HomeMy WebLinkAbout2023-03-15_No 1167_Departmental AgendasCHIEF CLERK AGENDA March 15, 2023 SPECIAL ORDER OF BUSINESS: Proclamation — Law Day Proclamation — Developmental Disabilities Awareness Month NEW BUSINESS: Rachel Lozosky Law Day Chairperson Sheila Fullerton, IDD/Autism Dir. Chief Clerk respectfully requests the Commissioners approve the appointments of Lynn Manning to the Washington County Local Emergency Planning Committee (LEPQ and Will Thomeier to the SPC Public Participation Panel. Chief Clerk, on behalf of the Register of Wills, respectfully requests the Commissioners approve an agreement with Frank Roney, Esq. to provide solicitor services for the Register of Wills' office. The agreement is in the amount of $200/month, is effective March 9, 2023, and shall be continuous until terminated by either party. MEMORANDUM March 15, 2023 TO: Commissioner Irey Vaughn Commissioner Maggi Commissioner Sherman FROM: Lisa L. Cessna, Planning Director SUBJECT: Agenda Meeting — March 15, 2023 1. Planning — Trolley Museum Lease Planning recommends approval of a lease renewal with the Pennsylvania Trolley Museum, Inc. for a term of 25 years commencing March 16, 2023 and ending March 16, 2048. 2. Planning — Tunnel #4 License Agreement Planning recommends a renewed license agreement with the National Pike Trail Council for access to Tunnel #4 from Route 40 in Buffalo Township. The agreement allows access for construction and maintenance of the tunnel, drainage and trail that passes through the tunnel. 3. Parks and Recreation — Right of Entry Agreement Planning recommends approval of a right of entry agreement with EQT for plugging a well located in Mingo Creek County Park. The access road and well area will be restored upon completion of the work. BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS DIANA TREY VAUGHAN CHAIR LARRY MAGGI VICE CHAIR NICK SHERMAN PHONE: 724-228-6724 FAX: 724-228-6965 COUNTY OF WASHINGTON COMMONWEALTH OF PENNSYLVANIA AGENDA MEETING - MARCH 15, 2023 FINANCE DEPARMENT 95 WEST BEAU STREET, SUITE 430 WASHINGTON, PENNSYLVANIA 15301 JOSHUA J. HATFIELD DIRECTOR LEAH KUDAROSKI ASSISTANT DIRECTOR PHONE: 724-228-6894 FAX: 724-228-6941 1. Finance, on behalf of the Washington County Authority, respectfully requests the Board of Commissioners approve an application and grant agreement with the Just Transition Fund and/or Rockefeller Philanthropy Advisors for the County's proposal to the Appalachian Regional Commission's POWER Initiative, the USDA's Community Connect Program, and Pennsylvania's Capital Projects Fund related to the broadband project. The application and agreement are in the amount of $25,000. 2. Finance, on behalf of the Coroner, respectfully requests the Board of Commissioners approve the addition of Sarah Boring and Alana Engleson for diener/autopsy technician services at the previously approved rates. 3. Finance, on behalf of the Coroner, respectfully requests the Board of Commissioners approve a student affiliation agreement with the West Virginia University Board of Governors on behalf of West Virginia University School of Medicine for the County's affiliation for clinical education or fieldwork for students. The agreement is at no cost to the County and will be for the period of March 16, 2023 through March 15, 2028. 4. Finance, on behalf of Adult Probation, respectfully requests the Board of Commissioners approve a personal service agreement with Jonathan Mattozzi for the provision of alcohol highway safety school instruction. The agreement is in the amount of $500.00 per 12 '/2 hour class completion. 5. Finance, on behalf of Adult Probation, respectfully requests the Board of Commissioners approve an amendment with The Payment Group to add the "checks -by -web" payment option under the existing agreement with all convenience fees being paid by the payor. 6. Finance, on behalf of Public Safety, respectfully requests the Board of Commissioners approve a renewal grant agreement with the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, Pennsylvania Emergency Management Agency for the radiation emergency response fund program. The grant agreement is in the amount of $10,329 and will be for the period of July 1, 2023 through June 30, 2024. 7. Finance, on behalf of the Correctional Facility, respectfully requests the Board of Commissioners approve an addendum to the current contract with Jefferson County, Ohio for the provision of 5 additional detention beds, as available, at a rate of $200 per day to house juveniles charged as adults under Pennsylvania Direct File Statute. 8. Finance respectfully requests the Board of Commissioners approve the County's participation in five new proposed national opioid settlements with Teva, Allergan, CVS, Walgreens, and Walmart. The participation forms for these settlements will be signed by Diana Irey Vaughan as Chair. 9. Finance respectfully requests the Board of Commissioners approve an application with the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, Pennsylvania Commission on Crime and Delinquency for a CJAB grant. The grant application will be up to $2,000 and will be used to facilitate the work of the County's Criminal Justice Advisory Board. MEMORANDUM TO: Commissioner Irey Vaughan, Chair Commissioner Maggi, Vice Chair Commissioner Sherman FROM: Department of Human Services SUBJECT: Agenda Meeting March 15, 2023 1. Children and Youth Services — Provider Agreement Children and Youth Services is requesting the approval of a provider agreement with Global Wordsmith, LLC for the provision of translation and interpretation services for the period of March 1, 2023 through June 30, 2024. The contract authorization amount is $100,000 and no additional county funds are required. 2. Children and Youth Services — Provider Agreement Children and Youth Services is requesting the approval of a provider agreement with Jefferson County Juvenile Detention Center for the placement of youth offenders who are charged as adults for the period of January 1, 2023 through December 31, 2023. The contract authorization amount is $292,000 and no additional county funds are required. 3. Children and Youth Services — Provider Agreement Addendum Children and Youth Services is requesting the approval of a provider agreement addendum with PA Family Network to extend the program funded portion of the contract to June 30, 2023. The contract authorization amount will remain unchanged and no additional county funds are required. 4. Children and Youth Services — Provider Agreement Addendum Children and Youth Services is requesting the approval of a provider agreement addendum with Every Child for placement services for the period of May 1, 2022 through June 30, 2023. The contract authorization amount will be increased by $130,000 and no additional county funds are required. 5. Behavioral Health and Developmental Services — Provider Agreement Addendum Behavioral Health and Developmental Services is requesting approval of a provider agreement addendum with Beacon Health Options of Pennsylvania to add the set up and ongoing services of BASE file data for the period July 1, 2022 through June 30, 2023. The contract authorization amount will be increased by $6,480 to $51,480 and no additional county funds are required. 6. Behavioral Health and Developmental Services — Provider Agreement Addendums Behavioral Health and Developmental Services is requesting approval of the following provider agreement addendums for a total increase of $125,000 for the period July 1, 2022 through June 30, 2023 and no additional county funds are required. ORIGINAL ADJUSTED PROVIDER AMOUNT AMOUNT Specialized Therapy and Related Services $ 35,000.00 $ 55,000.00 Therapeutic Early Intervention Service Provider $138,000.00 $188,000.00 accessAbilities, Inc. $190,000.00 $245,000.00 7. Behavioral Health and Developmental Services — Out of State Travel Behavioral Health and Developmental Services is requesting approval of out of state travel for Scott Berry to attend a Crisis Intervention Team training in Utah from May 7r' through May 12t', 2023. The training and all related travel expenses will be approximately $6,000 and no additional county funds are required. Human Services — Agreement Addendum Human Services is requesting approval of an agreement addendum with Blueprints for the Emergency Shelter Grant to extend the period of the agreement three months to June 30, 2023. The contract authorization amount will remain the same and no additional county funds are required. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS: DIANA IREY VAUGHAN, CHAIR, LARRY MAGGI, VICE CHAIR, NICK SHERMAN (724)228-6724 WASHINGTON COUNTY COUNTY OF WASHINGTON PURCHASING DEPARTMENT COMMONWEALTH OF PENNSYLVANIA 95 WEST BEAU STREET, SUITE 430 WASHINGTON, PA 15301 TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS FROM: RANDY VANKIRK, DIRECTOR OF PURCHASING DATE: MARCH 10, 2023 SUBJECT: AGENDA ITEMS FOR MARCH 15, 2023 - MIN#1167 I. BIDS/CONTRACT EXTENSIONS/PROPOSALS A. Bid/RFP Awards Randy Vankirk Director of Purchasing Phone:724-228-6729 1. Broadband Services- Contract #013123-Broadband - RFP The Purchasing Department respectfully requests the Board of County Commissioners award the Broadband Services proposal for a unified turnkey solution providing Broadband Connectivity for 383 residential and commercial targets in the Jefferson Township, Canton Township and Taylorstown, PA area, to Aurora by Hickory Telephone/Advanced Telephone Systems of Hickory, PA for 47 miles of fiber at a total cost of $4,878,797 of which Washington County will pay $1,947,507 the remainder will be supplemented by Hickory Telephone. Total County costs will be funded from the American Rescue Plan Act Fund. 2. Raccoon 5 Bridge Demolition- Contract #020723-RCB The Purchasing Department, on behalf of Lisa Cessna, Director of Planning, respectfully requests the Board of County Commissioners award the Raccoon 5 Bridge Removal bid to John T Subrick Inc., of Eighty Four, PA for the demolition and removal of the Raccoon Creek Bridge no. 5 at their total submitted cost of $20,000.00 Total cost will be funded from Liquid Fuels funds. B. Authorization to Bid/Reauest Proposals 1. Airport- Rehabilitate Taxiwav A - Contract #032823-Taxiwav A Purchasing, on behalf of Redevelopment, respectfully requests the Board of County Commissioners authorize the advertising for the Rehabilitation of Taxiway A at the Airport. 2. Airport- Rehabilitate Runwav 9-27. Li h�, ting - Contract #032823-RWLi hg_ting Purchasing, on behalf of Redevelopment, respectfully requests the Board of County Commissioners authorize the advertising for the Rehabilitation of Runway 9-27, Lighting at the Airport. C. Reiect All Bids 1. Cross Creek Docks Proiect - Contract #030723—CCD Purchasing, on behalf of Lisa Cessna, Director of Planning, respectfully requests the Board of County Commissioners reject all bids for the Cross Creek Docks project and authorize Re -bidding. Bids came in over budget. D. Change Order to Bid Contract Purchasing respectfully requests the Board of County Commissioners approve the following change order. 1. Change Order #3- Courthouse Courtroom 7 Renovation - Contract #102222 Purchasing, on behalf of Justin Welsh, Building & Grounds respectfully requests the Board of County Commissioners approve the following change order with Stonemile Group, Inc., Canonsburg, PA Change Order #3 includes the following: COR 003R1 — Light Fixture Changes + $1,942.00 COR 005R1 — Delete Door 5 1 A - $3,198.00 COR 007 - Add Built in Bookcase + $5,536.00 Net plus $4.280.00 This will change the amount of their current contract from $2,618,051.65 to $2,622,331.65. This Change Order was reviewed and recommended by Justin Welsh, Building & Grounds, Pat Grimm, Courts & Buchart Horn, Inc. II. AGREEMENTS & CONTRACTS/ADDENDUM A. Agreement Addendum 1. Washington Countv — Washington Countv Authoritv Proiect Mana e� ment Agreement Addendum Purchasing, respectfully requests the Board of County Commissioners approve an Addendum to our Broadband Project Management Agreement between Washington County and Washington County Authority to increase the monthly management fees to Washington County Authority by $5,000 per month for a total monthly cost of $30,000.00. Total cost will be funded from the American Rescue Plan Act Fund. If approved, this Agreement will be effective April 1, 2023 and shall extend through project completion unless sooner terminated in accordance with the terms and conditions of the agreement. Note: This amount includes project management, construction management, marketing, funding research and application, budget, audit and filing of work papers. 2. Washington Countv/ Washington Countv Redevelopment Authoritv Sublease greement Purchasing respectfully requests the Board of County Commissioners approve a sublease agreement to our current lease agreement between Washington County & Washington County Redevelopment Authority for office space rent and parking in Courthouse Square. If approved, this agreement will commence retroactively to May 1, 2022 on a month to month basis at the annual rate of $131,253.34/yr. payable in monthly installments of $10,937.78. This sublease agreement supersedes the previously approved Sublease agreement on MIN #1156, Dated 08/18/2022 & Addendum #4, MIN #1163, Dated 12/15/2022. 3. Courthouse Square 2023-24 Rent Schedule Purchasing respectfully requests the Board of County Commissioners approve the 2023-24 Courthouse Square Rent Schedule for office space in Courthouse Square. The total cost per square foot will be $14.50, which includes $6.50 for rent and $8.00 maintenance cost. If approved, rent will be effective March 1, 2023 through February 281, 2024. 4. Bash Lease Agreement — (10 Year Lease) Purchasing, on behalf of Public Safety, respectfully requests the Board of County Commissioners enter into a ten year lease agreement with Mark W. Bash for a parcel of land (Instrument No. 020-003-00-00-0003-00) for the purpose of installation, construction, operation, repair, replace and removal of communication towers. If approved, this lease will be effective April 1, 2023, at an annual rental of $4,800 for years one through five and $5,000 per yer for years six through ten from April 1, 2028 through March 31, 2032. 5. Scantek Agreement Purchasing, on behalf of Ryan Anderson, Information Technology, respectfully requests the Board of County Commissioners approve an agreement with Scantek, Inc., Willow Grove, PA, our contract of record, in the amount of $8,000.00 to move the existing ERS (Electronic Records Library) documents to a Laserfiche portal for use by external users. Project expenses will be satisfied using American Rescue Plan Act Funds. IV. STATE CONTRACT/COSTARS PURCHASES 1. State Contract #4400022588 AreGIS Software Maintenance Exn. 6/30/23 Purchasing, on behalf of Ryan Anderson, Information Technology, respectfully requests the Board of County Commissioners approve the payment of software maintenance from Environmental Systems Research Institute (ESRI), Redlands, CA in the amount of $48,184.16. This maintenance is for the software to maintain and update the GIS software utilized by Public Safety, Tax Assessment, and Planning. The maps developed through this software are the foundation of the computer aided dispatch system. Funding for this support is paid at a split between Public Safety, Tax Assessment, and Planning. The proposed purchase is in accordance with the pricing on the PA State Contract and therefore does not require bidding. 2. COSTARS 14 — Plavground Equipment — Exp. 1/17/24 Mingo Creek Park Pavilion Purchasing, on behalf of Lisa Cessna, Director of Planning, respectfully requests the Board of County Commissioners approve the purchase of a 2-Tier 60' Octagonal pavilion & installation to be installed at Mingo Creek Park, at a total cost of $166,702.00 for the shelter kit and $69,800 for installation The proposed vendor is Pete Jeffrey & Associates, of Indianola, PA. The proposed purchase would be placed via CoStars 14, and therefore does not require bidding. The proposed expenditure would be paid via Oil and Gas Funds. Note: This Pavilion at Mingo Park will be placed in the location of the Old Park Office that has been demolished. 3. COSTARS 14 — Plavground Eouiument — Exn.1/17/24 Ten Mile Park Purchasing, on behalf of Lisa Cessna, Director of Planning, respectfully requests the Board of County Commissioners approve the purchase of a Custom Playground Configuration for Ten Mile Park, at a total cost of $36,537.00.The proposed vendor is Snider Recreation, Inc., North Royalton, OH. The proposed purchase would be placed via CoStars 14, and therefore does not require bidding. The proposed expenditure would be paid via Oil and Gas Funds. Note: "We had to remove old equipment for safety reasons and have been shopping around to find a retrofit for some of the existing equipment to complete the area." 4. COSTARS 14 — ExD. 5/23/23 Mingo Park Restroom Facilities Purchasing, on behalf of Lisa Cessna, Director of Planning, respectfully requests the Board of County Commissioners approve the purchase of a Rocky Mountain Double Vault Bathroom Building for Mingo Park, at a total cost of $73,160.00. The proposed vendor is CXT Concrete Buildings on the PA COSTARS 14 contract, and therefore does not require bidding. The proposed expenditure would be paid via Oil and Gas Funds. 5. COSTARS 6 — ExD. 10/12/23 Report Management Svstem Purchasing, on behalf of Sheriff Andronas, respectfully requests the Board of County Commissioners approve the purchase of a Cloud Based Report Management System. The total cost (listed below) will be paid from Act 13 Funds. This purchase has been recommended for approval by Ryan Anderson, Information Technology. This purchase is being made from Cody Systems, Pottstown, PA on the PA COSTARS 6 contract, and therefore does not require bidding. • CODY Pathfinder RMS Package for 44 user licenses & 80 hours of Remote Implementation & Training at a total cost of $,87,950.00, including year one annual Subscription rate of $18,807. The Annual Subscription rate of $18,807 is for years 1 through year 3. V. FEDERAL SURPLUS PROPERTY 1. Federal Surplus ProDerty Program Purchasing respectfully requests the Board of County Commissioners authorize and approve an updated application for new designees in the Federal Surplus Property Program. This program allows the County to purchase new or used surplus federal property. VI. TRAVEL APROVAL 1. National Judicial Conference Purchasing respectfully requests the Board of County Commissioners approve Travel for Judge Costanzo to attend a Conference for "Handling Capital Cases" sponsored by the National Judicial College in Ft. Lauderdale, FL. Estimated cost including travel, lodging & training is approximately $4,000. The proposed expenditure would be paid from the Judges respective Operating Budget. MIN #1167, Dated 03/16/2023 REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY OF .Lm; COUNTY OF WASHINGTON 100 WEST BEAU STREET, SUITE 603, WASHINGTON, PENNSYLVANIA 15301 JEAN P. WATSON, CHAIRPERSON STEPHEN T. JOHNSON DARYL W'. PRICE LAURAL ZIEMBA PAUL SCARMAZZI DATE: March 15, 2023 PHONE 724-228-6875 TOLL FREE 1-888-731-2154 FAX 724-228-6829 www.racw.net redevelopment@racw.net ROBERT C. GRIFFIN EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR PROJECT ACTIVITY REPORT TO: Washington County Commissioners FROM: Redevelopment Authority of the County of Washington HOME Investment Partnershins American Rescue Plan COUNTY COMMISSIONERS DIANA IREY VAUGHAN, CHAIR LARRY MAGGI, VICE CHAIR NICK SHERMAN The American Rescue Plan (ARP) Act of 2021 appropriated funding to provide housing, services, and shelter to individuals experiencing homeless and other vulnerable populations under the HOME Investment Partnerships (HOME) Program. Washington County has been allocated $2,104,738 in HOME -ARP funds by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). HOME - ARP qualifying populations are homeless; at -risk of homelessness; fleeing or attempting to flee domestic violence, sexual assault, stalking, or human trafficking; other populations where providing assistance would prevent the family's homelessness or would serve those with the greatest risk of housing instability. To receive HOME -ARP funds, an Allocation Plan must be developed that meets HUD regulatory requirements and describes the distribution of HOME -ARP funds, including addressing the needs of qualifying populations. The County's HOME -ARP Allocation Plan was developed in accordance with the requirements of Notice CPD-21-10 and Notice CPD-22-13, required stakeholder consultation meetings were held, and the Allocation Plan was on public display March 1, 2023 through March 15, 2023. A summary of the proposed HOME -ARP Allocation Plan was provided to the Board of Commissioners for review on March 1. Action RACW requests that the Board of Commissioners adopt a resolution and approve the HOME -ARP Allocation Plan. Resolution attached Project Activity Report — March 15, 2023 Allennort and West Finlev Street Reconstruction_Prolect Nos. CD 22-01 and CD 22-18 This project involves the following improvements: Allennort Borough Street reconstruction of First Street from J.F. Kennedy Street to Riverview Street (approximately 2501f) and Middle Street from First Street to terminus (approximately 6901f). West Finlev Townshiu Sheet reconstruction of a portion of Spotted Tail Road from Fraction Road south towards Fraction Road (approximately 2,000 If), Contractor: Morgan Excavating, LP Contract Award: $133,462.50 Funding: $ 64,610.00 Allenport Community Development Block Grant Funds $ 68,852.50 West Finley Community Development Block Grant Funds Award Date: March 1, 2023 Canonsburg Street and Sewer Improvements Proiect No. CD 21-03 (Streetl This project involves reconstruction of East College Street from Adams Avenue to Central Avenue, approximately 2,050 If. Contractor: Morgan Excavating, LP Contract Award: $205,453.50 Funding: Canonsburg Community Development Block Grant Funds Award Date: March 14, 2023 Donegal and Donora Street Imnrovement PrOiects Nos. CD 20-09 and CD 22-05 This project involves the following improvements: Donegal Township Reconstruction and storm water improvements of Poplar Street from Highland Avenue to terminus (approximately 4501f). Donora Borough Reconstruction of Walnut Street from Modisette Avenue to Bank Street (approximately 900 LF). Contractor: El Grande Industries, Inc. Contract Award: $172,552.75 Funding: $ 73,904.50 Donegal Community Development Block Grant Funds $ 98,648.25 Donora Community Development Block Grant Funds Award Date: March 17, 2023 2 Project Activity Report — March 15, 2023 Midwav and Monongahela Street Reconstrgction Proiect Nos. CD 22-09 and CD 22-10 This project involves street reconstruction as follows: Midway Jefferson Street from Railroad Street to West Dickson Street (approximately 6801f). Monongahela Chess Street from Fifth Sheet to Fourth Street (appropriately 6651f). Estimated Project Cost: $100,000.00 Funding: $ 50,000.00 Midway Community Development Block Grant Funds $ 50,000.00 Monongahela Community Development Block Grant Funds Bid Opening: March 17, 2023 Indenendence Townshin Demolition Project No. CD 18-15B This project involves the demolition and site clearance of the following blighted residential structures that have been condemned under the Township's Code Enforcement Program. 2323 Avella Road 1847 Avella Road 1775 Avella Road 1151 Scenic Drive Contractor: American Demo, LLC Contract Award: $26,465.00 Funding Independence Community Development Block Grant Funds Award Date: March 27, 2023 RACW and Land Bank Board Meetings Our March board meetings will be Tuesday, March 28, 2023 starting at 4:OOpm at the Hilton Garden Inn Pittsburgh/Southpointe SIGNED: