HomeMy WebLinkAbout2023-07-20_Commissioners Agenda_No 1171 PLEASE BE ADVISED THAT THIS PUBLIC MEETING OF THE WASHINGTON COUNTY COMMISSIONERS IS VIDEO AND AUDIO LIVE-STREAMED ON THE COMMISSIONERS' FACEBOOK PAGE. IF YOU HAVE NOT SIGNED IN AND ARE PRESENT AT THIS MEETING, PLEASE DO SO, SO THAT WE HAVE ACCURATE RECORDS. AGENDA THURSDAY,JULY 20, 2023 1. Opening of Meeting a. Prayer Pastor Laura Saffel Amity United Methodist Church b. Pledge of Allegiance Greg Atkins, Commander, VFW Post 927 2. Approval of Meeting Minutes Minute No. 1170, June 22, 2023 Special Order of Business Certificate of Recognition— Allen Brad Simms PA American Legion 2023 Fire Fighter of the Year Award (RECESS FOR PHOTOS) 3. Public Comments THE VIEWS AND OPINIONS EXPRESSED BY THE SPEAKERS DURING PUBLIC COMMENT ARE EXCLUSIVELY THOSE OF THE SPEAKERS AND DO NOT REFLECT OR REPRESENT THOSE OF THE WASHINGTON COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS AND HAVE NOT BEEN VERIFIED. 4. The Board of Commissioners' Response S. Old Business a. Bid/RFP Award—Purchasing b. Bid/ RFP Award — Purchasing c. Contract Extension— Purchasing d. Contract Purchase—Purchasing 6. New Business a. Board Appointment—Chief Clerk b. Agreement—Chief Clerk c. Agreement—Chief Clerk d. Agreement—Chief Clerk e. Division Orders—Planning f. Hunting Permits—Planning g. Provider Agreement—Children &Youth Services h. Provider Agreements—Children &Youth Services L Provider Agreement—Children &Youth Services j. Purchase of Service Agreement—Children &Youth Services k. Purchase of Service Agreements—Children &Youth Services I. Purchase of Service Agreements—Children &Youth Services m. Agreements— Behavioral Health and Developmental Services n. Grant Agreement—Aging Services o. Provider Agreement— Human Services p. Grant Allocation Agreement— Human Services q. Provider Agreement—Human Services r. Professional Service Agreement—Purchasing s. Agreement—Purchasing t. Agreement— Purchasing u. Agreement— Purchasing v. Agreement—Purchasing w. Professional Services Agreement—Purchasing x. Letter of Intent— Purchasing y. State Contract—Purchasing z. State Contract Agreement—Purchasing aa. Resolution —Redevelopment Authority 7. Announcements An Executive Session was held at 10 a.m. on Wednesday,July 19, 2023, following the agenda meeting to discuss personnel and litigation. The regularly scheduled Salary Board meeting will be immediately following today's meeting. 8. Solicitor Tax refunds in the amount of$3,288.21 9. Adiournment OLD BUSINESS July 20, 2023 A. BID/RFP AWARD- PURCHASING Purchasing respectfully requests the Commissioners award the Broadband Services proposal for a unified turnkey solution providing Broadband Connectivity for 2,600 residential and commercial targets in the East Finley Township, Donegal Township, and the Ten Mile Creek Areas to Comcast Cable Communications, LLC of Philadelphia, for 392 miles of fiber at a total cost of$27,667,410 of which Washington County will pay $8,973,212 the remainder will be supplemented by Comcast. Washington County's cost will be funded from the American Rescue Plan Act Fund. Portions of this award are stipulated upon the award of either ARC POWER and/or PA Capital Projects Fund. B. BID/RFP AWARD - PURCHASING Purchasing, on behalf of Buildings & Grounds, respectfully requests the Commissioners award the bid for the FCC Boiler Room Re-Roofs)to Eneix Enterprises, Washington PA. This was the lowest most responsive and responsible bidder to meet specifications. If approved, this contract will be inclusive of the removal and disposal of existing roofing material and exhausts, as well as the installation of new rubber roofs warrantied for 15 years. The bid is in the amount of$45,100 and will be funded through Act 13. C. CONTRACT EXTENSION- PURCHASING Purchasing, on behalf of Buildings & Grounds,respectfully requests the Commissioners extend the current contract with Building Control Systems, Inc., for preventative maintenance for the HVAC temperature control system in the Family Court Center. If approved, this contract extension will be effective through July 31, 2024, with an option to extend year-to-year at an annual cost of$4,435. All repairs will be done "as needed" at the rate of$130/hour, under the same contract terms and conditions. D. CONTRACT PURCHASE - PURCHASING Purchasing, on behalf of Information Technology Services,respectfully requests the Commissioners approve the Courthouse PDK Access Control System, equipment, and system from Infonnation Technologies Services, Carnegie PA, the contract of record. The total cost of$47,336.92 and will be funded through Act 13. NEW BUSINESS July 20,2023 A. BOARD APPOINTMENT—CHIEF CLERK Chief Clerk respectfully requests the Commissioners approve the appointment of Scott Slagle to the Housing Authority Board. B. AGREEMENT—CHIEF CLERK Chief Clerk respectfully requests the Commissioners approve and ratify an agreement between the County and Debbie Corson in the amount of$35/hour to assist with various tasks while the open positions of the Chief Clerk's Administrative Assistant and Executive Secretary remain vacant in the Commissioners' office. The contract will be on an as-needed basis and will not exceed 20 hours per week. C. AGREEMENT—CHIEF CLERK Chief Clerk, on behalf of the Register of Wills, respectfully requests the Commissioners approve an agreement with Lane Turturice, Esq. to provide solicitor services for the Register of Wills' office. The agreement is in the amount of$200/month, is effective July 1, 2023, and shall be continuous until terminated by either party. D. AGREEMENT—CHIEF CLERK Chief Clerk respectfully requests the Commissioners approve an agreement with Susquehanna Accounting& Consulting Solutions, Inc. to provide non-attest accounting and consulting services to the County of Washington at their hourly rate for 2023 including out-of-pocket expenses effective date of agreement and continuing until terminated by either party with a 30-day written notice. E. DIVISION ORDERS—PLANNING Planning, on behalf of Parks and Recreation,respectfully requests the Commissioners approve division orders, at the previously approved decimal interest rate, with Range Resources for wells in Somerset Township associated with the US Natural Resources C Unit, Mingo Park Gas Lease,pending the verification of the acreage. F. HUNTING PERMITS —PLANNING Planning, on behalf of Parks and Recreation, respectfully requests the Commissioners approve permitting late-season muzzleloader and archery hunting in Mingo Park from January 2, 2024 through January 13, 2024. Up to 75 permits will be issued daily and would be available to Washington County residents and property owners the first week, and any remaining hunting permits would be made available to non-County residents the following week. G. PROVIDER AGREEMENT—CHILDREN & YOUTH SERVICES Children &Youth Services respectfully requests the Commissioners approve a provider agreement with CSI Corporate Security and Investigations for locating missing and runaway youths, as well as victims of human trafficking for the period July 1, 2023 through June 30, 2025. The contract authorization amount is $200,000. No additional county funds are required. H. PROVIDER AGREEMENTS—CHILDREN &YOUTH SERVICES Children&Youth Services respectfully requests the Commissioners approve the provider agreements for the period July 1, 2023 through June 30, 2024 for a total of$5,870,037. No additional county funds are required. I. PROVIDER AGREEMENT—CHILDREN & YOUTH SERVICES Children &Youth Services respectfully requests the Commissioners approve a purchase of service agreement with Supernova Services, LLC, for placement services for the period of April 1, 2023 through June 30, 2024. The contract authorization amount is $15,000. No additional county funds are required. J. PURCHASE OF SERVICE AGREEMENT—CHILDREN & YOUTH SERVICES Children &Youth Services respectfully requests the Commissioners approve a purchase of service agreement with Anthony Dedola to represent Children and Youth Services in Juvenile Court for dependency cases for the period of July 1, 2023 through June 30, 2024. Services will be billed at $150/hour. No additional county funds are required. K. PURCHASE OF SERVICE AGREEMENTS—CHILDREN & YOUTH SERVICES Children& Youth Services respectfully requests the Commissioners approve a purchase of service agreement with Guardian ad Litem Jessica Roberts, Esq., Benita Thompson, Esq., and Erin Dickerson, Esq., for the provision of legal service/counsel to children involved with the CYS agency. The agreements will run from July 1, 2023 through June 30, 2024 and the contractor will be paid at a monthly rate of$5,500/attorney. No additional county funds are required. L. PURCHASE OF SERVICE AGREEMENTS—CHILDREN & YOUTH SERVICES Children&Youth Services respectfully requests the Commissioners approve a purchase of service agreement with Guardian ad Litem Christina DeMarco-Breeden, Esq. and Carrie O'Connell, Esq. for the provision of legal service/counsel to children involved with the CYS agency. The agreements will run from July 1, 2023 through June 30, 2024 and the contractor will be paid at a monthly rate of$4,166.66/attorney. No additional county funds are required. M. AGREEMENTS—BEHAVIORAL HEALTH AND DEVELOPMENTAL SERVICES Behavioral Health and Developmental Services respectfully requests the Commissioners approve provider agreements for the period July 1,2023 through June 30, 2024 for a total of$4,668,359. No additional county funds are required. N. GRANT AGREEMENT—AGING SERVICES Aging Services respectfully requests the Commissioners approve a grant agreement with The Henry Hillman Foundation for a Senior Center Services Planning Grant to develop a comprehensive revitalization plan to modernize the Washington County senior centers. The grant amount is $160,000.No county match is required. O. PROVIDER AGREEMENT—HUMAN SERVICES Human Services respectfully requests the Commissioners approve a provider agreement with Blueprints to implement an adult self-sufficiency and 2Gen Programming for the period of July 1, 2023 through June 30, 2024. The contract authorization amount is $195,000. No county funds are required. P. GRANT ALLOCATION AGREEMENT—HUMAN SERVICES Human Services respectfully requests the Commissioners approve a grant allocation agreement with the Pennsylvania Department of Human Services for the Medical Assistance Transportation Program (MATP) in the amount of$2,446,454 for the period of July 1, 2023 through June 30, 2024. No county funds are required. Q. PROVIDER AGREEMENT—HUMAN SERVICES Human Services respectfully requests the Commissioners approve the entering into an agreement with the Washington County Transportation Authority for the management of the MATP program in the amount of$2,446,454 for the period of July 1, 2023 through June 30, 2024. No county funds are required. R. RENEWAL AGREEMENT—PURCHASING Purchasing, on behalf of the Correctional Facility, respectfully requests the Commissioners approve a three (3) year renewal agreement with Guardian RFID for the provision of software, hardware, support services, and web-based software for inmate management,monitoring, and tracking. This agreement has been reviewed and recommended for approval by Information Technology. The yearly renewal fee of $3,500/year will be paid from the WCCF Operating Budget. Note: This renewal agreement is contingent upon Prison Board approval. S. AGREEMENT—PURCHASING Purchasing,on behalf of the Correctional Facility, respectfully requests the Commissioners approve an agreement with Cambria County for the housing of juvenile inmates on an as-needed basis as per the contract conditions including$150/juvenile innate/day, $37.83/hour/officer for transports, plus any medical expenses will be paid from their Operating Budget. Note: This renewal agreement is contingent upon Prison Board approval. T. AGREEMENT—PURCHASING Purchasing, on behalf of the Correctional Facility, respectfully requests the Commissioners approve an agreement with Lawrence County for the housing of juvenile inmates on an as-needed basis as per the contract conditions including $800/juvenile inmate/day, plus transports and medical expenses to be paid from their Operating Budget. Note: This renewal agreement is contingent upon Prison Board approval. U. AGREEMENT—PURCHASING Purchasing, on behalf of the Court Administrator, respectfully requests the Commissioners approve an agreement with For The Record for 33 licenses of annotation software for digital recording software. The total cost is $5,445 and will be funded through Act 13 funds. V. AGREEMENT—PURCHASING Purchasing, on behalf of Information Technology,respectfully requests the Commissioners approve an agreement with Ninjio Prodigy Pro for security awareness training to identify phishing emails.The total three(3) year cost is $1,346 and will be funded through Act 13 funds. W. PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT—PURCHASING Purchasing respectfully requests the Commissioners approve a professional services agreement with SiteLogiQ, Oakmont, PA for construction management services for the Washington County parking garage and plaza project. Costs are estimated at $34,500/month for full construction phase staffing, which can be reduced at slow points during the project. Closeout costs of$19,700/month(2 months) and $45,000 (if needed) lump sum for the preconstruction bid phase services. X. LETTER OF INTENT—PURCHASING Purchasing, on behalf of Finance, respectfully requests the Commissioners approve a Letter of Intent(LOI) to be submitted to the PA Capital Projects Fund (CPF) Program to support Comcast in applying for an additional $9.3 million in grants for broadband services. Matching funds from ARPA and Comcast will further extend services throughout Washington County with a total of$27.9 million. Y. STATE CONTRACT—PURCHASING Purchasing, on behalf of the Correctional Facility, respectfully requests the Commissioners approve the purchase of Toilet Flush Valves for the Correctional Facility from I-CON Systems, Inc. The requested purchase would be made via PA State Contract, and therefore does not require bidding. The total cost is $56,112.62 and the purchase would be funded through the Inmate Welfare Fund. Note: This renewal agreement is contingent upon Prison Board approval. Z. STATE CONTRACT AGREEMENT—PURCHASING Purchasing, on behalf of Information Technology, respectfully requests the Commissioners approve an agreement with Dell Financial Services for the purpose of leasing equipment on an as-needed basis. This would improve down/repair times and costs. The requested purchase would be placed via CoStars, and therefore does not require bidding. AA. RESOLUTION—REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY The Redevelopment Authority of the County of Washington respectfully requests the Commissioners adopt a resolution approving the proposed Action Plan revisions to the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG)Program. Minute No. 1170 June 22, 2023 The Washington County Commissioners met in regular session in Public Meeting Room G-16,in the Crossroads Center, 95 West Beau Street,Washington,Pa.,with the following members in attendance: Commissioners Diana Irey Vaughan,Larry Maggi, and Nick Sherman (via phone). Also present were Solicitor Jana Grimm; Chief Clerk Cindy Griffin; Chief of Staff Mike Namie;Executive Assistants Marie Trossman, Randi Marodi and Patrick Geho; Finance Director Josh Hatfield;Human Resources Assistant Director Andrea Johnston;Human Services Administrator Kim Rogers; Human Services Deputy Director Jason Bercini; Chief Deputy Sheriff Anthony Mosco;Director of Public Safety Gerald Coleman; Patrick Grimm and Judge Gary Gilman, Courts; Controller April Sloan;Pastor Fred McCloskey, Calvary Baptist Church; Sgt. Ben Patrick,USAF,Retired;Walt Lober,Veterans Affairs;WACOM Board Members Kathy and Leon Pendracky; George Beruosky,Bill Steffey, and Thomas Wright;Joe Jasek,WJPA Radio; and citizens Jim Piper and Annie Shander. Mrs. Vaughan called the meeting to order at approximately 2 p.m. and announced that the meeting was being video and audio live-streamed via Facebook. Commissioner Vaughan introduced Pastor Fred McCloskey of Calvary Baptist Church,who led the meeting in prayer. Retired Sgt. Ben Patrick,USAF, of Charleroi led the Pledge of Allegiance. Mrs. Vaughan notified attendees that Commissioner Sherman was attending the meeting via phone. She then entertained a motion to approve Minute No. 1169, dated May 18, 2023. Moved by Mr. Maggi; seconded by Mrs. Vaughan, approving Minute No. 1169, as written. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Sherman—Yes;Mr. Maggi—Yes;Mrs. Vaughan—Yes. Motion carried unanimously. SPECIAL ORDER OF BUSINESS Mr. Maggi read a proclamation declaring June 19-25, 2023,Amateur Radio Week in Washington County. Moved by Mr. Maggi; seconded by Mrs. Vaughan, to approve the proclamation. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Sherman—Yes;Mr. Maggi—Yes;Mrs. Vaughan—Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Accepting the proclamation was Tom Wright,WACOM Director and Emergency Coordinator for Amateur Radio of Washington County and board members George Krakowski,Bill Steffey,Jan Beveridge and Kathy Pendracky. Mr. Wright thanked the Commissioners for recognizing the importance of amateur radio in our community. Specifically,he mentioned that there is a lot of technology involved that many people do not realize. He said amateur radio is a great STEM activity and told the audience to come and bring anyone with an interest in electronics to the field day where they allow them to go on air where they can make contacts all over the world. RECESS FOR PHOTOS PUBLIC COMMENT Mrs. Vaughan stated that there were no public comments. OLD BUSINESS BID AWARDS Solicitor Grimm recommended the Board, on behalf of Purchasing and Planning, award the bid for the Cross Creek Docks in Cross Creek County Park to Beavers Marine Store,LLC,Magnolia, OH. This was the lowest most responsive and responsible bidder who met specifications. This contract will be effective from the date of the agreement through project completion. The bid is in the amount of$977,266. Moved by Mr. Maggi, seconded by Mrs.Vaughan, awarding the bid for the Cross Creek Docks to Beavers Marine Store,LLC of Magnolia, OH for a total amount of$977,266. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Sherman—Yes;Mr. Maggi—Yes;Mrs.Vaughan—Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Solicitor Grimm recommended the Board, on behalf of Purchasing, award the bid for tree clearing and grubbing to Staley Tree Service,LLC,Washington PA, based on the hourly rates as submitted in their bid submission. Services will be utilized on an as-needed basis. This contract will be effective from the date of the agreement through June 30, 2024,with the option to extend for an additional two-year period. This bid is being awarded to the lowest most responsive and responsible bidder who met specifications. Moved by Mr. Maggi, seconded by Mrs. Vaughan, awarding the bid for tree clearing and grubbing to Staley Tree Service,LLC of Washington, PA. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Sherman—Yes;Mr. Maggi—Yes;Mrs.Vaughan—Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Solicitor Grimm recommended the Board, on behalf of Purchasing and Buildings & Grounds, award the bid for general construction services, on an as-needed basis, to MacBracey Corporation,Washington,PA and StoneMile Group,Inc., Canonsburg,PA. This contract will be effective from the date of the agreement through June 30, 2024,with the option to extend for four (4) additional one-year periods. This bid is being awarded to the lowest most responsible bidders, based upon unit costs submitted. Moved by Mr. Maggi, seconded by Mrs. Vaughan, awarding the bid for general construction services to MacBracey Corp. of Washington, PA and StoneMile Group,Inc. of Canonsburg, PA. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Sherman—Yes;Mr. Maggi—Yes;Mrs. Vaughan—Yes. Motion carried unanimously. BID EXTENSIONS Solicitor Grimm recommended the Board, on behalf of Purchasing and Buildings & Grounds, extend the bid contract for general construction services, on an as-needed basis, to Waller Corp.,Washington, PA. This contract will be effective May 1, 2023 through April 30, 2024,with the option to extend for two (2) additional one-year periods. Moved by Mr. Maggi, seconded by Mrs.Vaughan, awarding the contract extension for general construction services to Waller Corp. of Washington, PA. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Sherman—Yes;Mr. Maggi—Yes;Mrs. Vaughan—Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Solicitor Grimm recommended the Board, on behalf of Purchasing and Buildings & Grounds, extend the bid contract for elevator maintenance for all county facilities with Otis Elevator Co., Pittsburgh, PA. This contract will be effective July 1, 2023 through June 30, 2024,with the option to extend for eight (8) additional one-year periods through June 30, 2032. Moved by Mr. Maggi, seconded by Mrs. Vaughan, awarding extending the contract for elevator maintenance to Otis Elevator Co., of Pittsburgh,PA. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Sherman—Yes;Mr. Maggi—Yes;Mrs.Vaughan—Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Solicitor Grimm recommended the Board, on behalf of Purchasing and the Sheriff, extend the bid contract for firearms, ammunition and tasers with the following vendors. • Atlantic Tactical,New Cumberland,PA • Axon Enterprises, Inc., Scottsdale,AZ • Kiesler Police Supply,Jefferson,IN This contract will be effective July 1, 2023 through June 30, 2024, under the same contract terms and conditions. Moved by Mr. Maggi, seconded by Mrs. Vaughan, extending the contract for firearms, ammunition and tasers to the listed vendors. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Sherman—Yes;Mr. Maggi—Yes;Mrs. Vaughan—Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Solicitor Grimm recommended the Board, on behalf of Purchasing and Buildings & Grounds, extend the bid for kitchen and housekeeping supplies with the following vendors: • A-Z Janitorial Services,Washington,PA • Jack Frye Sales & Service,Monongahela,PA • Pyramid School Products,Tampa, FL • Central Poly Bag Corp.,Linden,NJ This contract will be effective July 1, 2023 through December 31, 2023, under the same contract terms and conditions. Moved by Mr. Maggi, seconded by Mrs. Vaughan, extending the contract for kitchen and housekeeping supplies to the listed vendors. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Sherman—Yes;Mr. Maggi—Yes;Mrs. Vaughan—Yes. Motion carried unanimously. BID REJECTION Solicitor Grimm recommended the Board, on behalf of Purchasing and the Redevelopment Authority of the County of Washington, reject all bids for the Taxiway A Rehabilitation project, as the only submission was nearly twice the engineer's estimate. The scope of this bid will be issued as an alternate in Addendum #1 for the project#062723-RW Rehab—Runway 9-27 Rehabilitation Phase 1. Moved by Mr. Maggi, seconded by Mrs. Vaughan, to reject all bids for the Taxiway A Rehabilitation project. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Sherman—Yes;Mr. Maggi—Yes;Mrs. Vaughan—Yes. Motion carried unanimously. BID CONTRACT PURCHASES Solicitor Grimm recommended the Board, on behalf of Purchasing and the Corrections, approve the Correctional Facility Ductwork Covering Repair project,including a new coverboard, EPDM on top and sides of duct work,with associated flashings and trims. The proposed vendor is R.A.M.E. Inc.,Washington,PA, and the total project cost is $72,000, including labor,material, and equipment. The work will be done under the roof repair services contract currently in place with R.A.M.E. Inc., and therefore does not require bidding. The cost of this project will be paid through Act 13 funding. Note: The work for the Correctional Facility is contingent upon Prison Board approval. Moved by Mr. Maggi, seconded by Mrs. Vaughan, to approve the Correctional Facility Ductwork Covering Repair project with R.A.M.E. Inc., of Washington, PA for$72,000. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Sherman—Yes;Mr. Maggi—Yes;Mrs.Vaughan—Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Solicitor Grimm recommended the Board, on behalf of the Purchasing and the Sheriff, approve the leasing of one (1) 2023 Dodge Durango under the Fleet Management Contract with BBL Fleet, Bridgeville, PA. This vehicle is to be utilized for K9 patrol. The total price of the leased vehicle will be $59,027.60. Note: This vehicle will be replacing an end-of-life Donated Dodge Charger that is currently being utilized. Moved by Mr. Maggi, seconded by Mrs. Vaughan, to approve the leasing of a K9 patrol vehicle under the Fleet Management Contract for$59,027.60. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Sherman—Yes;Mr. Maggi—Yes;Mrs. Vaughan—Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Solicitor Grimm recommended the Board, on behalf of the Purchasing and the Court Administrator, approve the purchase of 36 pieces of furniture for the new Courtroom's office and judge chambers, through Tri-State Office Furniture, Inc.,McKees Rocks,PA.The total price of the new furniture will be $50,155.15. This furniture will be funded via Act 13. This bid is being awarded to the lowest most responsible and responsive bidder and has been discounted according to our contract with Tri-State Office Furniture,Inc. Moved by Mr. Maggi, seconded by Mrs.Vaughan, to approve the purchase of furniture for the new courtrooms and judge's chambers through Tri-State Office Furniture, Inc. for$59,55.15. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Sherman—Yes;Mr. Maggi—Yes;Mrs.Vaughan—Yes. Motion carried unanimously. CHANGE ORDERS Solicitor Grimm recommended the Board, on behalf of the Purchasing and Buildings & Grounds, approve the following change orders with StoneMile Group, Inc., Canonsburg,PA. Change Order#8 is additional work for the fire dampers including material,labor, fire alarm wiring and junction boxes for twelve (12) fire alarm modules, duct detectors, fire dampers, and a new fire alarm power supply in the amount of$36,630. Note: Existing fire alarm panel is to remain and includes a new "add-on"power supply panel. The condition of the existing batteries in the fire alarm backup system is unknown. New battery backup is NOT included in this change order. Change Order#9 is additional work for the provision of custom doors, additional hazardous materials abatement and additional signage in the amount of$14,357. Change Orders #8 & #9 will change the amount of the current contract from $2,683,672.65 to $2,734,659.65. Both change orders have been reviewed and recommended by Justin Welsh,Building and Grounds; Pat Grimm, Courts;MacBracey Corp., and Buchart Horn Architects, Pittsburgh, PA. Moved by Mr. Maggi, seconded by Mrs. Vaughan, to approve Change Orders #8 and #9 with StoneMile Group, Inc. of Canonsburg,PA for$50,987. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Sherman—Yes;Mr. Maggi—Yes;Mrs. Vaughan—Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Solicitor Grimm recommended the Board, on behalf of the Purchasing and Buildings & Grounds, approve the following change orders with Buchart Horn Architects, Pittsburgh,PA. Change Order #2 is for additional courtroom renovation work that's outside the agreed-upon scope of work for doors and hardware, including a code study and revised drawings,in the amount of$6,702. Moved by Mr. Maggi, seconded by Mrs. Vaughan, to approve Change Order#2 for additional courtroom renovation work in the amount of$6,702. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Sherman—Yes;Mr. Maggi—Yes;Mrs. Vaughan—Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Solicitor Grimm recommended the Board, on behalf of the Purchasing and Buildings & Grounds, approve the following change order with MacBracey Corp.,Washington,PA., for the Caldwell Building Project. Change Order#1,is for additional aluminum entrance door replacements to make the main doors ADA compliant,in the amount of$26,439. Moved by Mr. Maggi, seconded by Mrs. Vaughan, to approve Change Order#1 for replacing aluminum entrance doors to make them ADA compliant,in the amount of$26,439. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Sherman—Yes;Mr. Maggi—Yes;Mrs. Vaughan—Yes. Motion carried unanimously. AUTHORIZATION TO ADVERTISE Solicitor Grimm recommended the Board, on behalf of the Purchasing,as per Section 1805 of the County Code governing the sale or disposition of personal property of the County, authorize the resolution for the donation of a weights and measurement cabinet from the Courthouse to the Washington County Trolley Museum,which has formally requested the donation, completed the"Application for Donation," and has met all required criteria. Moved by Mr. Maggi, seconded by Mrs.Vaughan, to authorize the resolution for the donation of a weights and measurement cabinet from the Courthouse to the Washington County Trolley Museum. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Sherman—Yes;Mr. Maggi—Yes;Mrs.Vaughan—Yes. Motion carried unanimously. NEW BUSINESS Chief Clerk presented to the Board for their consideration and approval, the appointments of Scott Berry to the Local Emergency Planning Committee (LEPC) Board,Jason Bercini to the SPC Public Participation Panel, and Bryan Baer to the Southwest Corner Workforce Development Board; and the reappointments of Linda Andrews, Darlene Bigler,Katie Hager,James Watt, and Laural Ziemba to the Southwest Corner Workforce Development Board; and reappointment of Amy Podgurski-Gough to the CYS Advisory Board. Moved by Mr. Maggi; seconded by Mrs. Vaughan, approving the board appointments and reappointments. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Sherman—Yes;Mr. Maggi—Yes;Mrs. Vaughan—Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Chief Clerk presented to the Board for their consideration and approval, the appointment of Jeff Jones to the Redevelopment Authority Board. Moved by Mr. Maggi; seconded by Mrs. Vaughan, approving the board appointment. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Sherman—Yes;Mr. Maggi—Yes;Mrs. Vaughan—Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Chief Clerk presented to the Board for their consideration and approval, an agreement between the County and James McCune to provide Chief of Staff responsibilities,in the amount of$8,650.85/month for the period of July 1, 2023 through December 31, 2023. Moved by Mr. Maggi; seconded by Mrs. Vaughan, approving the agreement with James McCune for Chief of Staff responsibilities in the amount of$8,650.85/month for July 1, 2023 through December 31, 2023. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Sherman—Yes;Mr. Maggi—Yes;Mrs. Vaughan—Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Chief Clerk presented to the Board for their consideration and approval, the adoption of a resolution to the plan amendment to the FY2022 Local Share Account (LSA) Program. Moved by Mr. Maggi; seconded by Mrs. Vaughan, approving the plan amendment to the FY2022 Local Share Account (LSA) Program. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Sherman—Yes;Mr. Maggi—Yes;Mrs. Vaughan—Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Chief Clerk, on behalf of Planning, presented to the Board for their consideration and approval, a change order in the amount of$4,200 to Blair Construction for the draft horse barn project for additional gutters that will be installed on the back side of the barn. The revised construction cost is $254,700 and the fee will be paid with LSA Grant, fair gas lease, and Greenways funds. Moved by Mr. Maggi; seconded by Mrs. Vaughan, approving the draft horse barn project change order for additional gutters to Blair Construction in the amount of$4,200. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Sherman—Yes;Mr. Maggi—Yes;Mrs. Vaughan—Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Chief Clerk, on behalf of Planning and Parks &Recreation,presented to the Board for their consideration and approval,fire service agreements,with the previously approved fire companies, to provide protection to County Parks. These agreements are for 2023 and 2024 and include a payment of$1,000/year upon receipt of a safety/fire hazard inspection report. Moved by Mr. Maggi; seconded by Mrs. Vaughan, approving the fire service agreements for the protection of county parks with the previously approved fire companies for 2023-2024 for$1,000/year. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Sherman—Yes;Mr. Maggi—Yes;Mrs. Vaughan—Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Chief Clerk, on behalf of Planning and Parks &Recreation,presented to the Board for their consideration and approval,division orders, at the previously approved decimal interest rate with Range Resources for wells in Smith Township associated with the Panhandle Trail gas lease. Moved by Mr. Maggi; seconded by Mrs. Vaughan, approving division orders with Range Resources for wells in Smith Township. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Sherman—Yes;Mr. Maggi—Yes; Mrs. Vaughan—Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Chief Clerk, on behalf of Finance and the Redevelopment Authority of the County of Washington, as an agent for Washington County Airport,presented to the Board for their consideration and approval, a grant agreement with the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania,Department of Transportation and Bureau of Aviation for the Rehabilitate Runway 9-27 Lighting Phase I design project.The grant agreement is in the amount of$34,142 and will be for the period of June 22, 2023 through June 30, 2025. No local match is required. Moved by Mr. Maggi; seconded by Mrs. Vaughan, approving a grant agreement for the Washington County Airport Rehabilitate Runway 0-27 Lighting Phase I design project for June 22, 2023 through June 30, 2025 in the amount of$34,142. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Sherman—Yes;Mr. Maggi—Yes;Mrs. Vaughan—Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Chief Clerk, on behalf of Finance and the Redevelopment Authority of the County of Washington, as an agent for Washington County Airport,presented to the Board for their consideration and approval, a grant agreement with the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania,Department of Transportation and Bureau of Aviation for the Rehabilitate Runway,including RSA improvements, for the Phase I design project.The grant agreement is in the amount of$141,140 and will be for the period of June 22, 2023 through June 30, 2025. No local match is required. Moved by Mr. Maggi; seconded by Mrs. Vaughan, approving a grant agreement for the Washington County Airport Rehabilitate Runway,including RSA improvements, for the Phase I design project for June 22, 2023 through June 30, 2025 in the amount of$141,140. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Sherman—Yes;Mr. Maggi—Yes;Mrs. Vaughan—Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Chief Clerk, on behalf of Finance and Adult Probation,presented to the Board for their consideration and approval, a project modification request with the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, Pennsylvania Commission on Crime and Delinquency (PCCD) for the Intermediate Punishment grant program. The request decreases the grant by$36,376 for consultant costs that were met with other funding and will be for the period of July 1, 2022 through June 30, 2023. Moved by Mr. Maggi; seconded by Mrs. Vaughan, approving a project modification with the Pennsylvania Commission on Crime and Delinquency (PCCD) from July 1, 2022 through June 30, 2023 for $36,376. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Sherman—Yes;Mr. Maggi—Yes;Mrs.Vaughan—Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Chief Clerk, on behalf of Finance and the Sheriff,presented to the Board for their consideration and approval, the renewal agreement for annual support with Tyler Technologies for the CivilServe software. The renewal is in the amount of$9,226.58 and will be for the period of May 26, 2023 through May 25, 2024. Moved by Mr. Maggi; seconded by Mrs. Vaughan, approving the renewal agreement with Tyler Technologies for CivilServe software from May 26, 2023 through May 25, 2024,in the amount of$9,226.58. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Sherman—Yes;Mr. Maggi—Yes;Mrs.Vaughan—Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Chief Clerk, on behalf of Finance and the Courts,presented to the Board for their consideration and approval, an agreement with Christine Marie Cardinale, Esq., Paul Vensel II, Esq., and Crystal McCune, Esq. to represent the legal interests of the parent(s) of children in dependency proceedings,if a case has been commenced pursuant to Pennsylvania Rule of Juvenile Procedure 1200. The agreements are in the amount of$50,000/attorney and will be for the period of July 1, 2023 through June 30, 2024. Moved by Mr. Maggi; seconded by Mrs. Vaughan, approving one-year agreements each with Christine Marie Cardinale,Esq.,Paul Vensel II, Esq., and Crystal McCune, Esq. in the amount of $50,000/attorney. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Sherman—Yes;Mr. Maggi—Yes;Mrs. Vaughan—Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Chief Clerk, on behalf of Finance and the Register of Wills,presented to the Board for their consideration and approval, a $600 line of petty cash to be used to fund six (6) cashier drawers in their office. The petty cash will be maintained by the office to make change. Moved by Mr. Maggi; seconded by Mrs.Vaughan, approving a$600 line of petty cash to be used in the office's six cashier's drawers. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Sherman—Yes;Mr. Maggi—Yes;Mrs. Vaughan—Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Chief Clerk, on behalf of Finance,presented to the Board for their consideration and approval, a draft settlement with the Washington School District,Washington County Board of Assessment Appeals, and the City of Washington for the assessment appeal for 95 West Beau Street,Washington,Pennsylvania. The draft settlement requires the County to pay$164,000 to the Washington School District and$104,000 to the City of Washington,in exchange for the mutually agreed upon exemption status and future exemption conditions of the property. The draft settlement's approval is contingent upon approval by the County Solicitor, authorized representatives of each of the other parties, and the Master handling this matter. Moved by Mr. Maggi; seconded by Mrs. Vaughan, approving a draft settlement with Washington School District,Washington County Board of Assessment Appeals and the City of Washington for the property at 95 W. Beau St.,Washington,PA, for a total of$268,000. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Sherman—Yes;Mr. Maggi—Yes;Mrs.Vaughan—Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Chief Clerk, on behalf of Human Resources, presented to the Board for their consideration and approval, a professional services contract with Penn Highlands -Mon Valley Hospital. The purpose of this contract is to provide multiphasic blood screening services for employees and their spouses. The multiphasic blood testing rate is $35/person and will be effective January 1, 2023 through December 31, 2023. Moved by Mr. Maggi; seconded by Mrs. Vaughan, approving a services contract with Penn Highlands —Mon Valley Hospital for multiphasic blood screening services to employees and spouses at a rate of $35/person, effective January 1, 2023 through December 31, 2023. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Sherman—Yes;Mr. Maggi—Yes;Mrs.Vaughan—Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Chief Clerk, on behalf of Human Resources,presented to the Board for their consideration and approval, the Arbitration Award issued for terms and conditions of the Collective Bargaining Agreement to replace the agreement that expired on December 31,2022 between Washington County and Teamsters Local 249, on behalf of the Assistant District Attorneys and Public Defenders. The award is for the period of January 1, 2023 through December 31, 2025. The award calls for the following annual increases in wages. • 2023—3.5% • 2024—3% • 2025—2.5% Moved by Mr. Maggi; seconded by Mrs.Vaughan, approving the Collective Bargaining Agreement to replace the expired agreement between the County and Teamsters Local 249 for January 1, 2023 through December 31, 2025. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Sherman—Yes;Mr. Maggi—Yes;Mrs. Vaughan—Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Chief Clerk, on behalf of Human Resources,presented to the Board for their consideration and approval, the Arbitration Award issued for terms and conditions of the Collective Bargaining Agreement to replace the agreement that expired on December 31,2020,between Washington County and the National Correctional Employees Union (NCEU) Local 132. The award is for the period of January 1, 2022 through December 31, 2025. The award calls for the following annual increases in wages. • 2022-3% • 2023 —2.75% • 2024—2.5% • 2025—3% Moved by Mr. Maggi; seconded by Mrs. Vaughan, approving the Collective Bargaining Agreement to replace the expired agreement between the County and National Correctional Employees Union (NUEU) Local 132 for January 1, 2022 through December 31, 2025. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Sherman—Yes;Mr. Maggi—Yes;Mrs. Vaughan—Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Chief Clerk, on behalf of Children&Youth Services,presented to the Board for their consideration and approval,a provider agreement with Faith Hope & Charity Foster Care Agency for placement services for the period of May 1, 2023 through June 30, 2024. The contract authorization amount is $120,000. No additional county funds are required. Moved by Mr. Maggi; seconded by Mrs. Vaughan, approving a provider agreement for placement services with Faith Hope& charity Foster Care Agency for May 1, 2023 through June 30, 2024 in the amount of$120,000. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Sherman—Yes;Mr. Maggi—Yes;Mrs. Vaughan—Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Chief Clerk, on behalf of Children&Youth Services,presented to the Board for their consideration and approval, a provider agreement with Augmented Intelligence Technologies,Inc. for the implementation of a two-year subscription to data mining software for the period of July 1, 2023 through June 30, 2025.The contract authorization amount is $626,000. No additional county funds are required. Moved by Mr. Maggi; seconded by Mrs. Vaughan, approving a provider agreement with Augmented Intelligence Technologies,Inc., for data mining software for July 1, 2023 through June 30, 2025 in the amount of$626,000. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Sherman—Yes;Mr. Maggi—Yes;Mrs. Vaughan—Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Chief Clerk, on behalf of Children&Youth Services,presented to the Board for their consideration and approval, a purchase of service agreement with Hickton& Stein Law Group,LLC to represent Children &Youth Services in Juvenile Court for dependency cases for the period of May 1, 2023 through June 30, 2024. Services will be billed at$375/hour. No additional county funds are required. Moved by Mr. Maggi; seconded by Mrs. Vaughan, approving a service agreement with Hickton& Stein Law Group,LLC to represent Children&Youth Services in Juvenile Court from May 1, 2023 through June 30, 2024, for$375/hour. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Sherman—Yes;Mr. Maggi—Yes;Mrs. Vaughan—Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Chief Clerk, on behalf of Children&Youth Services,presented to the Board for their consideration and approval, a purchase of service agreement with Pollock Begg to represent Children&Youth Services in Juvenile Court for dependency cases for the period of May 1, 2023 through June 30, 2024. Services will be billed at$250/hour. No additional county funds are required. Moved by Mr. Maggi; seconded by Mrs. Vaughan, approving a service agreement with Pollock Begg to represent Children&Youth Services in Juvenile Court from May 1, 2023 through June 30, 2024, for$250/hour. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Sherman—Yes;Mr. Maggi—Yes;Mrs. Vaughan—Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Chief Clerk, on behalf of Children&Youth Services,presented to the Board for their consideration and approval, a purchase of service agreement with Tibbott&Richardson to represent Children&Youth Services in Juvenile Court for dependency cases for the period of June 1, 2023 through June 30, 2024. Services will be billed at$375/hour for attorneys and$165/hour for support staff. No additional county funds are required. Moved by Mr. Maggi; seconded by Mrs. Vaughan, approving a service agreement with Tibbott& Richardson to represent Children&Youth Services in Juvenile Court from June 1, 2023 through June 30, 2024, for$375/hour for attorneys and $165/hour for support staff. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Sherman—Yes;Mr. Maggi—Yes;Mrs.Vaughan—Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Chief Clerk, on behalf of Children&Youth Services,presented to the Board for their consideration and approval,provider agreements for the period June 1, 2023 through June 30, 2024 for a total of$175,000. No additional county funds are required. Moved by Mr. Maggi; seconded by Mrs.Vaughan, approving provider agreements for June 1, 2023 through June 30, 2024, for a total of$175,000. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Sherman—Yes;Mr. Maggi—Yes;Mrs. Vaughan—Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Chief Clerk, on behalf of Children&Youth Services,presented to the Board for their consideration and approval, a provider agreement with Plummer Youth Promise for training, coaching, and consultation services for the period of June 1, 2023 through June 30, 2025. The contract authorization amount is $150,000. No additional county funds are required. Moved by Mr. Maggi; seconded by Mrs. Vaughan, approving a provider agreement with Plummer Youth Promise for June 1, 2023 through June 30, 2025 in the amount of$150,000. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Sherman—Yes;Mr. Maggi—Yes;Mrs.Vaughan—Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Chief Clerk, on behalf of Children&Youth Services,presented to the Board for their consideration and approval,provider agreement addendums for a total increase of$929,000 for the period July 1, 2022 through June 30, 2023. No additional county funds are required. Moved by Mr. Maggi; seconded by Mrs. Vaughan, approving provider agreement addendums for a total increase of$929,000 for July 1, 2022 through June 30, 2023. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Sherman—Yes;Mr. Maggi—Yes;Mrs.Vaughan—Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Chief Clerk, on behalf of Behavioral Health and Developmental Services (BHDS),presented to the Board for their consideration and approval,provider agreements for a total of$2,864,960 for the period July 1, 2023 through June 30,2024. No additional county funds are required. Moved by Mr. Maggi; seconded by Mrs. Vaughan, approving provider agreements for a total of $2,864,960 for July 1, 2023 through June 30, 2024. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Sherman—Yes;Mr. Maggi—Yes;Mrs. Vaughan—Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Chief Clerk, on behalf of Aging Services,presented to the Board for their consideration and approval, a grant agreement with the Pennsylvania Department of Aging for a capital assistance grant to replace the flooring at the Canonsburg Senior Center. The grant amount is $28,000. No county match is required. Moved by Mr. Maggi; seconded by Mrs.Vaughan, approving a grant agreement with Pennsylvania Department of Aging for flooring at the Canonsburg Senior Center in the amount of$28,000. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Sherman—Yes;Mr. Maggi—Yes;Mrs. Vaughan—Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Chief Clerk, on behalf of Human Services,presented to the Board for their consideration and approval, a provider agreement with Donnelly-Boland&Associates to provide administrative and supervisory support services for the period of July 1, 2023 through June 30, 2024. The contract authorization amount is $208,964. No additional county funds are required. Moved by Mr. Maggi; seconded by Mrs. Vaughan, approving a provider agreement with Donnelly- Boland&Associates for administrative and supervisory support services from July 1, 2023 through June 30, 2024,in the amount of$208,964. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Sherman—Yes;Mr. Maggi—Yes;Mrs.Vaughan—Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Chief Clerk, on behalf of Human Services,presented to the Board for their consideration and approval, a master grant agreement with the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) to provide housing and supportive services to homeless individuals and families in the amount of $1,779,771.The contract is for the period of May 1, 2023 through June 30, 2024. No additional county funds are required. Moved by Mr. Maggi; seconded by Mrs. Vaughan, approving a master grant agreement with the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) for housing and supportive services to homeless individuals from May 1, 2023 through June 30, 2024,in the amount of$1,779,771. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Sherman—Yes;Mr. Maggi—Yes;Mrs. Vaughan—Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Chief Clerk, on behalf of Human Services,presented to the Board for their consideration and approval,agreements in the amount of$1,719,365 for housing and supportive services to homeless individuals and families. The contracts are for the period of May 1, 2023 through June 30, 2024. No additional county funds are required. Moved by Mr. Maggi; seconded by Mrs. Vaughan, approving housing and supportive service agreements from May 1, 2023 through June 30, 2024,in the amount of$1,719,365. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Sherman—Yes;Mr. Maggi—Yes;Mrs. Vaughan—Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Chief Clerk, on behalf of Human Services,presented to the Board for their consideration and approval, agreements with HSDF service providers for a total of$59,000 for the period of July 1, 2023 through June 30, 2024. No county funds are required. Moved by Mr. Maggi; seconded by Mrs.Vaughan, approving service provider agreements from July 1, 2023 through June 30,2024,in the amount of$59,000. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Sherman—Yes;Mr. Maggi—Yes;Mrs. Vaughan—Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Chief Clerk, on behalf of Human Services,presented to the Board for their consideration and approval, an addendum with Blueprints to administer the Pennsylvania State Emergency Rental Assistance Program (ERAP) grant to provide rental and utility assistance for the period of July 1, 2022 through September 30, 2025. The contract authorization amount will be increased by$236,000 to $6,700,909.05. No county funds are required. Moved by Mr. Maggi; seconded by Mrs. Vaughan, approving an addendum with Blueprints to administer the Pennsylvania State Emergency Rental Assistance Program (ERAP) grant from July 1, 2022 through September 30, 2025, for an increased authorization amount of$236,000 to $6,700,909.05. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Sherman—Yes;Mr. Maggi—Yes;Mrs. Vaughan—Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Chief Clerk, on behalf of Children&Youth Services,presented to the Board for their consideration and approval, a purchase of service agreement with Guardian ad Litems Jessica Roberts, Esq.,Benita Thompson, Esq., and Erin Dickerson, Esq., for the provision of legal service/counsel to children involved with the CYS agency.The agreement will run from July 1, 2023 through June 30, 2024 and the contractors will be paid at a monthly rate of$5,500/attorney. No additional county funds are required. Moved by Mr. Maggi; seconded by Mrs.Vaughan, approving a purchase of service agreement with Guardian ad Litems Jessica Roberts,Esq.,Benita Thompson, Esq., and Erin Dickerson, Esq., for legal services to children involved with CYS at the rate of$5,500/month/attorney. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Sherman—Yes;Mr. Maggi—Yes;Mrs. Vaughan—Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Chief Clerk, on behalf of Children&Youth Services,presented to the Board for their consideration and approval, a purchase of service agreement with Guardian ad Litems Christina DeMarco-Breeden, Esq. and Carrie O'Connell, Esq. for the provision of legal service/counsel to children involved with the CYS agency. The agreement will run from July 1, 2023 through June 30, 2024, and the contractors will be paid at a monthly rate of$4,166.66/attorney. No additional county funds are required. Moved by Mr. Maggi; seconded by Mrs. Vaughan, approving a purchase of service agreement with Guardian ad Litems Christina DeMarco-Breeden, Esq., and Carrie O'Connell, Esq., for legal services to children involved with CYS at a rate of$4,166.66/month/attorney. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Sherman—Yes;Mr. Maggi—Yes;Mrs. Vaughan—Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Chief Clerk, on behalf of Purchasing and Elections/Voter Registration,presented to the Board for their consideration and approval,invoices from Election Systems & Software (ES&S) totaling$60,325 for the 2023 Primary Election support and the cost will be paid from their operating budget. Moved by Mr. Maggi; seconded by Mrs. Vaughan, approving invoices from Election Systems & Software (ES&S) for 2023 Primary Elections support in the amount of$60,325. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Sherman—Yes;Mr. Maggi—Yes;Mrs. Vaughan—Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Chief Clerk, on behalf of Purchasing and Buildings & Grounds, presented to the Board for their consideration and approval,proposals for a climate control system in the Caldwell Building. Moved by Mr. Maggi; seconded by Mrs. Vaughan, approving climate control system proposals for the Caldwell Building. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Sherman—Yes;Mr. Maggi—Yes;Mrs. Vaughan—Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Chief Clerk, on behalf of Purchasing and Children&Youth Services,presented to the Board for their consideration and approval, the advertising for proposals for the previously approved services. • Parenting Inside-Out • Drug&Alcohol Specialist • Domestic Violence Specialist Moved by Mr. Maggi; seconded by Mrs. Vaughan, approving the advertising of proposals for previously approved services. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Sherman—Yes;Mr. Maggi—Yes;Mrs. Vaughan—Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Chief Clerk, on behalf of Purchasing and Aging Services,presented to the Board for their consideration and approval,respectfully requests the Commissioners approve the advertising for proposals for flooring at the Canonsburg Senior Center. Moved by Mr. Maggi; seconded by Mrs. Vaughan, approving the advertising of proposals for flooring at the Canonsburg Senior Center. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Sherman—Yes;Mr. Maggi—Yes;Mrs. Vaughan—Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Chief Clerk, on behalf of Purchasing and Corrections,presented to the Board for their consideration and approval,the advertising for proposals for flooring for the Correctional Facility's Processing Area. Moved by Mr. Maggi; seconded by Mrs.Vaughan, approving the advertising of proposals for flooring at the Correctional Facility's Processing Area. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Sherman—Yes;Mr. Maggi—Yes;Mrs.Vaughan—Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Chief Clerk, on behalf of Purchasing and Planning,presented to the Board for their consideration and approval, the advertising for proposals for surveying services on farms applying for agricultural conservation easement purchases. Moved by Mr. Maggi; seconded by Mrs. Vaughan, approving the advertising of proposals for surveying services for agricultural conservation easement purchases. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Sherman—Yes;Mr. Maggi—Yes;Mrs. Vaughan—Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Chief Clerk, on behalf of Purchasing,presented to the Board for their consideration and approval, the advertising for proposals for providing printing and mailing of real estate tax notices for the Washington County Treasurer's Office. Moved by Mr. Maggi; seconded by Mrs. Vaughan, approving the advertising of proposals for real estate tax notice printing and mailing services for the Washington County Treasurer's Office. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Sherman—Yes;Mr. Maggi—Yes;Mrs. Vaughan—Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Chief Clerk, on behalf of Purchasing and Information Technology,presented to the Board for their consideration and approval,a service renewal agreement with Kronos in the amount of$46,799.25 for maintenance to cover software updates and support services.This agreement will be effective June 30, 2023 through June 29, 2024, and will be charged to their budget. Moved by Mr. Maggi; seconded by Mrs. Vaughan, approving a service renewal agreement with Kronos in the amount of$46,799.25. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Sherman—Yes;Mr. Maggi—Yes;Mrs. Vaughan—Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Chief Clerk, on behalf of Purchasing and Corrections,presented to the Board for their consideration and approval, a professional services agreement with Language Solutions Team for sign language/hearing impaired services at a rate of$225/week, plus mileage and parking for a three- (3) hour visit. This agreement will be effective May 31, 2023 and will be utilized on an as-needed basis. The total cost will be charged to their budget. Note: This agreement is contingent upon the Prison Board's approval. Moved by Mr. Maggi; seconded by Mrs. Vaughan, approving a services agreement with Language Solutions Team for as-needed sign language service beginning May 31, 2023 for a three-hour rate of $225/week,plus mileage and parking. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Sherman—Yes;Mr. Maggi—Yes;Mrs. Vaughan—Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Chief Clerk, on behalf of Purchasing and Corrections,presented to the Board for their consideration and approval,an addendum to the agreement with Keefe Supply Company for commissary services.This agreement will be effective from the date of the agreement through December 31, 2026,with a one-time payment of$45,000 and agreed-upon terms and conditions. Note: This agreement is contingent upon the Prison Board's approval. Moved by Mr. Maggi; seconded by Mrs.Vaughan, approving an addendum with Keefe Supply Company for commissary services through December 31, 2026 for a one-time payment of$45,000. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Sherman—Yes;Mr. Maggi—Yes;Mrs.Vaughan—Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Chief Clerk, on behalf of Purchasing and Buildings & Grounds,presented to the Board for their consideration and approval,the 2023-2024 price list with Cintas Corporation for the rental of floor mats and uniforms. This agreement will be effective from the date of the agreement through December 2024, under the original agreement's terms and conditions. Moved by Mr. Maggi; seconded by Mrs. Vaughan, approving Cintas Corporation's 2023-2024 price list for the rental of floor mats and uniforms, effective through December 2024. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Sherman—Yes;Mr. Maggi—Yes;Mrs. Vaughan—Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Chief Clerk, on behalf of Purchasing and Public Safety,presented to the Board for their consideration and approval, an agreement with the Borough of Marianna for the purpose of placing public safety equipment, a shelter, and an antenna structure at their borough facility.The total cost is $1/year due on January 1 st of each year and will be paid from Public Safety's operating budget. This agreement will be effective from the date of the agreement and shall continue year-to-year for a period of 99 years. Moved by Mr. Maggi; seconded by Mrs. Vaughan, approving an agreement with the Borough of Marianna for equipment storage at their borough facility for a total cost of$1/year for a period of 99 years. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Sherman—Yes;Mr. Maggi—Yes;Mrs. Vaughan—Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Chief Clerk, on behalf of Purchasing and Public Safety,presented to the Board for their consideration and approval, an agreement with Consol Pennsylvania Coal Company,LLC for the purpose of placing public safety equipment, a shelter, and a VHF/UHF antenna structure on their property located in Morris Township.The total cost is $1/year due on January 1 st of each year and will be paid from Public Safety's operating budget.This agreement will be effective from the date of the agreement and shall continue year-to-year for a period of 20 years. Moved by Mr. Maggi; seconded by Mrs. Vaughan, approving an agreement with Consol Pennsylvania Coal Company,LLC for equipment storage on their property in Morris Township for a total cost of$1/year for a period of 20 years. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Sherman—Yes;Mr. Maggi—Yes;Mrs. Vaughan—Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Chief Clerk, on behalf of Purchasing and Public Safety,presented to the Board for their consideration and approval, a Facilities Services Agreement with Penn West University for the purpose of hosting DHS/FEMA Courses and Trainings. This agreement will be effective July 1, 2023 through June 30, 2024. There will be no cost to the county. Moved by Mr. Maggi; seconded by Mrs. Vaughan, approving a Facilities Services Agreement with Penn West University for hosting trainings for the period of July 1, 2023 through June 30, 2024. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Sherman—Yes;Mr. Maggi—Yes;Mrs. Vaughan—Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Chief Clerk, on behalf of Purchasing and Public Safety,presented to the Board for their consideration and approval, an agreement with Security Systems of America for the purpose of providing installation and fire monitoring services for eight (8) campus locations. This contract will be effective on the date of installation for a period of 48 months and shall automatically renew on a month-to-month basis unless a written notice is provided 30 days prior to the expiration of any term. The total cost will be $399.92/month and $3,757 for 5G installation and labor. Funding will come from their operating budget. Moved by Mr. Maggi; seconded by Mrs. Vaughan, approving an agreement with Security Systems of America for installation and fire monitoring services for a cost of$399.92/month and$3,757 for 5G installation and labor. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Sherman—Yes;Mr. Maggi—Yes;Mrs.Vaughan—Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Chief Clerk, on behalf of Purchasing and Adult Probation,presented to the Board for their consideration and approval, an addendum to the agreement with Microgenics Corporation/Fisher Scientific for Tramadol testing at the submitted unit costs.This agreement shall remain in full force and effect through December 31, 2023. Moved by Mr. Maggi; seconded by Mrs.Vaughan, approving an addendum to the agreement with Microgenics Corporation/Fisher Scientific for Tramadol testing at the submitted unit costs, effective through December 31, 2023. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Sherman—Yes;Mr. Maggi—Yes;Mrs. Vaughan—Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Chief Clerk, on behalf of Purchasing and Information Technology,presented to the Board for their consideration and approval, the yearly renewal with CDW-G, Inc. for the Ninja Bitdefender Gravityzone, including a storage and data protection workstation,remote management tool, and endpoint protection (virus protection). The total cost is $48,226.46 and will be charged to their operating budget. Moved by Mr. Maggi; seconded by Mrs. Vaughan, approving yearly renewal with CDW-G, Inc., for storage and data protection management for a total cost of$48,226.46. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Sherman—Yes;Mr. Maggi—Yes;Mrs. Vaughan—Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Chief Clerk, on behalf of Purchasing and Information Technology,presented to the Board for their consideration and approval,the renewal of VMWare software support with the AEC Group. The total cost will be $17,102.67 and will be paid from their operating budget. Moved by Mr. Maggi; seconded by Mrs. Vaughan, approving renewal of VMWare software support with AEC Group for a total cost of$17,102.67. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Sherman—Yes;Mr. Maggi—Yes;Mrs. Vaughan—Yes. Motion carried unanimously. ANNOUNCEMENTS An Executive Session was held at 10 a.m. on Wednesday,June 21, 2023, following the agenda meeting to discuss personnel and litigation. The regularly scheduled Salary Board meeting will be immediately following today's meeting.All county offices will be closed on Tuesday,July 4, 2023,in observance of Independence Day. SOLICITOR Solicitor Grimm presented to the Board for their consideration and approval of tax refunds in the amount of$6,670.93. RFD CYCLE E 6/22/2023 Year Amount Name Address City State zip District Parcel Index 2017 $13.86 LIPINSKI 1055 MCGUFFEY RD W ALEXANDER PA 15376 WEST FINLEY 680-012-00-00- TIMOTHY J 0007-04 2018 $13.58 LIPINSKI 1055 MCGUFFEY RD W ALEXANDER PA 15376 WEST FINLEY 680-012-00-00- TIMOTHY J 0007-04 RFD CYCLE E 6/22/2023 2019 $13.58 LIPINSKI 1055 MCGUFFEY RD W ALEXANDER PA 15376 WEST FINLEY 680-012-00-00- TIMOTHY J 0007-04 2020 $13.58 LIPINSKI 1055 MCGUFFEY RD W ALEXANDER PA 15376 WEST FINLEY 680-012-00-00- TIMOTHY J 0007-04 2021 $13.59 LIPINSKI 1055 MCGUFFEY RD W ALEXANDER PA 15376 WEST FINLEY 680-012-00-00- TIMOTHY J 0007-04 ■ 2022 $5,515.62 THREE HUNDRED 181 S FRANKLIN AVE VALLEY STREAM NY 11581 CECIL 140-015-00-00- WOODCLIFF LLC STE 302 0011-32 2022 $13.59 LIPINSKI 1055 MCGUFFEY RD W ALEXANDER PA 15376 WEST FINLEY 680-012-00-00- TIMOTHY J 0007-04 BALDAUF 344 HACKNEY 020-027-00-00- 2023 $21.43 BRADLEY& STATION RD AMITY PA 15311 AMWELL 0004-04 CANDACE EFAW BRENDA J 479 SMITH RUN 020-022-00-00- 2023 $61.21 &CURTIS K ROAD AMITY PA 15311 AMWELL 0016-01 2023 $61.92 ANDREWS LAUNA 547 UNION ST CALIFORNIA PA 15419 CALIFORNIA 080-020-00-09- 0003-00 2023 $55.72 CRAIG CAROL 545 UNION ST CALIFORNIA PA 15419 CALIFORNIA 080-010-00-03- LOMBARDO 0008-00 2023 $28.34 TUROSIK FRANK 157 HILLCREST DR CALIFORNIA PA 154 CALIFORNIA 080-021-00-01- &ASHLEY 0012-00 BUNGARD 792 LYNN PORTAL 120-001-00-00- 2023 $38.82 ALEXANDER& RD WASHINGTON PA 15301 CANTON 0009-02 JAMES&JOHN E DANA A WILSON 770 LYNN PORTAL 120-013-02-00- 2023 $26.49 LLC ROAD WASHINGTON PA 15301 CANTON 0026-00 INSANA 140-011-01-01- 2023 $8.09 BRANDON A& 109 HENDERSON DR CANONSBURG PA 15317 CECIL 0006-00 KRISTINA L 2023 $20.71 SHEEHAN 65 SOUTHVIEW RD MCDONALD PA 15057 CECIL 140-003-00-00- ANDREW H 0016-00 2023 $18.95 WELSH RACHEL 568 PARKER RD BURGETTSTOWN PA 15021 CROSS CREEK 210-005-00-00- W 0012-13 ASHTON JOHN 2023 $16.67 HOWARD 943 BEBOUT RD VENETIA PA 15367 PETERS 540-007-05-02- REVOCABLE TOWNSHIP 0001-01 TRUST 2023 $378.64 RUFFOLO PAUL R 103 SUGARWOOD DR VENETIA PA 15367 PETERS 540-005-12-00- &MELISSA L TOWNSHIP 0025-00 ALOE FAMILY 1009 BEAVER GRADE 550-020-00-00- 2023 $29.52 1994 LDT PART RD STE 210 CORAOPOLIS PA 15108 ROBINSON 0002-13 ■ CHRIS CONNOR N MONROE ADMIN 550-010-00-00- 2023 $36.20 FARMS LLC C/O SERV LLC,STE 5000, CHICAGO IL 60606 ROBINSON 0008-02 FRANKLI 227 W MONROE ST DUDENHOEFFER 14367 S MOSIERTOWN 550-013-00-00- 2023 $4.04 AMBER& RD MEADVILLE PA 16335 ROBINSON 0018-00 HAROLD A PARK DONNA 550-013-01-00- 2023 $4.53 FORD&JAMES 636 CITY VIEW AVE AVALON PA 15202 ROBINSON 0014-00 THOMAS JR 2023 $4.37 SMITH 1055 ROBINSON HWY MCDONALD PA 15057 ROBINSON 550-017-01-00- CHRISSANDRA L 0009-00 RFD CYCLE E 6/22/2023 2023 $200.72 WASHINGTON 1447 ROBINSON HWY MCDONALD PA 15057 ROBINSON 550-013-00-00- LINDA 0013-00 2023 $32.62 GRICE BLAKE C 201 DEERFIELD WASHINGTON PA 15301 SOUTH 590-004-00-00- FRANKLIN 0003-17 2023 $8.81 WILLIAMS SCOTT 6 CARDOX RD FINLEYVILLE PA 15332 UNION 640-002-00-00- A&DIANA LYNN 0025-00 HINES ADA L& 265 FISHER HOLLOW WEST 660-023-00-00- 2023 $2.15 JAMES L DURILA RD AMITY PA 15311 BETHLEHEM 0010-00 JR 2023 $13.58 LIPINSKI 1055 MCGUFFEY RD W ALEXANDER PA 15376 WEST FINLEY 680-012-00-00- TIMOTHY J 0007-04 TOTAL $6,670.93 Moved by Mr. Maggi; seconded by Mrs. Vaughan, approving the above tax refunds. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Sherman—Yes;Mr. Maggi—Yes;Mrs. Vaughan—Yes. Motion carried unanimously. There being no further business, Chairman Vaughan declared the meeting adjourned at approximately 3 p.m. THE FOREGOING MINUTES WERE SUBMITTED FOR APPROVAL: , 2023 ATTEST: CHIEF CLERK