. Vaughan called an executive session at approximately 11:31 a.m. to discuss personnel. Mrs. Vaughan reconvened the meeting following the executive session at approximately 11:36 a.m. It was moved by Mr. Sherman and seconded by Mr. Namie to accept the Warden's Report. The motion was carried unanimously with the Board signifying their approval by stating "Aye". BILLS Mr. Namie presented to the Board for their consideration and approval of the bills dated July 14, 2021, in the amount of $226,449.42. It was moved by Mr. Namie and seconded by Mr. Sherman, approving the bills dated July 14, 2021. The motion was carried unanimously with the Board signifying their approval by stating "Aye". (See list of bills attached hereto and made a part hereof.) OLD BUSINESS None. NEW BUSINESS None. There being no further business, Mrs. Vaughan declared the meeting adjourned at approximately 11:37 a.m. THE FOREGOING MINUTES SUBMITTED FOR APPROVAL: ,4V 0,aS7- / _ 2021 ATTEST: SECRETARY