HomeMy WebLinkAbout2023-08-16_Prison Board Agenda WASHINGTON COUNTY PRISON BOARD AGENDA Wednesday, August 16, 2023 I. Invocation II. Approval of Minute PB 6-21-23 dated June 21, 2023 III. Approval of Minute PG 7-19-23 dated July 19, 2023 IV. Public Comment V. Warden's Report VI. Bills VII. Old Business VIII. New Business IX. Adjourn Meeting D. Vaughan J. McCune N. Sherman J. Grimm L. Maggi C. Griffin President Judge DiSalle A. Johnston A. Andronas J. Fewell J. Walsh A. Sloane Minute No. PB 6-21-23 June 21, 2023 The meeting of the Washington County Prison Board was held in Suite G-17 of Crossroads Center, 95 West Beau Street, Washington, Pennsylvania,with the following members being present: Commissioners Diana Irey Vaughan, Larry Maggi, and Nick Sherman (via phone); Sheriff Anthony Andronas; District Attorney Jason Walsh and Controller April Sloane. Also present were: Chief of Staff Mike Namie; Solicitor Jana Grimm; Human Resources Assistant Director Andrea Johnston; Finance Director Josh Hatfield; Warden Jeffrey Fewell; Chief Clerk Cindy Griffin; Human Services Director Kim Rogers; Chief Deputy Sheriff Anthony Mosco; Court Administrator, Patrick Grimm; Executive Assistants Marie Trossman, Randi Marodi and Patrick Geho; Correctional Facility Representatives Jackie Cisko and Chaplin Mike Pierson; and concerned citizens Jim McCune, Anne K. Shaner and Susan Petritis. Mrs. Vaughan called the meeting to order at approximately 11:00 a.m., and Correctional Facility Chaplain Mike Pierson led the meeting with an invocation. Mrs. Vaughan entertained a motion to approve Minute No. PB 5-17-23 dated May 17, 2023. It was moved by Mr. Maggi and seconded by Ms. Sloane to approve Minute No. PB 5-17-23 dated May 17, 2023. The motion was carried unanimously with the Board signifying their approval by stating 'Aye". PUBLIC COMMENT Reverend Susan Petritis, wife of inmate, spoke about the need for a Frequently Asked Questions page on the Correctional Facility's website; asked there be a designated need for health matters for family members, medically necessary shoes, a doctor's visit, medical accommodations, in-person visitation from his pastor to receive communion. Ms. Anne Shaner then commented on the topic of juvenile placements by the facility and stated her support for the County to look into finding a way for incarcerated youths to maintain family relationships in a more meaningful way. BOARD'S RESPONSE Mrs. Vaughan confirmed the items Rev. Petritis requested: an FAQ section on the website, designated need for health matters for family members, medical shoes, a doctor's visit, medical accommodations, an in-person visitation from his pastor to receive communion. WARDEN'S REPORT Income from Other Units for the Maintenance of Inmates for June 2023 Administrative Fee $14,462.30 Social Security $1,400.00 Tylenol $0.00 Monthly sub-total $15,862.30 Year-to-date grand total $84,400.15 Program Fees and Room and Board Income for June 2023 Billed Collected Work Release Inmates -0- -0- Weekend Inmates -0- -0- Monthly sub-total -0- -0- Year-to-date grand total -0- -0- Status of Inmates Confined at the End of June 2023 Male Female Total Full-time Inmates 52 9 61 Work Release Inmates 0 0 0 Weekend Inmates 0 0 0 Male Female Total Inmates Awaiting Trial and/or Sentencing 202 48 250 Total Inmates 254 57 311 Examinations Performed by the Physician 95 New Commitments 129 Dental Extractions 12 Medical Transports Performed by the Sheriff 15 Contracted Housing Fee/Month $15,087.00 Yearly Total $30,504.40 Warden Fewell began by recognizing Officer Chelsey Fine as employee of the month for the month of June. Warden Fewell publicly congratulated her for her service and noted that Officer Fine was not present as she was working. Warden Fewell notified the Board the Pennsylvania Department of Corrections will conduct its annual audit of the Corrections Facility in accordance with Pennsylvania Title 37 Chapter 95, on July 12, 2023. Reports to follow. Warden Fewell notified the Board the American Correctional Association's Congress of Corrections will be hosted in Philadelphia, August 10-13, 2023. Building Engineer Paul Krajacic and Major David Coddington plan to attend. Warden Fewell notified the Board the American Correctional Association's Congress of Corrections will be hosted in Philadelphia, August 10-13, 2023. Building Engineer Paul Krajacic and Major David Coddington plan to attend. Warden Fewell notified the Board that Kitchen Manager Georgia Dovshek was selected by the Pennsylvania Prison Society as their Correctional Employee of the Year for 2023. She will be honored in a ceremony this September in Philadelphia. Warden Fewell notified the Board the National PREA Resource Center, Washington, D.C. will send 10-15 auditors to conduct mock PREA audits of this facility October 22-26, 2023. Warden Fewell updated the Board about the retention and recruiting negotiations with the union and how they are going well and he his hopeful the outcome will be beneficial to all. Warden Fewell respectfully requested the Prison Board approve the Correctional Facility Ductwork Covering Repair project, including a new coverboard, EPDM on top and sides of duct work, with associated flashings and trims. The proposed vendor is R.A.M.E. Inc., Washington, PA, and the total project cost is $72,000, including labor, material, and equipment. The work will be done under the roof repair services contract currently in place with R.A.M.E. Inc., and therefore does not require bidding. The cost of this project will be paid through Act 13 funding. Note: The work for the Correctional Facility is contingent upon approval at the Board of Commissioners meeting held June 22, 2023, Minute No. 1170. Warden Fewell respectfully requested the Prison Board approve the advertising for proposals for flooring for the Correctional Facility's Processing Area. Warden Fewell respectfully requested the Prison Board approve a professional services agreement with Language Solutions Team, Pittsburgh, PA, for sign language/hearing impaired services at a rate of $225/week,plus mileage and parking for a three (3)hour visit. This agreement will be effective May 31, 2023, and will be utilized on an as-needed basis. The total cost will be charged to their budget. Note: The agreement is contingent upon approval at the Board of Commissioners meeting held June 22, 2023, Minute No. 1170. Warden Fewell respectfully requested the Prison Board approve an addendum to the agreement with Keefe Supply Company for commissary services. This agreement will be effective from the date of the agreement through December 31, 2026, with a one-time payment of$45,000 and agreed-upon terms and conditions. Note: The agreement is contingent upon approval at the Board of Commissioners meeting held June 22, 2023, Minute No. 1170. Warden Fewell respectfully requested to amend his report to include a request for the Prison Board to hire the following Recruits: Thomas Donahoo Kevin Glasure Dominick Valentine It was moved by Mr. Maggi and seconded by Ms. Sloane to accept the Warden's report as presented. The motion was carried unanimously with the Board signifying their approval by stating "Aye." BILLS Ms. Sloane presented to the Board for their consideration and approval of the bills dated June 21, 2023, in the amount of$403,688.10. It was moved by Ms. Sloane and seconded by Mr. Maggi, approving the bills dated June 21, 2023. The motion was carried unanimously with the Board signifying their approval by stating "Aye." (See the list of bills attached hereto and made a part hereof.) OLD BUSINESS None. NEW BUSINESS None. Warden Fewell presented shadow boxes to retiring Chief of Staff Mike Namie and Finance Director Josh Hatfield and retiring Human Services Director Kim Rogers in recognition in appreciation of all they have done for the county. There being no further business, Mrs. Vaughan declared the meeting adjourned at approximately 11:27 a.m. THE FOREGOING MINUTES SUBMITTED FOR APPROVAL: 2023 ATTEST: SECRETARY Minute No. PB 7-19-23 July 19, 2023 The meeting of the Washington County Prison Board was held in Suite G-17 of Crossroads Center, 95 West Beau Street, Washington, Pennsylvania,with the following members being present: Commissioners Diana Irey Vaughan and Nick Sherman; President Judge DiSalle; Sheriff Anthony Andronas; District Attorney Jason Walsh and Controller April Sloane (via phone) and Heather Sheatler, Deputy Controller. Also present were: Chief of Staff Jim McCune; Solicitor Jana Grimm; Human Resources Assistant Director Andrea Johnston; Warden Jeffrey Fewell; Chief Clerk Cindy Griffin; Human Services Deputy Director Jason Bercini; Chief Deputy Sheriff Anthony Mosco; Court Administrator, Patrick Grimm; Executive Assistants Marie Trossman and Patrick Geho; Correctional Facility Representative Chris Cain and Chaplin Mike Pierson; and Adult Probation Representative, Stacey Stapleton. Mrs. Vaughan called the meeting to order at approximately 11:05 a.m. and Correctional Facility Chaplain Mike Pierson led the meeting with an invocation. Mrs. Vaughan entertained a motion to approve Minute No. PB 6-21-23 dated June 21, 2023, adding that the record would need to be amended to say that Warden Fewell, not Gerald Coleman presented shadow boxes to retiring board members. The motion did not receive a second. It was moved by Ms. Sloane and seconded by Mr. Sherman to hold Minute No. PB 6-21-23 dated June 21, 2023 in abeyance. The motion was carried unanimously with the Board signifying their approval by stating "Aye." Judge DiSalle abstained, as he was not present at the June meeting. PUBLIC COMMENT None. BOARD'S RESPONSE None. WARDEN'S REPORT Income from Other Units for the Maintenance of Inmates for July 2023 Administrative Fee $14,027.30 Social Security $800.00 Tylenol $0.00 Monthly sub-total $14,827.30 Year-to-date grand total $99,227.45 Program Fees and Room and Board Income for June 2023 Billed Collected Work Release Inmates -0- -0- Weekend Inmates -0- -0- Monthly sub-total -0- -0- Year-to-date grand total -0- -0- Status of Inmates Confined at the End of June 2023 Male Female Total Full-time Inmates 56 5 61 Work Release Inmates 0 0 0 Weekend Inmates 0 0 0 Male Female Total Inmates Awaiting Trial and/or Sentencing 195 51 246 Totallnmates 251 56 307 Examinations Performed by the Physician 179 New Commitments 133 Dental Extractions 20 Medical Transports Performed by the Sheriff 21 Contracted Housing Fee/Month $5,550.00 Yearly Total $36,504.40 Warden Fewell began by recognizing Officer Elizabeth Doyle as employee of the month for the month of June. Warden Fewell publically congratulated her for her service and noted that Officer Doyle was not present as she was working. Warden Fewell notified the Board the Pennsylvania Department of Corrections has conduct its annual audit of the Corrections Facility in accordance with Pennsylvania Title 37 Chapter 95, on July 12, 2023. Report to follow. Expecting a report with 30 days to comply with an action plan. If the action plan is approved, county will be exempt until 2025. Warden Fewell notified the Board the American Correctional Association's Congress of Corrections will be hosted in Philadelphia, August 10-13, 2023. Building Engineer Paul Krajacic and Major David Coddington plan to attend. Warden Fewell notified the Board that Kitchen Manager Georgia Dovshek was selected by the Pennsylvania Prison Society as their Correctional Employee of the Year for 2023. She will be honored in a ceremony this September in Philadelphia. Warden Fewell notified the Board the National PREA Resource Center, Washington, D.C. will send 10-15 auditors to conduct mock PREA audits of this facility October 22-26, 2023. Expected to give the County an extensive view of what can be done to become 100% PREA compliant. Warden Fewell updated the Board on the 2023 budget, stating that it was 3% over budget with current expenditures of$165,169.66 for juvenile housing and having a budgeted amount of$46.655.41 under line item 428. This is due to the increasing expense to house juveniles. Warden Fewell informed the Board that his staff and Human Resources are currently processing 340 applications for the position of Corrections Officer in an effort to resolve staffing issues. He noted that starting pay is the biggest issue. Commissioner Vaughan advised him that the Commissioners are getting that same input from every department including Public Safety. Warden Fewell respectfully requested the Prison Board approve travel and per diem expenses for four(4) individuals (Warden Fewell, Deputy Warden Chris Cain, Major David Coddington and Georgia Dovshek)to attend the Pennsylvania Prison Society's Employee of the Year ceremony honoring county employee Georgia Dovshek in Philadelphia on September 27, 2023. Travel will be September 27-28, 2023. Warden Fewell respectfully requested the Prison Board approve a three- (3-) year Renewal Agreement with Guardian RFID, Maple Grove MN, for the provision of software, hardware, support services and web-based software for inmate management, monitoring and tracking. The yearly renewal fee of$3,500/year will be in effect for three years. The yearly fee covers maintenance, software updates, data backup, customer service and technical support and will be paid from the WCCF Operating Budget. Note: This agreement has been reviewed and recommended for approval by Ryan Anderson, Information Technology. Note: The agreement is contingent upon approval at the Board of Commissioners meeting held July 19, 2023, Minute No. 1171. Warden Fewell respectfully requested the Prison Board approve the purchase of Toilet Flush Valves for the Correctional Facility from I-CON Systems, Inc., Oviedo, FL, for the total amount of$56,112.62. This purchase will be funded from Inmate Welfare Funds and is being made from the PA State Contract, therefore it does not require bidding. Note: This is the first of four batches (each batch will fix 40 toilets with a total of 160 toilets) and will provide the inmate population with cell flood prevention. The county's building engineering group will install these valves. Note: The agreement is contingent upon approval at the Board of Commissioners meeting held July 19, 2023, Minute No. 1171. Warden Fewell respectfully requested the Prison Board enter into an agreement with Cambria County for the provision of housing Washington County's juvenile inmates on an as-needed basis as per the contract conditions including, $150/juvenile inmate, per day, $37.83/hour/per officer for transports and medical expenses to be paid from their Operating Budget. Note: The agreement is contingent upon approval at the Board of Commissioners meeting held July 19, 2023, Minute No. 1171. Warden Fewell respectfully requested the Prison Board enter into an agreement with Lawrence County for the provision of housing Washington County's juvenile inmates on an as-needed basis as per the contract conditions including, $800/juvenile inmate, per day, plus transports and medical expenses to be paid from their Operating Budget. Note: The agreement is contingent upon approval at the Board of Commissioners meeting held July 19, 2023, Minute No. 1171. COMMENTS Ms. Sloane asked if the hotel stays were booked through the government employee site. Warden Fewell said they had been. Mrs. Vaughan said she was estimating around$1,000 for gas, food and hotel. Warden Fewell agreed. Mr. Sherman made the motion to accept the Warden's report as presented. Mr. Andronas seconded it. The motion was carried unanimously with the Board signifying their approval by stating "Aye." BILLS Ms. Sloane presented to the Board for their consideration and approval of the bills dated July 19, 2023, in the amount of$255,339.42. A motion was made by Ms. Sloane and seconded by Mr. Sherman, approving the bills dated July 19, 2023. The motion was carried unanimously with the Board signifying their approval by stating "Aye." (See the list of bills attached hereto and made a part hereof.) OLD BUSINESS None. NEW BUSINESS None. There being no further business, Mr. Sherman made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Mrs. Vaughan seconded it at approximately 11:27 a.m. THE FOREGOING MINUTES SUBMITTED FOR APPROVAL: , 2023 ATTEST: SECRETARY Warden's Agenda August 16, 2023 AGENDA A. Employee of the Month recognition B. Stats C. Special Notes D. Proposals for approval SPECIAL NOTES: //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// PROPOSAL #1---Authorize 17 funded part-time C01 positions I, Warden Fewell, respectfully requests the Prison Board approve the following interviewees for the part-time position of COI in the Washington County Correctional Facility: Hailey Bedillion Francisco Berumen William Blakley Kevin Brown Evan Dreucci Robert Lemus Nathaniel Menzer Alexandra Meyer Austin Nardozi Mark Noel Tasha Scott Jacquise Simmons Clifford Smith Levi Thomas Austin Waltz Lydia Warnick Nicolas White The start date for the cadet class will be Monday, September 11, 2023. All above will be scheduled for new hire orientation on Monday, September 18, 2023 starting at 9:00 a.m. in the Human Resources Department, located in the Crossroads Building, Suite 400. OF REPORT////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Washington County Correctional Facility Invoices - August 16, 2023 *A Z Janitorial Services LLC Housekeeping Supplies Bid $ 1,981.33 *Access Information Protected Secure Waste Removal Service $ 154.38 AIS Commercial Parts & Services Contracted Repairs $ 745.60 *American Correctional Association Employee Training $ 260.00 Belfiore's Coffee & Food Service Co. Coffee Bid $ 1,844.64 *Big's Sanitation Inc. Waste Removal $ 820.00 Bimbo's Bakery USA Inc. Bread Bid $ 2,595.34 *CDW-G Computer Hardware $ 842.95 *Columbia Gas of PA Fuel Utility Service $ 3,498.04 *George Junior Republic CYS Contracted Services $ 45,063.00 *Grainger W W Inc. Industrial Commodities Bid $ 1,074.47 *The Hite Company Electrical Supplies $ 283.76 *I-Con Systems Inc. Repairs $ 2,898.80 *Ideal Investigations &Security Group K9 Sweeps $ 400.00 Jack Frye Sales and Service Housekeeping Bid $ 1,510.00 Lawrence County Inmate Holding $ 13,150.00 *Lexis Nexis Law Library $ 150.00 McVehil Plumbing and Heating Plumbing Bid $ 3,157.00 *MSC Industrial Supply Industrial Commodities Bid $ 971.81 *Novacare Outpatient Employment Screening $ 250.00 *Otis Elevator Company Elevator Maintenance $ 18,000.00 *Pennsylvania American Water Water Utility Service $ 8,379.76 Primecare Medical Inc. Contracted Medical Services $ 166,882.42 *Residence Inn Philadelphia Employee Travel $ 1,666.00 *Ricoh USA Inc. Cost Per Copy Bid $ 687.25 Schneider's Dairy Milk Bid $ 3,477.94 *Sprague Operating Resources Liquid Fuels Utility Service $ 2,079.30 *Sysco Pittsburgh LLC COSTARS Food Contract $ 17,344.94 *US Foods Inc. Food Bid $ 22,233.66 *Verizon Wireless Telecommunication Utility $ 160.04 Victory Supply LLC Linen Bid $ 235.60 *W B Mason Co. Inc. Office Supplies Bid $ 29.87 *Washington E Washington Joint Authority Sewage Utility Service $ 14,227.50 *Washington Health System Guard Meals and Employee Training $ 514.00 *Washington Physicians Group Employment Screenings $ 300.00 *West Penn Power Power Utility $ 12,383.25 Total $ 350,252.65 *Paid as required by due date