HomeMy WebLinkAbout2024-01-04_Commissioners' Meeting No_1177_APPROVED 2273 MINUTE BOOK BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLANIA [MR LIMITED E1316649LD Minute No. 1177 January 04, 2024 The Washington County Commissioners met in regular session in Public Meeting Room G-16,in the Crossroads Center at 95 West Beau Street,Washington,Pa.,with the following members in attendance: Commissioners Nick Sherman, Electra Janis and Larry Maggi. Also present were Solicitor Gary Sweat; Chief Clerk Cindy Griffin and Administrative Assistant Debbie Corson;Chief of Staff Daryl Price;Executive Assistants Patrick Geho, and Randi Marodi; Clerk of Courts Ray Phillips;Controller April Sloane;Register of Wills James Roman;Human Resources Assistant Director Andrea Johnston;Financial Analyst Adam Petris; Pastor Linda Mankey,East Buffalo Church;US Army Veteran Jessica Lockett;Dia Hoffrage,Washington County Authority;Michael Pierce,Veteran's Affairs;Jodi Borello,The Center for Coalfield Justice;Mike Jones, Observer-Reporter;and resident Katy Spara. Mr. Sherman called the meeting to order at approximately 2:01 p.m. and announced the meeting was being video and audio live streamed through YouTube and via the Commissioners' Facebook page. Mr. Sherman introduced Pastor Linda Mankey from East Buffalo Church,who led the meeting in prayer. Mr. Maggi introduced US Army veteran Jessica Lockett,who led the meeting with the Pledge of Allegiance. Mr. Sherman entertained a motion to approve Minute No. 1176, dated December 14, 2023. Moved by Ms.Janis; seconded by Mr. Maggi, approving Minute No. 1176, as written. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Maggi—Yes;Ms.Janis —Yes;Mr. Sherman—Yes. Motion carried unanimously. SPECIAL ORDER OF BUSINESS None. RECESS FOR PHOTOS PUBLIC COMMENT The following Washington County residents provided public comment: Jodi Borello from The Center for Coalfield Justice asked if a company named Tenaska had approached Commissioners to discuss the tri-state CCS Oak Grove injection well for carbon capture. COMMISSIONERS'RESPONSES Mr. Sherman responded asking Ms. Borello to make an appointment with his Executive Assistant, as the public meetings do not have a question-and-answer forum. OLD BUSINESS CONTRACT EXTENSION Solicitor Sweat recommended the Board, on behalf of Planning, approve a three-month contract extension with Harshman CE Group for survey services on farms being preserved under the Farmland Preservation Program.The original contract expired January 21, 2023, and a one-year addendum was executed _J to extend the terms of the original contract to January 21,2024. This will extend the contract up to April 21, 2024 allowing for continuity on farms currently going through the easement process.All terms and conditions of the original contract remain in effect. Moved by Ms.Janis, seconded by Mr. Maggi, approving a three-month contract extension with Harshman CE Group, effective through April 21, 2024. .Roll call vote taken: Ms.Janis —Yes;Mr. Maggi—Yes;Mr. Sherman—Yes. Motion carried unanimously. 2274 MINUTE BOOK BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLANIA IMR LIMITED E1316649LD CHANGE ORDER Solicitor Sweat recommended the Board, on behalf of Planning, approve a contract Change Order with Beavers Marine Storage,LLC in the amount of$10,450 for a variance for the ADA accessible access point on the new fishing pier in Cross Creek Park.The increased total contract amount of$987,716 will be paid with Cross Creek Gas Lease Funds. Moved by Ms.Janis, seconded by Mr. Maggi,approving a Change Order with Beavers Marine Storage, LLC in the amount of$10,450. Roll call vote taken: Ms.Janis—Yes;Mr. Maggi—Yes;Mr. Sherman—Yes. Motion carried unanimously. BID AWARD Solicitor Sweat recommended the Board, on behalf of Purchasing and the Correctional Facility, award the bid for milk to Schneider's Dairy Inc.,Pittsburgh,PA,as their submitted bid met with minimum pricing standards established by the Milk Marketing Board. The contract will be effective January 1, 2024 through December 31,2026,with automatic year-to-year renewals unless otherwise terminated pursuant to the 30-day written notice termination clause. Moved by Ms.Janis, seconded by Mr. Maggi, awarding the bid for milk to Schneider's Dairy Inc., effective January 1, 2024 through December 31,2026. Roll call vote taken: Ms.Janis—Yes;Mr. Maggi—Yes; Mr. Sherman—Yes. Motion carried unanimously. BID CONTRACT PURCHASE Solicitor Sweat recommended the Board, on behalf of Purchasing and Buildings & Grounds, authorize payment of$65,907 for demo,pipe replacement,inspection,backfill and concrete repair near the Caldwell Building loading dock and entrance. Service will be performed by McVehil Plumbing,Heating&Supply Co., Inc.,Washington PA, our contract of record. Moved by Ms.Janis, seconded by Mr. Maggi, authorizing payment of$65,907 for Caldwell Building repair work performed by McVehil Plumbing,Heating&Supply Co. Roll call vote taken: Ms.Janis—Yes;Mr. Maggi—Yes;Mr. Sherman—Yes. Motion carried unanimously. BID EXTENSIONS Solicitor Sweat recommended the Board, on behalf of Purchasing and Veteran's Affairs, extend the bid contract for Veterans'markers with All Quality Memorial Markers, Smoketown, PA, at an estimated annual cost of$15,000. The contract will be effective March 1,2024 through February 28,2025,under the same contract terms and conditions. Moved by Ms.Janis, seconded by Mr. Maggi, extending the bid contract with All Quality Memorial Markers for$15,000/year, effective March 1,2024 through February 28, 2025. Roll call vote taken: Ms.Janis—Yes;Mr. Maggi—Yes;Mr. Sherman—Yes. Motion carried unanimously. 2275 MINUTE BOOK BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLANIA IMR LIMITED E1316649LD Solicitor Sweat recommended the Board, on behalf of Purchasing, extend the bid contract for provision,installation and repairs of law enforcement radio equipment with Crystal Sounds Systems, McMurray,PA,at the submitted rates for 2024/2025. All other bid conditions remain in full force and effect. This contract will be effective March 1, 2024 through February 28, 2025, under the same contract terms and -�+ conditions. Moved by Ms.Janis, seconded by Mr. Maggi, extending the bid contract with Crystal Sounds Systems, effective March 1, 2024 through February 28, 2025. Roll call vote taken: Ms.Janis —Yes;Mr. Maggi—Yes;Mr. Sherman -Yes. Motion carried unanimously. RFP/BID AUTHORIZATION Solicitor Sweat recommended the Board, on behalf of Purchasing and Buildings & Grounds, authorize the advertising for outdoor equipment repairs and maintenance as the current agreement will expire this Spring. Moved by Ms.Janis, seconded by Mr. Maggi, authorizing the advertising for outdoor equipment repairs and maintenance. Roll call vote taken: Ms.Janis—Yes;Mr. Maggi—Yes;Mr. Sherman—Yes. Motion carried unanimously. 2276 MINUTE BOOK BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLANIA IMR LIMITED E1316649LD NEW BUSINESS Chief Clerk presented to the Board for their consideration and approval, the reappointments of William West, Patrick Geho, and John Rheel to the Tax Assessment Board and the appointment of Bill Iams as the Chair of the Farmland Preservation Board. Moved by Ms.Janis,seconded by Mt. Maggi, approving the board reappointments and Chair appointment. Roll call vote taken: Ms.Janis —Yes;Mr. Maggi—Yes;Mr. Sherman—Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Chief Clerk, on behalf of the Register of Wills,presented to the Board for their consideration and approval,an agreement with Steve Toprani,Esquire to provide solicitor services for the Register of Wills office. The agreement is in the amount of$200/month,is effective January 1,2024, and shall be continuous until terminated by either party. Moved by Ms.Janis, seconded by Mr. Maggi, approving the $200/month agreement with Steve Toprani, Esquire, effective January 1, 2024. Roll call vote taken: Ms.Janis—Yes;Mr. Maggi—Yes;Mr. Sherman—Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Chief Clerk presented to the Board for their consideration and approval, an agreement with Sweat Law Offices as the County solicitor. The agreement is in the amount of$165,000/year,will be effective January 4, 2024, and shall be continuous until terminated by either party. Moved by Ms.Janis, seconded by Mr. Maggi,approving an agreement with Sweat Law Offices in the amount of$165,000/year, effective January 4,2024. Roll call vote taken: Ms.Janis—Yes;Mr. Maggi—Yes;Mr. Sherman—Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Chief Clerk, on behalf of Purchasing and Court Administration,presented to the Board for their consideration and approval, a one-year office cleaning agreement with ARC Human Services for the new MDJ office space at 3000 Park Place Drive,in Washington. This agreement will be effective January 1, 2024 through December 31, 2024, at an estimated cost of$3,900/year or$75/cleaning. Moved by Ms.Janis, seconded by Mr. Maggi, approving an office cleaning agreement with ARC Human Services at an estimated cost of$3,900/year or$75/cleaning,effective January 1,2024 through December 31,2024. Roll call vote taken: Ms.Janis—Yes;Mr. Maggi—Yes;Mr. Sherman—Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Chief Clerk, on behalf of Purchasing and Aging Services,presented to the Board for their consideration and approval, a service agreement with Waste Management for weekly trash removal at the Claysville Senior Center. This agreement will be $233.16/month for the first year,with an 8%fee increase each subsequent year until the term ends on December 31,2028. Moved by Ms.Janis,seconded by Mr. Maggi, approving a service agreement with Waste Management $233.16/month for the first year,with an 8% fee increase each subsequent year, effective through December 31, 2028. Roll call vote taken: Ms.Janis—Yes;Mr. Maggi—Yes;Mr. Sherman—Yes. Motion carried unanimously. 2277 MINUTE BOOK BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLANIA IMR LIMITED E1316649LD Chief Clerk, on behalf of Purchasing and Court Administration,presented to the Board for their consideration and approval,a service agreement with Waste Management weekly trash removal at the MDJ office located at 3000 Park Place Drive,in Washington.This agreement will be $379.27/month for the first year,with an 8% fee increase each subsequent year until the term ends on December 31, 2028. Moved by Ms.Janis, seconded by Mr. Maggi,approving a service agreement with Waste Management $379.27/month for the first year,with an 8% fee increase each subsequent year, effective through December 31, 2028. Roll call vote taken: Ms.Janis—Yes;Mr. Maggi—Yes;Mr. Sherman—Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Chief Clerk, on behalf of Purchasing and Public Safety,presented to the Board for their consideration and approval, a 60-day term extension to the agreement with MRA, Inc. dated December 5, 2019, to prevent a lapse in maintenance coverage on the 911 communication equipment during RFP review.The agreement will be effective January 1,2024 through February 29,2024,and the terms and conditions are the same as the original agreement. Moved by Ms.Janis,seconded by Mr. Maggi, approving a 60-day term extension to the agreement with MRA, Inc., effective January 1,2024 through February 29, 2024. Roll call vote taken: Ms.Janis—Yes;Mr. Maggi—Yes;Mr. Sherman—Yes. Motion carried unanimously. ANNOUNCEMENTS An Executive Session to discuss personnel and litigation was held at 10 a.m. on Wednesday,January 3, 2024, following the Agenda Meeting. The regularly scheduled Salary Board meeting will be immediately following today's adjournment. All county offices will be closed on Monday,January 15, 2024 in observance of Martin Luther King,Jr. Day. SOLICITOR Solicitor Sweat presented to the Board for their consideration and approval tax refunds in the amount of$10,933.98. Moved by Ms.Janis;seconded by Mr. Maggi, approving the above tax refunds. Roll call vote taken: Ms.Janis—Yes;Mr. Maggi—Yes;Mr. Sherman—Yes. Motion carried unannnously. Cycle K Tax Refunds - 1/4/24 - Meeting No 1177 Nan' -4 -C IL State ZIP District Parcel Year Amount Datl�� ti .. - 2023 $175.35 12/7/2023 DENNIS 244 N MAIN HOUSTON PA 115342 CANTON 120-011-07- DEANNA STREET 02-0051-00 PANKIEWICZ 23 CRAVEN 130-011-03- 2023 $150.92 12/7/2023 STANLEY R DR CHARLEROI PA 15022 CARROLL 04-0015-00 2023 $10,479.59 12/7/202 `l 1000 MYLAN 140-015-00- INC BLVD CANONSBURG PA 15317 CECIL 00-0011-22 EBERT JOCELYN 522 CLINTON 340-025-00- 2023 $128.12 12/7/2023 GRECKO& FRANKFURT CLINTON PA 15026 HANOVER 00-0003-02 STEVEN RD MATTH TOTAL $I0,933.98 2278 MINUTE BOOK BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLANIA IMR LIMITED E1316649LD There being no further business,Chairman Sherman declared the meeting adjourned at approximately 2:16 p.m. THE FOREGOING MINUTES WERE SUBMITTED FOR APPROVAL: 2024 0 ATTEST: 74z"'� CHIEF C